Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2143

Fifty thousand cavalry lined up outside the city, all dressed in armor.

This is the most elite cavalry under meiergan, which was polished out in the civil war.

Meier Gan reviewed alone in front, and the meat fan messenger exclaimed: "this is the most powerful army, and they will be invincible!"

Also think of teeth in thinking of the previous Meier dry words, some at a loss.

——You go back, go to Daming and tell the emperor that Haley will stop the invasion of meat fans.

What makes meiergan, who has always wanted to compete with Daming, so weak?

Blocking the charming invasion of meat is only an excuse, and the purpose should be to step on two boats.

Is he worried about the charm of meat?

Also Siya looked at the meat fan messenger with an excited face. She was excited and nervous.

He wanted to marry Yang Wumei, so he was glad to go to Daming again.

But Miao Xi died in Samarkand. He didn\'t know whether he would be involved.

He was melancholy and finally determined.

"I\'ll go to Daming."

"Long live!"

Fifty thousand people shouted loudly, and a bird looking for food was scared and hurried away.

Autumn is high and horse is fat. Everything is slowly strong.


Fangjiazhuang, Tudou and Ping\'an stood on the side, and Zhang Shuhui was behind with worry free.

Xiaobai looked at the thin Fang Zhuan and said, "I\'m still a little thin."

If he didn\'t believe that Fang Jielun wouldn\'t treat Fang Zhuan badly, Xiaobai would want to defend him.

"This is a smoke."

When Fang woke up and saw Ping An frown, he said, "I don\'t care what happens in the future, but I should study now. Don\'t favor one over the other."

Ping An knew that he was talking about himself and hurried out to admit his mistake.

We all know that Fang Zhuan will be his housekeeper in the future, so no one dares to bully him. So they often get together in the Academy. Fang Zhuan also often goes to fetch rice for Ping\'an and do some chores.

Fang Xing didn\'t say it all the time. Putting these forward now is a warning to Ping An.

Seeing that Fang Zhuan was a little frightened, Fang woke up and said with a smile: "you\'re good. Just learn more. I called you today to ask. After the martyrs\' temple is built, your father\'s ashes can go in. What do you think?"

From the beginning of its construction, the martyrs\' temple has been a new thing in Peiping city. Those military families, especially those whose relatives died in the war, have gone to the military headquarters to ask many times.

This is a sacrifice place at the national level. Everyone wants to enter. No, they all want to let the souls of their relatives lean on the memorial tablet and enjoy the sacrifice of national luck.

But the Ministry of war kept silent on this, only saying that there would be arrangements when.

Fang Xing said that Fang San could enter, which was leaked in advance.

Fang Zhuan didn\'t think so much, but subconsciously took a look at Ping An and said, "master, don\'t go..."

Fang woke up, nodded, got up and said, "yes, Fang San is Fang\'s family. Then we\'d better stay together. When I go, we\'ll all be together."

The cemeteries of a large family are also divided into classes, and the immediate owners are naturally in the middle, and those loyal servants can also find a place below or outside after their death, which can be regarded as some form of reunion.

Fang San has only this son left in the world. Fang Xing naturally needs to respect his opinions.

Fang Zhuan took it for granted.

Being a servant of the Fang family these days is to enjoy happiness. Being counted as the Fang family can make people burst into tears and greatly increase their sense of cohesion.

Fang Xing was not ready to change the atmosphere. He nodded to Ping\'an and went out.

Ping An said dejectedly, "Dad, I\'m wrong."

"Change when you\'re wrong." Fang woke up. He didn\'t want to teach carefully. He preferred to see his children learn to think and then reflect.

Little Burton quit and asked, "what\'s wrong with you, young master?"

Ping An said, "the Academy treats all students equally. The child made a mistake."

Xiaobai thinks it\'s natural, but Fang Xing\'s decision must be approved, so she\'s depressed.

Zhang Shuhui naturally wouldn\'t interfere with Fang Xing\'s education. Seeing that Xiaobai was a little tangled, she said, "jade doesn\'t make a thing."

Seeing that Ping\'an was a little frustrated, worry free said, "second brother, you\'re going to be a young master."

Ping An stares at worry free and smiles bitterly.

This is also from the Academy. Even worry free knows it. You can see your numbness.

Worry free was amused to see his sad face. "Second brother, dad will punish you for copying."

When it comes to copying, potatoes and Ping An are haunted.

Fang Xing seldom uses corporal punishment. Most of them are punished for copying and making small mistakes. Then it\'s probably something like "don\'t make it next time". Big mistake, it\'s estimated that you\'ll have to copy books.

One is to practice calligraphy, the other is to be familiar with the book.


The martyrs\' temple is located in the south of the city. At the beginning, those people didn\'t encounter any trouble when they moved, so it was completed as scheduled.

As soon as the paint was dry, the Ministry of rites put on a memorial, and then the Ministry of war and the governor\'s office of the Fifth Army also asked Zhu Zhanji for instructions.

Zhu Zhanji nodded in agreement and wrote the inscription himself.

So the ritual Department began to prepare the ceremony, but there was a contradiction with the people in the governor\'s house of the five armies.

Because there is no ready-made etiquette, we can only look for those in the former dynasty, and even those before the former Qin Dynasty, so the speed stops when paper, incense and ink fly.

The military wants to determine the ceremony by itself, not the Ministry of rites, let alone civil servants. They are worried that it will be Yin.

So the military quickly prepared what they thought was appropriate etiquette report, and the etiquette department was angry immediately.

The Ministry of rites, it seems that this department is a little empty, but in this era, rites are the king, and rites are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Hu Zhen sent Yan Dajian -- he liked to call Yan Dajian. He thought he was an interesting man and might take his place in the future.

Yan Dajian went to the governor\'s house of the Fifth Army, and then fought with Meng Ying and others, but he didn\'t lose the wind.

The two sides argued with reason, Yan Dajian learned a lot, finally caught Meng Ying\'s fallacy, resolutely released the wind, and suddenly the name of the martial arts man\'s coarseness soared.

"... that\'s Royal etiquette. Hou Baoding actually..."

The two sides met again, but at the ceremony department.

Meng Ying was furious, but she said quietly: "what are you doing with this?"

Yan Dajian didn\'t seem to know the threat in his words. He smiled and said, "it\'s better for the Ministry of rites to start this matter!"

"How long?"

Meng Ying spoke on behalf of the military and naturally would not give in.

Yan Dajian was stunned, as if Meng Ying had asked a naive question.

"Hou Baoding, this matter is precious and important, and..."

"And your mother!"

A fist flew past. Yan Dajian was still saying that we must be careful about this matter. He had been punched in the face.

Three of the interior officials, five of the military governor\'s office and five of Meng Ying.

After a moment of silence, Yan Dajian covered his face and slowly let go of his hand.

The blood immediately spewed out of their nostrils, making the small table between them look like the scene of the murder.


Yan Dajian screamed briefly, then got up and stepped back.

"Baoding... Baoding Hou!"

Yan Dajian covered his nose. A small official went out to look for towels and medicine. Suddenly, it was a mess.

Meng Ying refused to apologize, but said with a gloomy face, "I think the most disgusting thing about civil servants is that mouth, which makes people hate to tear it, noisy!"

"Come on! Lord Yan was hurt!"

Someone was shouting outside the door. Yan Dajian looked at Meng Ying expressionless, allowed the blood to drip from his chin, and said, "wrong is wrong, wrong is rough, is this the behavior of the governor\'s office of the five armies..."


The cry outside the door suddenly stopped.

Meng Ying said coldly: "if you were on the battlefield, Meng would have killed you. Today, Meng has no form. Naturally, he will play a memorial to apologize..."

"Please what crime?"

Then someone came in and asked casually.
