Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2142

Samarkand has taken shape.

A city stands on the wilderness again, like a light, attracting all kinds of moths.

"Are they willing to surrender to me?"

In the magnificent palace, mieergan sat on the throne inlaid with precious stones and looked coldly at the messenger kneeling below.

The messenger looked up and said, "yes, king, all your Highnesses are waiting for you to send a general to command their army. They have surrendered."


"Yes, Wang."

After Mier became king, her momentum became more and more fierce.

There are many kinds of kingly Qi, including natural kingliness and bullying

Sharp, but I don\'t know why.

Mei Er Gan maintained a straight sitting posture and sneered: "if they are courtiers, they will naturally come to surrender in person. So it seems that they are still lucky and think I can only sit and watch?"

A civil servant said, "Wang, they are watching. As long as the army presses the border, they will naturally give in."

"Yes, they are just shameful voles, standing in the field before the harvest and then plundering our fruits. Shameful voles are not worth seeing more."

A civil servant stood in the middle, glancing at him. It seemed that he was an important minister whom Mier trusted.

He talked freely: "just send a small team, they will give in, and what we should pay attention to now is the East and the West."

"In the west, the long war between the Franks and the Plantagenet has been suspended. Yes, the latest news is sent by the damn Tianfang people. Those rat like guys can always walk through all kinds of cracks."

Mei\'er frowned slightly. The civil servant gave up the vent of his personal feelings and continued: "they will pay attention to the East, and the first one is meat fans."

A military general said proudly, "yes! There are meat fans in the West. We are always safe in the East because it is too far away."

Mier Gan leaned back on the chair, looked at the dome and said, "the messenger of meat fans is coming, not far away."

The atmosphere suddenly tightened, and then there was some excitement.

Meiergan had an insight into this emotion. It was the emotion that he was bitter about the defeat to Daming. It was the emotion that he wanted to regain his glory.

For him, this is an emotion that can be used.

But he kept reminding himself: remember what happened to Lao Wang!

Lao Wang once wanted to catch this emotion, and he succeeded, but in the end, this emotion could not compare with the emperor\'s personal attack, so he lost, and ha lie also lost

I have to be careful!


On the third day, the meat fan messenger came against the strong wind.

Still in the palace, mieergan met him.

"The strong wind cracked my face, but it couldn\'t blow away a sincere and respected King Harley. I brought friendship."

The envoy cleverly acknowledged the throne of meiergan, which was the basis of the talks between the two sides.

"Yes, then please tell me what meat fans bring in addition to friendship?"

Meier doesn\'t like to hear about friendship, because it often represents what to pay and what to be vigilant.

Now he thought of Fugu and Wuen.

It\'s all over!

Ming people will advance into yilibaoli. There is no doubt that they will begin to look at yilibaoli after consolidating Hami City.

They will not be impatient. Meier Gan hopes they will be impatient and attack on a large scale.

But Ming people let him down, just building the city.

Xinghe city has been built, Hami City is under construction, and the Ming people are controlling the grassland step by step.

When yilibaoli was garrisoned by the Ming army, Haley was in danger.

No, it\'s a life and death crisis.

He didn\'t want to send troops to garrison yilibaoli, because he was worried that the Ming army would turn yilibaoli into a bloody place for Hari.

Therefore, after the withdrawal of the Ming army, Yili became an open space, leaving only an empty city and a Beijing temple.

Meier\'s distraction was just a moment, and the messenger continued to say.

"... the Ming people are aggressive, and their fleet goes into the sea again. Yes, it angers us. But there is no doubt that we are more worried about our friends. Harley faces the threat of the Ming people, and we need to take care of our friends, so I came."

When the messenger saw that Meier Gan was not moved, he said, "my king\'s meaning... It\'s time for us to join hands."

Mei\'er\'s body slightly sat upright. He still said solemnly, "do you think you\'re strong?"

The messenger bowed and said, "yes, and someone in the West said that peace is the atmosphere we should have now. Therefore, we can sit together and have a drink..."

Mei\'er stared at the messenger and suddenly asked, "you need tonic, right?"

The messenger said awkwardly, "yes, I think Harley needs to make up more."

After a silence, the civil servant asked, "what is the goal of meat fans? Are those two sheep?"

"Yes, and then open the channel between us."

The messenger said sincerely, "don\'t worry. People are watching. No one will turn against their friends."

Meier Gan nodded slightly, and the civil servant smiled and said, "then I think we can discuss and see who should send troops. You know, ha lie has just returned to the country. He is still very weak and meat fans are strong..."

Meiergan hated these compromises and entertainment from the bottom of his heart, but the situation was stronger than others. Haley was still weak. He had to strike a balance between the East and the West.

The meat fan is a weight that can balance Daming\'s threat.

After opening up the ties between the two countries, he needs to be cautious, but he needs to embrace meat.

It\'s hard!

"Send scouts to yilibao and stare at Hami and Ming people."

Mei\'er stood up and commanded, and then said to the messenger, "what we need is allies. Ming people are constantly strong..."

The messenger impolitely interrupted him and said, "yes, the Ming people\'s fleet has appeared in Tianfang overseas. They are moving forward. Those Tianfang people show that people are crazy, but who knows, if they can find a route to Taixi, the world will be more interesting and the East and the West will collide..."

For the west, meat is obviously more powerful.

So the messenger\'s pride didn\'t affect mei\'ergan. He listened quietly and made a gesture to the bodyguard.

"... those countries will be afraid that their number one enemy will be the Ming people, and we, we will be able to sit on the sidelines, yes, drink good wine and watch their disputes, anger and war..."

Mei\'er nodded, interrupted the messenger\'s long flicker, and said, "go, rest, and then discuss with my minister."

The emissary said so many things in order to reach the covenant. When he saw that Mier Gan let go, he bowed down with a smile and left.

When he went out, he met yesiya. They nodded to each other and looked at each other curiously.

The messenger was curious that mieergan would keep a brother alive. It\'s really not material for politics.

But also Siya was curious that the charming messenger of meat came at this time. It was a little late.