Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2141

The Double Ninth Festival banquet is over.

Pots of chrysanthemums were scattered there, and the emperor brushed away.

The ministers looked at each other, but refused to disperse.

Huang Huai turned pale and arched his hands and said, "let\'s go."

He walked slowly through the chrysanthemums.

The yellow chrysanthemum sets off the face and looks extraordinarily pure.

Countless pairs of shoes step on the chrysanthemums scattered on the ground, and the petals are gradually crushed into mud, mixed with the mud on the sole, and the original color can no longer be seen.

Zhang Fu turned calmly. Meng Ying and others gathered around and were silent.

Civil servants are on one side, and Xun and Qi are on the other.

The two sides walked almost side by side.

With a smile on his face, Yang Rong looked at Zhang Fu on the right and said, "British Duke, today\'s fierce blow will stir up wind and thunder!"

This is difficult to distinguish between praise and criticism. Even if they are in the same camp, they are strangers because of the difference between civil and military affairs.

Zhang Fu nodded and said in a deep voice: "persecute your majesty and shout that the martial arts are domineering. Only today did Zhang know the reason why the thief shouted to catch the thief. He must look carefully in the future... Xinghe Bo dares to do it, Wu Xun..."

He looked back. Meng Ying and Zhang Fu\'s sudden move was an accident. Fang Xing felt that it should have nothing to do with Zhu Zhanji.

"The British Duke has a son. He thinks he has a running head. That\'s the end!"

Xie Jin\'s words are ironic, but they are closest to the truth.

"He... Is very poor."

Fang woke up with a sigh and got up and said, "it\'s not compromise, but helplessness. The family is like a rope, which firmly binds his feet, making him unable to move forward and make his own decisions."

Huang Zhong said strangely, "some time ago... The three brothers of the British Duke had a quarrel. It is said that they all started. The cart and cart came out with bruises and bruises. They shouted and scolded outside the house for a while. They said that the British Duke was impersonal..."

"Cut off?"

Fang Xing asked with a smile, and the corners of his lips tilted slightly, looking a little cynical.

Huang Zhong shook his head and said, "on the third day, the wives of the two families went to the British government with gifts. It is said that when they came out, they laughed like eating honey."

Xie Jin said flatly, "this is a philistine. It\'s very sad and lamentable to use it on my brother!"

Fang woke up and looked at the back of Xie Jin\'s head. This time there was no illusion of the light of wisdom. He whispered, "the martial arts people want to eat meat after all, and only your majesty can give them meat..."