Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2140

"Grandma Huang, drink."

In the face of her granddaughter\'s coquetry, the Empress Dowager could not resist.

She smiled and asked someone to bring light wine and give the two children about the amount of one chopstick each.

"Well, no more."

Hu Shanxiang had no choice but to look at it with a smile.

Sun looked at his daughter, but her daughter is now almost like corn. She eats goods. She can\'t do anything except play and cry.

It\'s useless!

Sun Shi slightly lowered his head and looked at his big stomach, but he remembered the words of an imperial doctor in his heart.

"Madam, it must be your highness. If you are wrong, I am willing to cut thousands of pieces."

Yeah! As long as she is a boy, her dormancy will become meaningful.

She raised her head and said with a smile, "children should be happier. If you get some fruit wine, it won\'t hurt your body."

Hu Shanxiang smiled kindly and said, "exactly. What the queen mother asked someone to take is fruit wine."

Sun smiled and said, "it\'s a pity that the moon is smaller, otherwise you can keep company with Duan Duan."

Hu Shanxiang was stunned, and then responded kindly: "it will be fine in a few years. Let Duanduan play with his sister at that time."

The sun family said happily, "OK! Madam, when the time comes..."

The queen is still good... No, she is still stupid!

The Empress Dowager looked at the scene expressionless and analyzed their ideas in an instant.

Hu Shanxiang started from the overall situation and wanted to improve the relationship with the harem.

Sun\'s idea is to fight the snake and climb along the pole, or fight a pole with or without dates. In short, he occupies a saying first.

One is stupid, one is thoughtful.

At this time, Li Bin came in again, walked to her side and said in a low voice: "madam, your majesty asked xinghebo to mobilize Jubao mountain guard to enter the imperial city from tonight. Xinghebo has left the palace."

The Empress Dowager looked at the worry free man who was whispering with Duan Duan and said, "so that this palace can sleep at night."

She took a look at Li Bin. The deep meaning in her eyes made Li Bin understand in an instant, and then whispered, "don\'t worry, my mother. I\'ll call someone right away."

The Empress Dowager nodded. Seeing that Duanduan and Wuyou were sneaking out, she shouted, "you two are demons! You haven\'t come back yet!"

The two children were caught reluctantly, which made everyone laugh.

Fang woke up without laughter. He stood outside the imperial city waiting.

Three fireworks had sent signals all the way out, and he was waiting to earn face for Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji was premeditated today. Du Qian knew in advance and Anlun didn\'t know, but he was arranged to wait for arrest

Who else?

Fang woke up and thought about the look of the ministers today. Xia yuan guitar didn\'t know that he was a technical official.

The look of officials flashed in his mind like a lantern, and finally fixed on Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi.

Yang Shiqi even looked at the officials out of the shift one by one. This was probably the record, and then went back to clean up one by one.

As for Yang Rong, it was a cruel role. Fang Xing believed that if he didn\'t suddenly come out, Yang Rong would also interrupt those people\'s performances and scold them one by one.


An idea flashed through Fang Xing\'s mind and finally dissipated.

Jubaoshanwei is in town!

Every time they enter the city, it represents a signal: someone is challenging the royal family!

So when they saw the Jubao mountain guard marching into the city in a neat column, those people couldn\'t help looking at the direction of the imperial city with worry.

Good day, but who wants to get a moth?

Jubaoshanwei quickly entered the imperial city. Fang Xing explained the matter, and then took his servants to wait for his daughter outside the imperial city.


Squatting on the edge of the wall, Fang woke up in a daze. When he heard the sound, he got up, and then carefree ran over happily. The two mammies behind him woke up and nodded to each other, and then Fu went in.

Fang Xing picked up worry free, and then, in a slight anger, asked mother Qin, "have worry free drunk?"

Mother Qin smiled and said, "it\'s the wine that the young lady and the princess asked the Empress Dowager for together. One person moistens her lips."

Fang Xing\'s face was slightly Ji, but he was excited and said, "Dad, the wine is good!"

Fang woke up and looked at her little face red. He frowned and said, "the wine is not good to drink. It\'s hard to drink."

"It\'s delicious!"

"It\'s not good!"

Father and daughter were tangled until Fang woke up, took worry free into the carriage, put down the car and said, "go home and let your mother clean you up."


When he got to the city, carefree was very interested and had to come out.

Fang Xing didn\'t care about anything, so he sat in front of the horse with her in his arms, and then told her all the fun places in the street.

He bought a bag of fried peanuts for his daughter to eat. Fang woke up and was furious when someone said something about the Empress Dowager.

Things in the palace can be gossip, but it is intolerable for Fang Xing to gossip about the Empress Dowager.

A white faced man with a hat is bragging with an old man who sells straw sandals. His words are chiseled, which makes people laugh.

"The Empress Dowager is afraid of the old people! You say that the current ministers are similar to the eunuchs of the former Tang Dynasty? They don\'t pay attention to the emperor. If they are unhappy, they change an emperor and then act as a bully..."

The old man selling straw sandals was scared. He picked up his burden, looked around and said, "I don\'t know what he\'s talking about, I don\'t know!"

He turned and ran. The white faced man turned around and smiled awkwardly when he saw everyone shrinking back. Then he saw Fang Xing\'s father and daughter.

"Dad, my mother is not afraid of them! Previously, my mother said that whoever didn\'t obey would take care of him."

The white faced man had recognized worry free. He secretly scolded himself for being stupid, then nodded with a smile and turned to another place.

Worry free looked at him angrily, tried to turn his head and said, "Dad, he lied!"

fuck! Is there anything more tragic than the fact that a eunuch who came out to spread the news was encountered by an insider?

And their amateur means of spreading news also makes people spit blood.

"Well, he lied and his father asked someone to clean him up."

Fang couldn\'t wake up and destroy the Empress Dowager\'s plan. He could only deceive the girl who was getting tired and then go home.

What does the Empress Dowager mean?

Fang Xing felt that the Empress Dowager was helping Zhu Zhanji and putting pressure on the ministers.

Even the Empress Dowager feels uneasy to sleep. What are you?

The eunuchs of the former Tang Dynasty have no good reputation. They are all goods that should be cut thousands of times.

To tell the truth, Zhu Yuanzhang\'s prohibition of eunuchs from interfering in political affairs was probably frightened by those eunuchs in the late Tang Dynasty for fear that his children and grandchildren would become pigs and dogs in the hands of eunuchs, so he treated eunuchs severely and killed them.

When he got home, Fang woke up and found that Wuyou had fallen asleep, so he took her into the backyard.

In the backyard, Tudou and Ping\'an are playing with two big dogs, while Huanhuan is learning.

Zhang Shuhui sat under the eaves and watched the children play.


Seeing Fang Xing coming in with worry free, the three children stopped playing, and the two big dogs just circled around Fang Xing without calling.

"The girl and Duanduan drank some fruit wine. They didn\'t have much. Just have a sleep."

After arranging the girl, Fang woke up and coaxed away his three sons.

"Go to the villa and play with those children."

So potato took them and two big dogs and ran away.

"Your Majesty is angry today, the Empress Dowager cooperates, and the ministers have bowed their heads."

Fang Xing briefly described the process of today\'s Double Ninth Festival banquet, and finally vaguely mentioned that the Empress Dowager asked people to spread news outside.

"Sir, this is an eventful time!"

Mo Chou\'s favorite is stability. Any unstable factors will make her feel uneasy.

"What are you afraid of!"

Xiaobai said carelessly, "there\'s a young master here. Those people don\'t dare to make trouble."

Zhang Shuhui looked at Fang Xing with a smile and said, "our family doesn\'t make trouble, but we\'re not afraid of others looking for trouble..."