Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 214

After talking about the business, Zhu Zhanji didn\'t go. He hesitated and said, "brother Dehua, can you send someone to learn from Hua Niang?"


Fang recalled that there had been a great discussion on the harm of monosodium glutamate in his previous life, and finally ended several articles.

Monosodium glutamate can only be put before cooking, not fried at high temperature, otherwise it will cause cancer.

Another is that the daily intake of monosodium glutamate seems not to exceed much. Too much is harmful.

I don\'t want to hurt you!

Seeing Fang Xing\'s hesitation, Zhu Zhanji clenched his teeth and said, "little brother, promise to keep the craftsman in the palace, let alone spread his craftsmanship."

"Where did you think of it?"

Fang woke up and scratched his head and said sincerely, "Taishun, in fact, the best food is the original flavor. To be honest, Huaniang\'s craft is still the same."

Zhu Zhanji said in amazement, "why is today\'s food so excellent?"

Fang Xing simply said, "that\'s because there are some things in it. Well, you can ask someone to take some back every month, but remember, don\'t put more."

There are not only monosodium glutamate but also chicken essence in the warehouse. Fang woke up and read the packaging instructions. The most important ingredient in chicken essence is monosodium glutamate.

Since it is a unique skill, it must be kept secret, so Zhu Zhanji understood: "that\'s the best."

But when Fang woke up and looked at Zhu Zhanji\'s strong figure, he was really worried that the goods would become a big fat man.

Moreover, the shadow of Zhu Zhanji\'s early death has always lingered in Fang Xing\'s mind, so in terms of health, he has to pay attention to this guy who is developing in the direction of little fat people.

Zhu Zhanji went back with a porcelain bottle of chicken essence and how to use it, so Zhu Di today ate the filial piety of his grandson.

The eunuch pointed to the dish of celery fried meat and said, "Your Majesty, this dish is the filial piety of his highness TAISUN."

Guanglu temple was responsible for the diet of the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynasty, and Guanglu Temple paid attention to a heavy taste in cooking. The flavor of heavy oil and condiments almost covered the original flavor of the food.

Zhu Di likes celery and is also a heavy taste lover, so when he saw this dish, he put a chopstick in his mouth.

The eunuch who tried the dish secretly licked his tongue. When he tried the dish just now, he was very impressed with the fried meat with celery!

How fresh!

Chu Di raised her eyebrows and nodded slightly.

After dinner, Zhu Zhanji sent all the dishes, which surprised the eunuch and the people who cleaned up.

This is the best evidence that emperor TAISUN is loved!

In the Taiyang womb, the couple ate too much again today, and were concealing the fun of today.

Wan Wan was reluctant to look at the food taken away. She wanted to eat more, but was stopped.

"Beware of stomachache at night!"

The Crown Princess held Wan Wan and advised her, but she felt a little embarrassed in her slightly swollen belly.

"Did Guanglu Temple change its cook today?"

After Zhu gaochi was satisfied with his food, he had some questions.

Liang Zhong went out and asked. When he came back, he said, "Your Highness, today\'s food is cooked in the small kitchen."

Guanglu temple can\'t manage to get into the womb again, so the small kitchen got the true legend of Zhu Zhanji today and used the whole body\'s solution.

"Oh! Then give it."

Zhu gaochi decided to push the food in Guanglu temple first and eat a small stove for a while.

The next day, when the breakfast was delivered, Zhu Di tasted it and frowned, "where\'s TAISUN?"

The eunuch immediately went out to ask questions and came back to answer, "Your Majesty, your highness TAISUN heard that He Fang woke up and went to Zhuque street. It seems that he is looking at the house."

Look at the house?

Zhu Di put down his chopsticks and frowned, "the Grand National Dynasty is too grandson. Does he still think the TAISUN house is not enough to live in?"

The eunuch shrunk his neck and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that they are looking at the restaurant house."

Zhu Di was stunned, then looked at the food on the table and said, "does that upright want to open a restaurant?"

On Zhuque street, looking at the two-story wooden building in front of him, Fang woke up and looked at the restaurants on the left and right. The one on the left is called "green bamboo house" and the one on the right is "Mingyue house".

Zhu Zhanji looked at his place and asked proudly, "brother Dehua, how about here?"

Fang Xing pointed to the left and right and said, "green bamboo house, is this Vegetarian House?"

Zhu Zhanji rolled his eyes helplessly. Is it elegant! But when the green bamboo house reaches your mouth, it becomes a place for monks to eat.

Fang woke up, touched his chin, looked at the right side and said, "Taishun, how did you become a neighbor with the brothel?"

Zhu Zhanji said helplessly, "brother Dehua, people are the place to eat."

Brothels used to refer to gorgeous houses, but a guy in the Yuan Dynasty wrote a book about the deeds of prostitutes, called the collection of brothels, so the taste changed.

Fang woke up, put on his back and said, "do you think I don\'t know this is Yan Jidao\'s poem? But it\'s useless in the right place! What a pity! If Lao Yan knew it underground, he had to make the boss have nightmares every day!"

Yan Jidao\'s poems are graceful and affectionate, and "at that time, the bright moon was there, and he once returned with the colorful clouds." It is also a famous sentence with great popularity.

After picking on the neighbors, they walked into the lobby with their entourage.

The lobby is not small. It can hold more than ten tables by visual inspection. But Zhu Zhanji pointed to the left and right and said, "brother Dehua, there are more on both sides and behind."

After visiting the first floor, Fang woke up and said, "at least 40 or 50 tables can be set!"

Zhu Zhanji said proudly, "originally, this place was rented to an inn, but later the business was poor and even the rent was delayed. The people on my side directly exempted him from the rent owed, and this man ran away overnight."

Fang woke up and looked at these simple decorations. He shook his head and said, "if you open an inn here, the guests must not be ordinary people. The decoration is poor!"

They went up to the second floor and looked at the rooms that had been separated. Fang woke up and said, "twenty rooms, good. Let\'s start business after decoration."

Zhu Zhanji had a headache and said, "brother Dehua, decoration costs a lot of money!"

Everything is original these days, and the decoration master can be called a master. The price must not be cheap.

Fang woke up and thought of his "savings" at home. He also said with some guilt: "don\'t worry first. Let me go back and have a look."

Mardan! I don\'t believe it costs money to get some wallpaper and floor leather in the warehouse.

In fact, the Fang family has a lot of money, but most of them belong to Zhang Shuhui, which comes from the money given by Zhang Fu and the old lady. There is a lot of money.

You can\'t use women\'s money!

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "find some cooks, as well as Kitchen helpers and waiter. I\'ll give them to you."

With Zhu Zhanji\'s wrist, these are small things that can\'t be smaller, so he should come down without hesitation.

As for the cook\'s skill, as long as it\'s not bad, isn\'t there a sharp weapon provided by Fang Xing.

Back home, Fang Xing pointed out the place on the map, and then drew a general structural map.

Zhang Shuhui looked at the simple sketch and said with longing, "husband, can I go to patrol?"