Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 213

As the weather became colder, the two women in the inner house became idle. Fang woke up and thought of some ideas.

At lunch, Fang woke up and saw that Zhang Shuhui didn\'t have a good appetite. He said, "why don\'t we do business?"

Without finding something to do for Zhang Shuhui, Fang Xing was worried that she would gradually become a philistine in such a boring day.

Zhang Shuhui was counting the rice grains. She ate listlessly. Her eyes lit up when she heard the speech. "Husband, what business do we do?"

Fang woke up and couldn\'t remember for a moment, so he said, "let me think about it."

After dinner, Fang woke up and went to the study, and then disappeared again.

There are too many kinds of goods in the warehouse. Fang Xing specially took out a large folio to record it.

Eat a lot and fall into one category.

Supplies are also divided into several categories according to civilian and what use.

What to do?

Selling modern goods?

Fang Xing shook his head and thought it was too early.

Look at the large format at will, when you see the huge number of

"Oh, ha ha ha!"

The space echoed with Fang\'s complacent laughter. He was staying in the port office building with a bottle of chrysanthemum tea in his hand and his legs on his desk.

After coming out, Fang Xing took a bottle and went directly to the kitchen.

When Hua Niang saw Fang awake, she asked politely, "young master, but I didn\'t eat well at noon? Why don\'t I make you some snacks."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "go and get some cabbage."

There is no shortage of cabbage in fangjiazhuang. Chunsheng soon washed a few and sent them over.

Heat the fire, pour in clean water, wait until the water boils, then wake up and put the cabbage in to cook.

Qingshui cabbage?

Hua Niang thought Fang Xing was going to fast, so she advised him, "young master, I\'ll have some good vegetarian dishes. I\'d better come."

Fang woke up and smiled. First put some lard, then pour a little crystal in the bottle, stir it, and then start the pot.

"Your mouth is tricky. Try it and see how it tastes."

Hua Niang felt that there was nothing wrong with the boiled cabbage, so she casually took a leaf and tasted it.


The chef must have a good taste, otherwise he can\'t cook good dishes.

And Hua Niang has a good taste, so when she brows, Fang wakes up and smiles.

"Young master, how can it taste so fresh?"

Hearing this, Chunsheng also tried, and the result was unbearable.

"Young master, have you studied cooking?"

Fang Xing shook his head, then pointed to the bottle and said, "this is my latest treasure. A little can make the food delicious."

Hua Niang took some crystals from the bottle and put them into her mouth to taste them carefully. Then she frowned and said, "young master, it tastes so strong!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "that\'s why I only put a little. How about if I open a restaurant at home, can I make money with this thing?"

"Yes! Great!"

Hua Niang said, "young master, with this thing in hand, ordinary food can be praised, but..."

Fang woke up and knew what Hua Niang was struggling with, so he smiled and said, "you don\'t have to go. If we lack you in this family, what shall we eat?"

Hua Niang breathed a sigh, but she was also a little disappointed.

The chef of the restaurant and the chef of the Fang family have their own sense of achievement. When they think of the back, Hua Niang is relieved.

When Fang woke up in the backyard and said this good thing, Zhang Shuhui said happily, "husband, let\'s drive right away."

"What\'s the hurry? I haven\'t rented any places!"

Thinking of renting a house, Fang woke up a little reluctant.

The price in the prosperous area of Jinling is not cheap, and it is difficult to find an empty room. It is also suitable for opening restaurants.

"Husband, if the business is too good, will someone do it?"

Before the restaurant opened, Zhang Shuhui was already preparing for a rainy day.

Xiaobai clenched his fist and shouted, "then a tooth for a tooth!"


Zhang Shuhui seems to be a pacifist who opposes violent confrontation.

But their words brightened Fang\'s eyes.

Yes! Eating alone is not fat, so why not bring others together.

So the next day, when Zhu Zhanji finished his class and was ready to go back, Fang woke up and left him.

"Ha ha!"

When Zhu Zhanji saw Fang Xing laughing all the time and pretending to smile, he felt his back cold. Looking at the door of the study, I felt I was going to have bad luck today.

In the study, a few dishes were placed on the neat desk in the past, still steaming.

Zhu Zhanji said in surprise, "brother Dehua, it\'s not time for lunch!"

After Fang woke up and sat down, he smiled and pointed to several dishes and said, "this is my new dish. You can try it."

Zhu Zhanji sounded the alarm bell in his heart when he heard the speech. He knew that Fang Xing\'s goods were sometimes very unscrupulous. If this dish

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t expect to be poisonous at all. He was just worried that he would be a waking mouse.

Looking at these ordinary dishes, Zhu Zhanji hesitated and said, "brother Dehua, I was very full before I came, or forget it."


Fang Xing handed over his chopsticks, and then ate a chopstick of fried shredded meat. Then he glanced sideways and said, "I\'ll cheat you. Try it quickly."

When it came to this, Zhu Zhanji had to bite the bullet.

This is just ordinary fried pork slices with cabbage, but as soon as he enters his mouth, Zhu Zhanji looks at Fang Xing in surprise.

Fang woke up and smiled, then pointed to other dishes and said, "try them all."

Zhu Zhanji was more and more surprised. Finally, he put his chopsticks aside and asked, "but Hua Niang\'s cooking has improved greatly?"

Being able to make these ordinary dishes so delicious, Zhu Zhanji felt that the imperial kitchen in the palace could not compare with Hua Niang, and immediately had the idea of prying into the corner of the wall to dig people.

Fang woke up and said proudly, "don\'t worry about it. I just ask you, if you open a restaurant with such skills, how\'s the business?"

"Money is rolling!"

Although Zhu Zhanji is the emperor\'s grandson, he sometimes has a tight hand, so he envied: "brother Dehua, if this restaurant opens, I\'ll ask someone to support it at that time."

Fang woke up with a look of "we are good friends" and said, "well... When did I forget you? Well, do you have a suitable place to open a restaurant in Jinling? Let\'s work together."

"Brother Dehua..."

Zhu Zhanji was really moved. He felt that since Fang Xing had such skills, it was easy to make money. But Fang woke up and thought of himself. This friendship is really real!

"This is a contract. Look, if there\'s no problem, sign it."

Fang Xing took out two pieces of paper from the drawer and handed them to Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji took over and saw that it was a joint-stock contract, which said that he and Fang Xing jointly opened a restaurant and accounted for shares

"Brother Dehua, 40% is too much, 20% at most."

After tasting these dishes, Zhu Zhanji felt that he had just provided a business place to take so many shares, which was too much.

Fang Xing\'s extravagance looks like money is dirt, "that\'s 35 percent."

"There are still too many..."

"Thirty percent..."


Finally, the two sides had a war of words before they determined the division of shares.

Zhu Zhanji provided a place, accounting for 25% of the shares, while the remaining 75% was Fang Xing\'s.