Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 215

PS: Recently, jazz has put a lot of pressure on himself. He wants to improve his writing, so he often Carvin. He is very upset - he wants to hit the wall! This is the first layer of pain!

And the subscription seems to be solidified, with extremely slow and unstable growth, which is the second layer of torture!

Jazz basically has to stay up until one or two o\'clock in the morning every night. He has to get up and go to work at six or seven o\'clock the next day, so he is mentally weak and irritable. This is the third level of suffering!

Jazz believes that writing a book needs passion and needs to hold back that energy!

It\'s just that the requirements for yourself are too high recently, and the passion and strength have a tendency to subside!

Jazz needs encouragement! I hope capable book friends can use subscriptions to encourage and support!

I hope you can use your subscription to lift up the spirit of jazz!


The women of the Ming Dynasty were good. When they were quite clear, the three inch Golden Lotus began to flood, and they were suffering when they went out.

The hobby of small feet appeared in the late Ming Dynasty, but it only tied the feet from the side, making women\'s feet slender and narrow.

The pretty clear little foot is simply to wrap the foot bone directly and make a deformation record. Walking can\'t stop swaying, and you even need to be supported by others to walk normally.

Those sour scholars have a good name for it: swing in the wind! Some people use this kind of small footed woman\'s shoes as a wine cup.

Zhang Shuhui felt that she was lucky enough to marry Fang Xingxing. Her husband and wife didn\'t say they loved each other. What\'s more, Fang Xingxing didn\'t limit the number of times she went back to her mother\'s house. As long as she wanted to go, he would probably accompany her in person.

So when Fang Xing agreed without hesitation, Zhang Shuhui held his hand and said softly, "husband, I just want to share your worries."

Fang Xing took her little hand and said solemnly, "I\'m responsible for making money to support my family, and you\'re responsible for being as beautiful as flowers. How are you?"

Zhang Shuhui was stunned for a moment, and then she figured out the meaning of her words and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Young master, here comes a man from the palace."

When the couple were in love, Xiaobai rushed in, followed by lingdang, spitting out his tongue.

Zhang Shuhui quickly took back her little hand, which made Fang wake up and feel lost, so she angrily said, "what\'s the man\'s name?"

Xiaobai tilted his head and thought, "it seems that his surname is Huang. Looking at him with a smile, he is probably not a good man."

Smiling and scheming.

Fang xingzan said, "Xiaobai has made progress."

In the front hall, when Fang woke up and went in, it was difficult to hide his anger when he saw the back.

Who are you? A eunuch in the palace is not a respected husband like Zheng He. What are you wearing!


Hearing the dry cough, the man turned back slowly, with no smile, and his thin face was condescending.

Seeing that Fang woke up and didn\'t speak, the talent pulled his lips, "our Huang Yan, Mr. Fang is very proud recently!"

Huang Yan?

Fang Xing clenched his fists.

This is the most staunch anti Prince party. He often takes advantage of the opportunity to give eye medicine to Zhu gaochi and his son.

Fang Xing also said faintly with an expression of skin smiling and meat not smiling: "what does Huang NEISHI mean here?"

At this time, Huang Yan was the eunuch of the ceremony supervisor. He was a leading figure in the inner palace and had great power.

With such an intrauterine Da Na, Fang woke up and knew that he and he were not in the same camp, so he secretly guessed the purpose of the goods to fangjiazhuang.

Huang Yan woke up with a look at Fang and said slowly, "I heard that Mr. Fang is going to do the business of the merchant. My family is afraid of damaging the reputation in the court. Why don\'t you ask Mr. Fang? Is there a good law to resist it?"

Fang Xing\'s eyes shrunk and then sneered in his heart.

The mouth says it\'s Fang Xing, but Fang Xing is just raising people. There are no taboos in family business.

This is the meaning of a drunken man, not wine!

When Fang woke up and thought for a while, he suddenly realized, "Oh! I just rented TAISUN\'s house. Will anyone impeach me? But I never go to court!"

I don\'t have a real job. Why don\'t you go and provoke Huang Yan? Look who will take care of you!

Huang Yan\'s body tilted back slightly and frowned. He didn\'t expect Fang Xing to be so confident.

"Mr. Fang is the teacher of his highness TAISUN. It\'s inevitable that this business will degenerate?"

Are these goods here to meet me today?

Fang Xing laughed and said, "there are more menstrual traders this year. Huang NEISHI is an understanding person. We wake up and study in the countryside and do some business to supplement our family. Have we violated the king\'s law? Or do I have to go to TAISUN to cry for poverty and ask him to give money!"

Huang Yan was stopped. He pointed to Fang Xing and blushed.

Generally, some famous scholars hide when they do business in their families. Their names must be attached to the domestic servants. They are afraid of gossip from outsiders.

But Fang woke up and didn\'t even cover up. He directly said it was his own business.

This NIMA is really hob meat!

Huang Yan has seen all kinds of people in the palace, but Fang Xing is such a shameless person. To tell the truth, he really hasn\'t seen it.

But now that he\'s here today, Huang Yan certainly doesn\'t want to go home empty handed.

"Mr. Fang, the palace is poor, but we feel happy to have the opportunity to serve your majesty!"

Huang Yan smiled.

Old man, you\'re not a good man!

This is threatening Fang Xing: I Huang Yan is short of money. If you don\'t give it, be careful that I will give you eye medicine in front of your majesty.

Fang Xing couldn\'t help laughing. He thought to himself, you old fellow, obviously everyone is a mortal enemy, but you dare to cheat money. Do you really think we are fools?

People who have seen a dream of Red Mansions know that since Jia Yuanchun entered the palace, there have been eunuchs in the palace coming to play the autumn wind in three or two days. Most of these eunuchs didn\'t work with Jia Yuanchun, but the Jia family didn\'t dare not give them money.

Otherwise, in that deep palace, there are many opportunities to give someone eye medicine.

But Fang wakes up in the palace and only knows the prince\'s family, and Huang Yan has been giving the prince eye medicine for a long time, so

"Get out!"

Huang Yan was forced. He used this means to succeed many times in the families of those officials and Xun relatives, but today he was shouted to go away.

Is there any royal law for NIMA!

"You... You..."

Fang Xing sneered and said, "old man, haven\'t you given me a black hand and slander?"

Huang Yan thought of Fang Xing\'s relationship with the crown prince, and was immediately dumbfounded.

And today he was determined that Fang woke up and dared not offend himself, so he dared to come to the door.

Although the crown prince is not loved by Zhu Di, he often supervises the country. He is as well informed in the palace as others. Huang Yan has long known about giving him and Fang eye medicine.


Huang Yan didn\'t feel ashamed after being exposed. Some were just angry.

"What are you? Your sister!"

Fang Xing pointed to Huang Yan and shouted, "I didn\'t become an official, and I didn\'t commit crimes. You old man gave me a black hand behind my back and came to me to cheat money. Do you really think I dare not go to your majesty?"

Huang Yan said fearlessly, "with your scattered official, can you see your majesty?"

"Ha ha!"

Fang Xing pointed to the gate and said, "go away!"

Huang Yan smiled angrily, "OK, OK! We\'ll see how your husband is going to prosper."

"Ha ha!"

Fang Xing was still a hehe. Huang Yan suddenly froze when he came to the door.

And the great grandson and the Duke of England!

There are two giant Buddhas behind Fang Xing!

If Fang Xing went out and made a scene, who would Zhu Di believe?

Huang Yan shivered and hurried out of the Fang\'s house under the gaze of Xin Laoqi and his servants.

Fang Xing stood on the steps of the front hall, pointed to Huang Yan and said, "old seven, since then, this man dares to come and fight directly!"

"Just put the bell out!"

Huang Yan has no face to come to fangjiazhuang again. Even if he is on a mission, it is estimated that he will pretend to be upset and avoid.

Huang Yan came by carriage. As soon as he got out of fangjiazhuang, he jumped down, pointed to it and scolded, "Fang Dehua, you are proud today, but one day, our family will break you to pieces!"

As for which day it is, Huang Yan knows as well as Fang Xing.

That was the day when King Zhao could kill the crown prince\'s family.


Huang Yanzheng scolded readily, but he didn\'t notice the team coming behind him, and he was still his acquaintance.

Liang Zhong saw Huang Yan\'s posture of jumping and swearing. Looking at his direction, there were more clouds on his face.

"Grandpa Huang, where did Mr. Fang annoy you?"

Huang Yan\'s body was stiff. When he looked back and saw that it was Liang Zhong, he sneered and said, "it\'s none of your business!"

The two were sworn enemies in the palace, so when Liang Zhong saw that he was eating flat, he said, "Mr. Fang is a learned man. Isn\'t your father-in-law Huang insulting himself!"

Huang Yan was furious and was about to scold, but the curtain of the carriage behind Liang Zhong was lifted, revealing a small face