Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2137

Silence, it\'s just an appetizer.

Fang Xing was among the civil servants, but he looked at the Wu Xun.

This is just a test and has no practical significance.

Fang woke up and sat down slowly. Xia Yuanji whispered, "don\'t forget, those Xun Qi are also afraid that their fields will be taken away."

Fang woke up and thought of those heroes and relatives who were slow and seemed to be waiting for others to come out first. He couldn\'t help nodding and said, "it\'s rare to be calm when interests are involved."

Zhu Zhanji just looked at the noise below coldly. When Fang woke up and sat back, he said faintly, "Duke Cheng is just dereliction of duty!"

Wu Xun was excited and even noisy, but the civil servants were silent.

This is qualitative!

Didn\'t the emperor want to stabilize the situation? Why are you teasing the ministers again?

Fang woke up and heard Jianyi\'s breathing on the right. He looked at it, but saw Jianyi staring at himself.

Fang woke up with a cold smile and waved his chin towards the front row.

"Your Majesty, I think it\'s okay to clean up the fields..."

what the fuck!

Who is it?

Fang Xinggu couldn\'t fight with Jian Yi with his eyes, so he quickly looked away.

Yang Pu\'s waist was slightly bent and then straight, as straight as a javelin.

"There are many hidden worries in Shandong alone, killing constantly, looking at the whole Daming..."

Fang Xing looked at the scene coldly, and a word came out of his head.


"... the south, your majesty, the south is prosperous. Once driven by tigers and wolves, I don\'t know this day, this place... I seem to see blood, countless blood, blood flowing into a river!"

Pots of chrysanthemums are in front of everyone, beside Yang Pu.

He, who has always liked dormancy, came out today and boldly expressed the ideas that countless people want to say but dare not say.

"Your Majesty..."

Huang Huai got up with difficulty, then went to the middle of the chrysanthemum and bowed down: "Your Majesty, the south must not move, otherwise the Ming Dynasty will be in chaos, so the court will be in a dilemma. Moving forward is to create another South. If you retreat, the north will not live in peace, and you will certainly clamor for restoration, so......"

The south is an important place of wealth for Daming. Once there is unrest, Daming will almost be paralyzed.

Fang woke up and looked at Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi, but he was stunned.

So this is a raid.

A premeditated raid on the emperor at the banquet.

And well founded.

If the South resists, how many troops will it take to suppress it?

That\'s not the north. It\'s vast and sparsely populated. Once it starts, it\'s not surrounded by hundreds of people

Think of tens of thousands of people appearing in front of officers and in front of the army. What should we do?

Think about that scene. Who\'s not afraid?

Zhang Fu\'s face was grim. He was not afraid, but thinking about why Yang Pu and others did not advise in the early stage, but to advise the emperor when Shandong was almost completed.

This is

He looked at the emperor above, but the Emperor just looked at the bottom indifferently.

He looked at Fang Xing, who was smiling.


This is still a dispute between kings and ministers!

If the king is strong and has enough power, the ministers will naturally feel uncomfortable.

No one wants to feel bad, so after finding the opportunity, the ministers will naturally fight back.


Fang Xing was in a trance for a moment. He wondered whether Zhu Zhanji could not bear the counterattack of the officials at this time in history. He opened the inner book Hall to let the eunuchs read and then pushed them out to fight against the civil servants.

"Your Majesty, please think twice..."

One by one, the ministers got up and walked to the middle, then bowed down and admonished.

Chrysanthemum is light yellow, extending from under the throne to outside the gate. It is fragrant, tender and charming.

The autumn wind caresses, slightly cool.

But like a sharp blade!

"Please think twice..."

Fang Xing is still sitting, Xia Yuanji is still sitting

Wu Xun were sitting in peace. Their eyes twinkled. They didn\'t know what they were thinking.

Jian Yi suddenly sneered: "the world is bustling, all for profit. If you don\'t know this, how can you help the king? Today is the court, tomorrow is the world. Where can you place Daming?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "just press it down!"

Jian Yi said in surprise, "you are... Do you really think you can be invincible with a long knife in this world?"

Zhu Yuanzhang once thought so. Later, he woke up and began to move closer to the gentry. Then he got the help of many people and established the Daming Dynasty.

Fang Xing shook his head and didn\'t want to tell him this.

Zhu Zhanji sat on it, still holding the wine cup in his hand.

"Please think twice..."

"Think twice about what?"

Zhu Zhanji asked, playing with his wine glass. It was very plain, but all the ministers noticed the smell of danger.

Today, the emperor suddenly raised the question. He didn\'t hesitate to screw up the Double Ninth Festival banquet, but also wanted to see a true chapter with the ministers. So what\'s his killer mace?

Court staff?

There are many eunuchs and bodyguards outside the door. If you want to do it, it\'s a good time.

After his accession to the throne, Zhu Zhanji has been dealing with the ministers without close combat.

What does it mean to make a sudden move today?

Yang Rong just got up, but he didn\'t get involved. He looked coldly at the civil servants standing among the chrysanthemums and said, "persecute your majesty, this is a gift of Ministers?"

The incident happened in a hurry. He needed to sort it out and sort out the leader.

His eyes swept slowly from the front and stopped at Huang Huai and Yang Pu.

Is that you?

Yang Pu still straightened his waist.

This has been dormant in the political assistant bachelor, today finally broke out.

Like an honest man getting angry, it can always make people more surprised. Yang Pu\'s appearance attracted most eyes, including Zhu Zhanji.

Huang Huai has always been remonstrating. When he dragged his sick body and trembled to shout his majesty to think twice, he was particularly shocking.


"This is forced palace!"

There was also a big banquet in ningshou palace. Zhu Zhanji\'s women and children gathered together.

Li Bin quietly went to the side of the Empress Dowager and whispered the latest news.

The Empress Dowager\'s face was still smiling, but it was a little cold.

The women below pretended to peep inadvertently and guessed what had happened in front of them.

Duanduan and Wuyou are eating and drinking in Hu. The two children have agreed to go to Fang\'s house for a day tomorrow, so they have nothing on their mind and eat happily.

Hu Shanxiang was staring at the corn held by the wet nurse.

Regardless of the Empress Dowager\'s dissuasion, sun Guifei also came and was sitting first on the right with a big belly.

With puffed cheeks, he tried to eat. Looking back, he saw that the Empress Dowager\'s face was different, so he swallowed the food twice, and then asked, "don\'t you eat, grandma?"

Worry free smiled at her, worried that he and Duan\'s plan would be blocked.

The loveliness of the two children made the Empress Dowager feel better. She smiled and said, "this palace is old. It\'s satisfied to see it. I don\'t dare to eat more, so as not to break my stomach."

Hu Shanxiang didn\'t think much, but sun\'s heart was cold and subconsciously held his stomach.

Satisfied, I broke my stomach... Is this saying that I am insatiable and covet the Phoenix throne?