Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2136

Huang Huai\'s health has been getting better recently, thanks to the emperor\'s sending imperial doctors to treat him.

He is grateful, really, wholeheartedly.

So he came out of the imperial city early and prepared to go to the palace for dinner.

Starting from Zhu Yuanzhang, the most important officials of the Ming Dynasty had better ride a horse if they can, otherwise the emperor will find an excuse to get you home.

But Huang Huai was different. He was weak after a long illness and had better have less hair, so Zhu Zhanji told him to go up and down the Yamen in a carriage.

So his carriage stopped outside, which was very eye-catching. People who arrived early took it as the center and gradually gathered together.

"That man was only banned. It is said that he drank and scolded the day before yesterday. He is really arrogant!"

"Xing Hebo went to his house and didn\'t know what he said. The man was more honest. At least he didn\'t play a chapter to defend himself."

"Birds of a feather, I\'m not sure what I\'m preparing to see..."

"Shut up! Yang Rong is coming!"

Several officials saluted Yang Rong, and then avoided to one side.

Yang Rong went to the side of the carriage and said to Huang Huai, who opened the curtain, "today\'s weather is good."

Huang Huai looked up at the sky and said, "it seems that there is no cloud, but there will be a rainstorm accidentally. It\'s best not to..."

Yang Rong touched the outside of the carriage and said faintly, "those people died by themselves. Whether there is any mistake or not, Duke Cheng has been banned. Xinghe Bo and Yan Dajian have all gone for a trip, which is enough."

He looked back and saw that no one was close, so he raised his voice a little and said, "Your Majesty\'s patience is limited. Those people are wrong first and then make trouble. Your majesty is angry and turned over. Who will recover?"

Huang Huai turned his face numbly, looked at Yang Rong\'s back and said, "I don\'t know! It\'s a precedent. Anyway, those sergeants have not been punished. This is the origin of the domineering martial arts. If you don\'t press it down, Lord Yang, the disaster of the vassal town is not far away!"

Yang Rong said with a sneer, "if you think too much, Lord Huang, don\'t say anything else. If the martial arts man wants to be domineering, xinghebo won\'t be allowed to be the first! But when he comes back, he goes to the Duke of Chengguo first. What does that mean? It means that Duke of Chengguo will bear it first! If you force him again, Fang wake up. Once you turn your face, who will your majesty support?"

Huang Huai coughed and refused Yang Rong to pat himself on the back. He said coldly, "I can\'t help but keep quiet, that\'s all."


Yang Rong also wanted to persuade him again. The voice behind him made him smile bitterly. He turned and looked at Fang Xing coming and said, "do you want to fight him? Lord Huang, come back and give it to others, otherwise I will worry about you..."

Huang Huai\'s face was slightly red. He looked at Fang Xing not far away, smiled and said, "die and die. Who won\'t die? Lord Yang, can you live long?"

"Xinghe came early!"

Yang Rong\'s heart was cold. He just exchanged greetings with Fang Xing with a smile, and then hurried away under the pretext.

Fang woke up and stood aside with worry free. No one around took the initiative to approach.

Until someone came out to greet the ministers, Yang Rong still didn\'t come.

Fang Xing glanced coldly at Huang Huai who had come down from the carriage, and then followed the ministers inside.

Yang Rong was in a hurry to catch up.

The Double Ninth Festival banquet is held in the Jinshen hall, which is adjacent to the Huagai hall, followed by the Qianqing gate.


Worry free was taken to the back. The Empress Dowager called the women in the harem and also made a Double Ninth Festival banquet.

There are several rows of small tables in the hall, one table for each person.

Fang Xing is in the second row on the right. This is not because he is modest, but because he can\'t make an exception.

But when he saw the eunuchs leading the civil servants to the right, he jumped in his heart and immediately sat down in his seat.

After sitting down, he saw the associate politicians being led to the first row.

"Xing Hebo, wrong way?"

Xia Yuanji was led over with a smile and sat on Fang Xing\'s left.

Fang Xing said with his normal face, "who knows!"

Both know that this can never be wrong.

Yu Jia stood outside the hall and looked at the ministers from time to time. Where could she be wrong.

Huang Huai sat in the first row, just in front of Fang Xing.

The right side is finally arranged with Jian Yi, so Fang Xing is the former Huang Huai, Zuo Xia Yuanji and you Jian Yi.

The sea of civil servants!

After Zhu Zhanji came, he tossed about, and then sat down.

Then eunuchs came in. They put pots of chrysanthemums in the middle. Suddenly, a unique smell gradually filled the air.

Next is wine and food.

Needless to say, this is the last feast. After that, many things can\'t be eaten.

The wine is chrysanthemum wine. It smells light.

Zhu Zhanji picked up the wine cup and said, "autumn harvest and winter storage. Zhu Qing is conscientious this year. Daming has another bumper harvest..."

This is the conclusion and the prologue, so everyone listens.

"... Shandong has increased a lot of taxes. I\'m very pleased..."

Some people don\'t look good. Where are the taxes in Shandong? Isn\'t it a complete withdrawal of farmland? Then those fields that didn\'t have to pay taxes should also be paid.

"Predecessors planted trees and later generations enjoyed the cool. Today, I and Zhu Qing are predecessors."

Zhu Zhanji gradually smiled, and many people below were just pretending to smile or grimacing.

"... what do you want to leave for future generations? I want to leave a safe and enterprising Daming. Zhu Qing makes great efforts..."

The emperor raised his glass and everyone drank it.

The liquor was cold. Fang woke up and looked at the front right. The front was Yang Rong.

It\'s interesting that the associate politicians sit in the first row.

Fang woke up and looked around. Xia Yuanji was studying which dish to eat. Jian Yi\'s face looked faintly ahead, but he couldn\'t find the focal length

Jian Yi turned sideways and looked coldly at Fang Xing. He was looking left and right. He was about to raise his glass. Du Qian got up and said, "Your Majesty, although Duke Cheng made a small mistake, he didn\'t commit a major crime. Today he is missing..."

Plead for Zhu Yong?

And it was Du Qian, Zhu Zhanji\'s confidant, who came out!

What\'s the meaning of this?

Many people looked at Zhang Fu and thought that even if they asked for love, it should be Wu Xun!

Is it the emperor\'s hint?

Xia Yuanji leaned over to Fang Xing and asked in a low voice, "is it beginning?"

Fang woke up and nodded. Not only he, but everyone straightened up.

The Double Ninth Festival banquet is a feast. You shouldn\'t mention these frustrations. But the emperor took the initiative to mention it.

what is it?

make war!

After the incident, the emperor remained silent for a long time, but banned Zhu Yong and sent Fang Xing and Yan Dajian to deal with the aftermath. Everyone thought that the emperor wanted to let it go quietly in the past, but now it seems to be wrong.

Fang woke up and looked at the top. Seeing Zhu Zhanji\'s expressionless look at the ministers, he knew his plan in his heart.

So when a Minister got up and began to fight back, Fang Xing put down his chopsticks and bit the tendons in his mouth.

"... your majesty, the martial arts are less restrained, and now they are more and more unscrupulous. Apart from Shandong, hundreds of families beat people to death in the street in Huailai last month, and others..."

Pile by pile, piece by piece, the domineering image of the martial arts man is gradually clear

"It\'s all nonsense!"

When the martial arts are suppressed, it should be Wu Xun who comes out, and Wu Xun are really preparing to come out.

But the first one to get up was Fang Xing sitting in a civil servant.

When Fang woke up, he just said something and made all the ministers speechless.

"Your Majesty, I helped clean up the gentry in Shandong and cleaned up some corruption. Before I came back, there were more than 300 people."


The awkward atmosphere immediately suppressed the impassioned and common hatred just now.

You civil servants are no better!

Fang Xing looked at those Wu Xun with an expressionless face, proudly picking eyebrows at the civil servants.

He was a little tired of the atmosphere.

Yes, civil servants are not clean, but are military men clean?

Two crows stand together and complain about how dark each other is