Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2138

"Empress, many people are attacking the palace, but Xinghe Bo didn\'t move..."

No one in the palace dared to intercept the empress dowager, so the news came like flowing water.

The Empress Dowager\'s eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly, "no matter."

She believed that Fang would not wake up, but she didn\'t know what she was waiting for.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Rice wine, drink rice wine!"

At this time, the lower end and worry free began to make trouble, and the atmosphere was warm.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "go and heat up the sweet wine and give them a warm drink."

After having children, the royal family finally began to be lively.

The Empress Dowager looked at the corn held by the wet nurse, sun\'s big belly and the girl, and couldn\'t help feeling

"What are you waiting for?"


Fang Xing has been staring at Liu Guan.

The emperor needed cannon fodder, which was divided into high-level and low-level.

Fang Xing believes that Liu Guan belongs to high-grade cannon fodder, so now is the time for him to go out.

And he himself is not motionless, but can not make people feel that the emperor is so hard-core, some lonely and desolate.

Liu Guan stood on the third small table of Jian Yi\'s past. He was a little uneasy. His uneasiness came from the waking eyes on the left.

This is a look of coercion and threat.

Now that you have chosen a team, be single and go out to fight!

He knew he had no way back, so he went out.

Zhu Zhanji had been looking at the ministers coldly. Seeing Liu Guan coming out, his eyebrows moved and nodded slightly.

Liu guanang said first, "Your Majesty, there is no turning back. The abolition of the gentry tax exemption has ended in Shandong. Now, it\'s a matter of repentance. It\'s a play on your Majesty\'s reputation. No, it\'s not a play, but a stepping stone for yourself! This generation should be killed!"

I said NIMA!

For a moment, I don\'t know how many people are secretly scolding Liu Guan.

A good collective action is clearly for the country and the people, but it has become a dry reputation in Liu Guan\'s mouth. He only cares about the king for his own reputation

Huang Huai angrily said, "it\'s not too late to make up for it!"

Yang Pu looked back at Liu Guan. His eyes were cold.

"Your Majesty, there are too many taxes in Shandong, but people are depressed, people are in danger, and countless loyal people... It\'s hard to express their grief and anger, your majesty, this is self destruction of the Great Wall!"

Yang Pu\'s words aroused a lot of resonance, and the fire of the attack immediately gathered again.

Liu Guan sneered: "what kind of loyal man? What did I see in Hejian mansion? It\'s just greed. I didn\'t forget to bribe him after being caught. It can be seen that my disposition is deep-rooted. This is what you call a loyal man?"


If what the officials just shouted was empty, Liu Guan\'s is a real hammer.

He is the imperial censor of Zuo Du. Naturally, he has many clues about the corruption of officials. He only needs to operate one or two

This is a threat!

The officials threatened the emperor with uncooperative, while Liu Guan threatened them with ducha court.

Don\'t be naughty! Otherwise, I\'ll stare at you and find loopholes... Check the hospital, and those imperial governors will bite you like a mad dog.

Don\'t feel too good if you bite people according to orders!

There are at least 20 civil servants standing in the middle of the chrysanthemum. At the moment, Liu Guan is alone against the crowd, but he doesn\'t lose the slightest.

This is talent!

Unfortunately, greedy!

There was a silence. When Liu Guan was a little complacent, Yang Pu said, "I just learned about it before my minister came. There were gentry in the South who were afraid and the whole family went to sea... Fell into the sea and died."

Tao can\'t do it. It floats in the sea by boat.

The whole family going to sea is only a symbolic event. Now it is proposed by Yang Pu, which is more like a historical event.

The king had better not have a direct conflict with his ministers, which will lose the room for buffer.

Zhu Zhanji had clenched his glass and woke up.

Wu Xun looked sideways, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief. Someone said, "what shit, the whole family goes to sea, mostly fleeing from sin!"

This is a very vulgar sentence, but it makes Yang Pu helpless.

This is the introduction!

Do you understand?

Really stupid!

The eyes of the civil servants immediately became more disdainful and disdainful.

"Well said!"

With a gentle sound, Wu Xun felt very comfortable.

The civil servants turned back and looked at Fang Xing with contempt.

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, there is no Tao. If there is, the Tao lies among the people, not among the gentry. What the people like to see and hear is the Tao, the way of kings and the way of officials."

Yang Pu closed his eyes and murmured, "is that again?"

Fang Xing\'s science is vigorously advocating that knowledge should go into the countryside, and then feed back the needs of the countryside. This is knowledge.

And Ming Pao was born for this.

On the one hand, he believed that the Tao lay in the gentry, and the support of the gentry was the basis for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

The other side believes that the Tao is among the people, and the recognition and support of the people are the king.

What about the emperor?


The wine glass falls to the ground and turns into powder.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "in the past, I only heard that officials were like wolves, gentry were like embarrassment, and forced the people to cross the sea. Now there is a strange story, which shows the difference of my virtue..."

"I dare not!"

The ministers bowed their heads.

Zhu Zhanji sneered and said, "why don\'t you dare? I just ask, why do you give preferential treatment to the gentry? Where does reason and law come from?"

Where did it come from?

The ministers were frightened. It turned out that we had forgotten the wrong again!

Giving preferential treatment to the gentry could not be supported, but they were used to it. They felt that it was natural and just could not be cancelled, so they were justified.

They are all extremely smart people, but they are used to this preferential treatment and forget that it is against the law.

After being beaten by the emperor, most people found a problem: it turned out that we were making trouble for a long time. It turned out that we were defending a group of people who broke the law!

But we\'re talking about Tao!

Daming wants to stabilize. Can he lose these?

Is it worth the risk just to give preferential treatment to the gentry?

When Zhu Zhanji saw those stunned and taken for granted, he couldn\'t help but feel cold.

They didn\'t take the merger seriously at all!

The hall was strangely quiet. Someone outside wanted to come in and deliver vegetables, but was stopped.


An Lun and Yu Jia stood together and looked at the food delivery people coldly.

Something big is going to happen today!

Anlun looked at the fans standing on the square under the steps and whispered, "will you do it?"

Yu Jia shook her head and said indifferently, "better not."

Anlun nodded to understand.

The emperor wanted to suppress the confrontation between monarchs and officials caused by the Deping incident at one fell swoop, and then carry it out.

But the ministers wanted to seize this opportunity to force the emperor to take back his order, and the two sides were deadlocked.

Once it doesn\'t make sense, the people in the East Hall will go.

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

At this time, there came a voice close to mourning. Yu Jia gnashed her teeth and said, "persecute your father, damn it!"

He didn\'t know that those people were saving their way and the future of that class, just pure anger.

Most people outside are angry, but it\'s still useless. No one of them can move unless the emperor orders.

Anlun felt that this was an opportunity to make the East Hall a sharp sword for all officials.


Inside came the emperor\'s voice. An lunleng looked at it. Yu Jiadi shouted, "go quickly!"

Anlun a spirit, turned back and waved.

Two Fanzi rushed up from below and rushed into the hall.

The bodyguards outside the hall were a little depressed. They felt that the Emperor didn\'t think their means were cruel enough.