Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2135


In the past, Zhu Zhanji didn\'t like other people\'s children calling adults, but also dragged a long tail, which made people feel irritable.


End to end to break away Wan Wan\'s hand and run hard.

Zhu Zhanji frowned and shook his head slightly. Then his body subconsciously wanted to squat down, but he held back at last.

Duan Duan\'s body looked askew when she ran over because she was leaning when she broke away Wan Wan\'s hand.

But she smiled really, silly really.


Zhu Zhanji was in a trance, remembering how long he hadn\'t seen such a pure smile.

That\'s... That woman

He remembered his first meeting with sun.

It was in Tai\'s womb. At that time, sun was handed over by Zhu Di to his mother and raised by the crown princess at that time.

It seemed to be a late autumn. He suddenly saw her under the colorful leaves.

The shy smile and the slight bow of his head were like the most brilliant craftsman. He painted it and carved it in the depths of his brain, unforgettable and lifelike.

"Slow down!"

Wan Wan\'s voice came. Zhu Zhanji shook his head, then hurried over and picked her up before Duan was about to fall.


Duan Duan gasped and said happily, "go climb the mountain. Worry free said she was going to climb the mountain yesterday. Father, let\'s climb the mountain."

A bird flew through the air with a crisp song.

Zhu Zhanji felt that his daughter\'s muttering was like the song of a bird, which always made him feel happy.

"Worry free also said that her family has a lot of delicious food and sweet wine today. Father and emperor, worry free said that she can drink sweet wine today, and I want to drink it too..."


Zhu Zhanji held his daughter, looked at the quiet Wan Wan and said, "you should go out and walk more and think less behind closed doors."

Wan Wan said with a smile: "brother Huang, Duanduan rested with me last night!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and began to shout: "father emperor, aunt Wan Wan drank a glass of water without breakfast... She said she was afraid of being fat."

Zhu Zhanji looked at Wan Wan in surprise and said, "don\'t listen to those nonsense. The queen doesn\'t pay so much attention. Isn\'t it good now? Come on, ask for a bowl of porridge."

Wan Wan blushed and thanked. Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help sighing when he saw her.

"Are you going to see your brother?"

Wan Wan certainly won\'t eat here, so she asked Duan Duan.

Duanduan was rarely close to his emperor\'s father, so he shook his head like a rattle, "no, no, no, go later, aunt Wan Wan, you go first."

Heartless little thing!

Wan Wan can\'t be angry, and then go to Kunning palace alone.

Zhu Zhanji was naturally happy. When he had nothing to do in the morning, he led Duan to look for treasure in front of the Qianqing palace.


"Sister-in-law, it\'s not clear what corn is called."

Wan Wan holds the corn with open teeth and claws and thinks the child is a little stupid.


The child\'s cry is always so heartless and heartless. Hu Shanxiang on the side smiled and said, "call aunt."

Corn reached out to Hu Shanxiang and shouted, "Dudu, Dudu..."

Hu Shanxiang reluctantly said to Wan Wan, "this child speaks later than Duanduan. Now even the emperor\'s grandmother can\'t call!"

Wan Wan held the corn on her lap and was happy to see him laughing.

"Sister-in-law, Xing and Bo\'s potatoes talk late!"

Wan Wan inadvertently takes out the potatoes to comfort Hu Shanxiang, but makes Hu Shanxiang a little stunned.

She looked outside. Her careful appearance made Yi\'an feel a little sour.

"Your imperial brother... Do you still like Duanduan?"

"Of course, sister-in-law."

Wan Wan thought Hu Shanxiang\'s idea was a little strange, so she smiled and said, "when he was in the Qianqing palace, the imperial brother had been holding Duanduan and talking to her quietly."

Hu Shanxiang breathed a sigh of relief and said with embarrassment: "I\'ve been looking after corn for more than half a year, but I\'ve neglected it. She\'s either fooling around with her mother or going to your place for recreation all day. She\'s as lawless as a demon..."


Corn stretched out his hand towards her, Wan Wan sent him over, and then said, "sister-in-law, don\'t worry about these. My mother and I like to carry them. I\'m afraid there will be less contact in the future."

"Your marriage... Don\'t worry too much."

Hu Shanxiang had a good relationship with his younger sister-in-law. Naturally, he didn\'t want her to marry blindly and silently. He whispered, "last time Xinghe Bo went to check one by one. It is said to be an attack. He was afraid that others would run away and cheat."

Wan Wan\'s hands suddenly clenched, then relaxed, smiled and said, "well, thanks to Xinghe Bo."

"Thanks to your royal brother."

Hu Shanxiang said angrily, "before those people become demons, your royal brother quickly invited Xinghe Bo. It\'s worried about you! So don\'t think about it. You can have a good life. Just leave it to your mother and your royal brother."

The atmosphere was silent, only corn was muttering words that no one understood.

Wan Wan was in a daze. She looked at the corn blankly.

Hu Shanxiang broke the silence and said, "Xing Hebo is going to the palace for a banquet today."


"Back! Mom, we\'re back!"

Zhang Shuhui, Xiaobai and Mo Chou are preparing the menu for dinner.

Hearing the shouting, Zhang Shuhui said angrily, "this is flying back?"

After a burst of running sound, worry free rushed in, saw three women discussing the menu, and immediately came together to make an idea.

Zhang Shuhui picked her up and shouted, "sweating, go and find someone to change your clothes."

Then Fang Xing came in with several sons. He was very lively and wanted to find his favorite dishes. Fang Xing was explaining to his two sons.

"My father will take your sister into the palace later. Today is a festival. It\'s a joy. Don\'t take care of yourself to play. Watch your brother and be lively. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, father."

The two sons bowed together, and Fang woke up to be pleased. In a trance, he felt that he had some father\'s airs.

Xiaobai said regretfully, "young master, when can we all go into the palace to have a look!"

"I can go."

Fang Xing did not perfunctory, but answered the question very seriously.

Mo Chou was surprised and said, "Sir, it\'s not easy to go there."

"It\'s not a problem, but it\'s not easy to make an exception. In fact, there\'s nothing in it, just some palaces. After a long time... Even the emperor would rather come out and walk around. It can be seen that there\'s a prison inside."

Mo Chou smiled. She wouldn\'t wake up in embarrassment, so she didn\'t ask.

"Young master, when can I go?"

Xiaobai worships Fang Xing blindly, and she believes what Fang Xing says.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "anytime."

Xiaobai also wanted to ask. Zhang Shuhui twisted her and scolded, "nothing to do? Go to the kitchen."

Xiaobai went to the kitchen with her mouth flat. Zhang Shuhui suddenly smiled and said, "husband, today\'s Double Ninth Festival banquet, no important minister will take a girl to the banquet!"

Fang Xing said calmly, "I said it\'s OK at any time."