Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 212

Back at Fang\'s house, Chen Xiao shouted, "I want delicious food!"

It seems that the food of the Imperial College has made him collapse. Fang woke up and said sympathetically, "just eat and take some back when you leave."

Chen Xiao patted his belly and said with self pity, "I feel thin."

When Wang Qi saw that Fang Xing lived in an ordinary place and there were not many servant girls, he immediately sighed: "Mr. Fang, you are really happy with the landscape!"


Fang woke up and immediately felt that Wang Qi was a good man, and then said faintly: "benevolent people like mountains, wise people like water, I just..."

"Chen Xiao..."

Fang Xing was brewing a wave of "chicken soup" when a woman\'s cry came from outside.


I\'m not familiar with the sound, and it\'s Chen Xiao

When Fang woke up to see Chen Xiao\'s face as pale as earth, he couldn\'t help but say angrily, "OK! You didn\'t come to Jinling long ago, but you were outside with a woman..."

Chen Xiao interrupted with a sad face: "brother Dehua, that fierce woman is..."

"Chen Xiao! I see where you can hide!"

Chen Xiao\'s words were not over. A girl of medium build and round face rushed in looking at some festive girls. Two servants followed, looking helpless.


Fang woke up and asked, "who are you looking for?"

The girl first looked at Fang Xingfu, "you are brother Fang, I\'m Lu Xiaoran." then she pointed to Chen Xiao hiding behind Fang Xingfu and said, "I\'m looking for Chen Xiao."

Lu Xiaoran? No!

Fang woke up and grabbed Chen Xiao, pulled him out and asked in a low voice, "are you in trouble?"

"That\'s my daughter-in-law!"

As soon as Chen Xiao came out, he smiled at the girl and said, "Xiao ran, why did you go out today? I said I would pick you up at home."

Lu Xiaoran hummed, "I went to the Imperial College today."

I went to the Imperial College, but later I found it here. This girl is a detective! So Chen Xiao went after the whereabouts of "Star" today

Fang Xing quietly stepped back and exposed Chen Xiao in front.

"Xiao ran..."

Chen Xiao went over and whispered, "brother Dehua is here. Can you save me some face?"

Lu Xiaoran clenched his fist, and then said in the same low voice, "I see you, right by the bridge, and you\'re still shouting at the condensed incense."

"Xiao ran..."

Chen Xiao looked pitifully at Lu Xiaoran with a bitter face. He was really afraid of the fiancee chosen by his father.

Lu Xiaoran\'s father is Lu Fei, the head of the Ministry of rites. The Ministry of rites gives the impression that he is a learned man and gentle. But Lu Xiaoran liked to dance with guns and sticks when he was a child, so he was a famous "female tiger" in Jinling.

The Chen family and the Lu family are family friends. When Chen Xiao was a child, he was beaten by Lu Xiaoran. When she learned that she was engaged to the tiger, Chen Xiao almost wanted to run away from home.

"Brother Fang, is your sister-in-law there?"

Lu Xiaoran suddenly made a divine turn and wanted to see Zhang Shuhui.

Without seeing the good play, Fang Xing regretfully smashed his mouth and said to the servant girl, "take Miss Lu to see Mrs. Shao."

Then Fang woke up and saw her face change - the girl who had just frowned at Chen Xiao smiled shyly.

"Brother Fang, you\'d better call me Xiao ran. My father mentioned you at home and thought you were this!"

Looking at the thumbs up, Fang woke up and said with a dry smile, "well, it\'s probably not a thumb?"

What Fang Xing did in the Imperial College was somewhat unorthodox in the eyes of scholars, and Lu Fei was the head of the Ministry of rites and would not agree with Fang Xing\'s move.

Lu Xiaoran\'s smile stiffened on his face, and then he said, "I\'ll see my sister-in-law first."

After Lu Xiaoran left, Fang woke up and looked back at Chen Xiao, who had no love on his face. He patted him on the shoulder and said sympathetically, "Jianzhong, it\'s hard for you to make progress with this charming... Wife!"

Even Wang Qi, who had never said a word, gave Chen Xiao a look of "I\'m sorry.".

Since Chen Xiao\'s fiancees are here, Fang Xing and his wife certainly have to entertain.

Wang Qi felt that the atmosphere was not right today. He was worried that he would be affected by gunfire, so he left in time.

When Zhang Shuhui and Lu Xiaoran came out, they looked like sisters, which made Fang Xing appreciate her more.

In a family, if the hostess can\'t communicate, it\'s a big loss for men.

After dinner, Lu Xiaoran also apologized for taking the liberty to visit today, and finally declined Fang Xing\'s kindness to let his servants escort him back.

"Brother Fang, I\'ve practiced before."

Lu Xiaoran smiled shyly, but Chen Xiao\'s expression was the best footnote to what she had just said.

Well, Fang Xing sent Chen Xiao away, watching him follow Lu Xiaoran\'s carriage, turned back and said to Zhang Shuhui, "Chen Xiao is so poor!"

Zhang Shuhui said with a smile, "husband, didn\'t you say that women can also be outside the Lord? I think Xiao Ran is good!"

Fang woke up and said, "that\'s just an example. Our family is not one of them."



Fang Jiazhuang in the winter fallow field is very comfortable. Fang Xing wanders around the field and gradually comes to the edge of the canal.

The Li family village opposite is also very deserted, but some people are walking towards the main house, and they all carry book boxes.

Fang Xing stood on his canal and watched a carriage come slowly.

The curtain of the car opened a crack, and Qin ban Leng hummed, "idle!"

But when I arrived at the Academy, I was angry when I saw a first volume of mathematics on the desks of several students.

"If I see this evil book again in the future, you don\'t have to come!"

Several students were surprised and inexplicable, but under the pressure of Qin ban, they had to pick up the book and get up to apologize.

When Qin class turned around, an informed student whispered to them, "Fang Xing, who wrote this math book, has a big feud with master Qin!"

what the fuck! What a disaster!

Several students who knew the situation secretly complained, but it was impossible for them to give up studying mathematics.

Who doesn\'t want to learn more these days? Only those who read foolishly and those with vested interests will cling to imperfections.

Of course, these young students are not stupid, so they just go home and study by themselves.

Li Mao came late as the host. Qin ban wanted to scold one or two, but he thought of his own shuxiu, and his position was soft.

At this time, Fang Xing appeared in the "classroom" and was explaining the principle of leverage to less than ten students.

"If you give me a fulcrum, you can pry up the whole earth. This is the words of an ancient Greek scholar, which I agree with very much."

Fang Xing made some simple examples, including a small pulley.

"The principle of rod and bar widely exists in our daily life. Let\'s think about it. If we use pulley blocks to lift goods at the wharf, will it save a lot of labor and labor?"

Zhu Zhanji raised his hand and Fang woke up and nodded.

"Brother Dehua, in that case, those coolies will lose their jobs?"


Fang woke up and didn\'t think about it. He said, "this is your point of view. It\'s good, but I hope you can further come up with a way to have the best of both worlds!"