Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2129

"Liang Ping was picked up and ran away. It\'s none of my business!"

Xu Jingchang and Fang Xing confronted each other, and both sides glared angrily.

Yan Dajian is a little embarrassed and wants to persuade him. His identity doesn\'t seem to be involved. Don\'t persuade me. If these two people\'s posture is not good, they will fight. Then he will become a fish in the pond.


Fang Xing rudely scolded: "Duke Cheng returned to the capital without saying hello. You are the head of Shandong, but you can\'t even see a person well for what you have done. What can your majesty expect you to do? Play with women?"

Xu Jingchang flew into a rage, pointed to Fang Xing and scolded, "what are you talking about?"

Yan Dajian was more and more embarrassed. He arched his hands at them, and then quietly stepped out.

"Do you know how to play with women? Dare you say women in front of your country\'s public..."

Xu Jingchang\'s words gradually became obscene. After Yan Dajian disappeared, he even picked his eyebrows and said, "my brother will get you two women tonight? I promise it\'s a baby."

Fang Xing\'s eyes followed Yan Dajian until his back disappeared in the arch. Then he said angrily, "something big has happened. You still want to play with women. Don\'t you want to be a Duke?"

Xu Jingchang gave a Pooh to the outside and said, "the Chaozhong must want to get me down?"


Yan Dajian is smart enough to avoid, otherwise Xu Jingchang and Fang Xing will definitely teach him a lesson.

"That\'s a stupid thing done by Zhu Yong. I\'m not stupid. Liang Ping is surrounded in the Changqing area, waiting to see who is his party!"

At the moment, Xu Jingchang\'s body doesn\'t have the smell of dandy. He drew a map on the table with his fingers, pointed to the place representing Changqing and said, "just run him, and his thousands of households are watched by me. No one wants to run again. At that time, those people will naturally jump off the wall."

"Calm down, calm down!"

When Fang woke up and saw him gnashing his teeth, he advised him, "it\'s not about cleaning up and offering. Naturally, your majesty will clean up."

"What do you mean?"

Xu Jingchang asked again in an instant. He looked like a cunning fox with thousands of faces.

"Offering is just one thing. The key is to get rid of the sense of superiority of gentry and scholars. Let\'s start from the beginning. If it\'s a mule or a horse, pull it out and walk. Don\'t sit at home all day and shout that you are a thousand mile horse."

Xu Jingchang understood it and said disdainfully, "it\'s still a dispute over orthodoxy for a long time. It\'s just to pull Confucianism to a place similar to your science. Why is it so noble?"

Gao your sister!

Fang woke up with a black line on his face and said, "hurry up. As soon as I arrive, those people must panic and stare."

Xu Jingchang shook his head and said, "brother, I\'m a sinner now. You know, brother, I\'m not easy to move, otherwise there are people... Your majesty calls Zhu Yong a fool, but brother, I must be more stupid than him! It\'s better to be stupid..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s patience with Xun Qi is gradually decreasing, just balancing.

When a new group that can compete with civil servants appears, the good days of Xun Qi will almost be over.

I\'ve made a mistake to protect myself!

Fang Xing shook his head, but knew that Xu Jingchang\'s early contribution was not small, which was taking the initiative to keep a low profile.

So he was also impolite. He got up and said, "go out after passing on Ben Bo\'s words. Mu Qi conspired against him and offered a reward of 100 Guan! Those who provide clues are also considered, and those who fail to report the information are guilty!"

"Where\'s Liang Ping?"

Xu Jingchang asked lazily. Since he decided not to wade in this muddy water, he would not get involved. If it weren\'t for Fang Xing, he would be lazy to ask.

"Just send some people and take them back."

"Your servant?"

Xu Jingchang, the other party\'s awakened servant, was greedy for Xin Laoqi. He wished he could dig him home with a lot of money to escort the Xu family.

Fang Xing shook his head and sneered, "they underestimated your majesty. They are His Majesty\'s people."

"The dead man\'s face?"

Xu Jingchang thought of Wuchuan. He couldn\'t help shaking his head and said, "that guy is not a good man. He was estimated to be an executioner in his last life. He was murderous all over."

Fang Xing shook his head again and said, "let him come."

Xu Jingchang held his cheek in his hand and looked curiously at the door. He thought about the people around the emperor. He knew more or less. Are there other people?

Dressed in white, the pace is very small, I can\'t hear the sound.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo and dingguogong."

A faint mole between the eyebrows, handsome, no, with a little charm.

"You are..."

Xu Jingchang remembered something. He exclaimed, "weren\'t you killed by Huang Yan?"

"Leaves falling snow."

Someone arched his hand, then woke up and waited for orders.

"Have you recovered?"

Fang Xing asked. Last time he saw ye Luoxue off in Xishi, this was their first meeting.

Ye Luoxue\'s eyes were more warm and said, "it\'s all right."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "then take someone. Where is he?"


Xu Jingchang was still a little shocked. Hearing the meaning of the speech, he asked. Then he knew that this was Fang Xingzai\'s opportunity to show him. He hurriedly said, "in Changqing, Liang Ping is in Changqing."

"How many people?"

Ye Luoxue was originally the bodyguard commander of emperor Ren. Now her identity is unknown, but she doesn\'t need to deal with the dignitaries, let alone flattery.

Xu Jingchang subconsciously said: "plus Liang Ping, there are five people, all fierce soldiers..."

"He is brave!"

Fang Xing felt that Xu Jingchang really had no eyesight and deserved to be carried out by successive emperors.

Ye Luoxue alone blocked Huang Yan\'s gang of rebels. They all saw the internal organs and still fought hard. Who dares to say that such a person is braver than him?

Xu Jingchang asked with some emotion, "why don\'t we go and have a look?"

It\'s too obvious what the goods want to show, isn\'t it?

This is going to play a virtual reality, which makes people feel empty in Jinan. Let\'s see who dares to make trouble.

But he wanted to show that Fang Xing would not object.

"Let\'s go together and see who is watching outside."


Changqing is subordinate to Jinan Prefecture, with many rivers and mountains.

"Dehua, I remember that he was around emperor Ren. Where has he been these days?"

The party arrived in Changqing like a sightseeing trip, and didn\'t contact the official.

Xu Jingchang was tired of working as an envoy in Jinan City. He wished he could return to Beijing immediately and lie down to raise him for a year and a half.

The leaf falling snow in front is already at the joint with people.

Starting from the decision, his people came here early and handed over the traces of Liang Ping and others with Xu Jingchang\'s people.

Ahead is a hill with lush vegetation.

The cavalry did not hide, but swaggered around and blocked the hill.

Liang Ping is a Veteran General in the army. Naturally, he knows that the five of them can\'t escape from the pursuit of these cavalry, so they just suffer on this mountain bag.

So Fang Xing was very relieved and said easily, "he has been recovering from his injury. He has only recovered recently."

In fact, it\'s not that it\'s good recently, but because ye Luoxue belongs to Emperor Wen.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, no matter what his temperament, he must first place his confidants, such as Du Qian, who has been promoted again and again.

This is a reward. In disguise, I tell you: it\'s good to follow me!

How to place ye Luoxue is also a difficult problem, which is mixed with the consideration of trust.

So this is a quiz. Ye Luoxue goes out of the mountain again and takes his men to encircle and suppress the rebels.

The leaf falling snow in front came over and said, "the rebellious five people have been inside. I\'ll take people in now."