Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2130

Fang Xing follows behind under the protection of his servant. He will comprehensively evaluate ye Luoxue\'s ability, and then feed it back to Zhu Zhanji.

Lush vegetation means safety.

Liang Ping and four former confidants are in this dense vegetation.

There was no shortage of food, and there were five war horses on the side.

But drinking water is a little difficult.

There is no water source on this mountain bag. They stayed with the water they brought until yesterday. Now the war horses have no water, and they are also thirsty.

They didn\'t want to rush out, but after seeing the riding skills of the cavalry, they gave up the idea.

Those are veteran scouts. As long as they get out of the mountain, they will be chased into the sky and earth and have nowhere to escape.

This is waiting to die!

The atmosphere was depressed. No one moved. They were lying.

Those old hands outside didn\'t take the initiative to attack. They mostly wanted to keep them for something.

In that case, whatever.

Only Liang Ping is listening to the outside from time to time.

In the afternoon, no one wanted to eat dry food, but pulled out some grass roots and chewed, reluctantly replenishing some water.

The other four were sleeping in the sun.

It\'s a little cold here in the morning and evening. It\'s time for them to look for dew in the early morning, and they often shiver with cold.

Liang Ping has no time to regret. No, he refuses to regret.

He is not a traitor. He is just an officer who will make mistakes and is afraid of death.

So when he heard the footsteps that he didn\'t deliberately hide, he suddenly sat up straight and kicked the four people up with his feet.


In a desperate situation, there was no dignity or inferiority, so four pairs of impatient eyes stared at Liang Ping, and then gradually calmed down.

This is the fierce pawn!

After knowing their fate, they are not unwilling, but only silently prepared.

Kill one and earn another. This is the concept in the army.

Liang Ping was timid. The four people got up slowly and disappeared around.

He sat alone behind the tree. He felt he was safe and would not be found.

If they kill those four people, they\'ll think I\'ve run away, won\'t they?

Then they\'ll all go after me, and I\'ll take the opportunity

People\'s fluke mentality in desperate situations will really make others stunned and regarded as mentally retarded.


Liang Ping trembled with a violent drink from the back.

Ye Luoxue didn\'t tremble. The long knife behind him cut through a clump of miscellaneous trees and came through the air.

Xu Jingchang is also half a knowledgeable family, so when he saw a sudden attack on ye Luoxue from the side and rear, he couldn\'t help subconsciously shouting, "get down!"

The two servants around him have stretched their bows and arrows, and are staring at the front with vigilance. As long as ye Luoxue lies down, the fierce soldier who sneaked attack will be nailed to death in place.

He glanced at Fang Xing and his servants around him.

Fang Xing\'s servants didn\'t move, they were just on guard.


Fang Xing just sighed.


The sound of pulling out the knife just sounded, and ye Luoxue\'s body has rotated.

Halfway around, he ran after him with a long knife.

His eyes were fixed on the front and he took a long knife.


The fierce soldier only felt a force coming from the side of his force direction, and then the long knife flew up.


He knew he had met a top player, so he didn\'t resist. Instead, he let go of his knife and threw himself at him.

He thought ye Luoxue would panic.


A fierce soldier rushed out from behind the big tree in front of him, jumped up in the air and chopped with a long knife.

This is different from the style of East Hall royal guards.

This is a fight!

The fierce evil spirit shrouded ye Luoxue.

This is a battlefield killing!

He pounced in front of him and was attacked behind him. One by one, he didn\'t leave leaf Luoxue time and room to think.

He didn\'t think, but continued to turn around without hesitation.


The long knife block, and the fierce soldier who sneaked attack threw away his knife indifferently.

The fierce pawn behind him had hugged ye Luoxue and held his throat with both hands.

The fierce soldier in front of him abandoned the knife just for speed. He raised his right elbow and the target was ye Luoxue\'s chin.

Just for a moment, no matter what a good hand ye Luoxue is, he can only be caught without a hand.

This is their plan: capture a leader and use it as a threat to leave.

"Liang Ping is right behind us... ER!"

Xin Laoqi put down his long bow and looked coldly at the fierce pawn who covered his throat slowly retreated, and then turned his attention to ye Luoxue.

Ye Luoxue leaned back with one hand in her left hand, and her face was slightly blue.

The fierce soldier holding him behind him was desperately strangling his neck, but ye Luoxue was staring at the opponent who rushed forward.

His left hand leaned back and grabbed the fierce pawn\'s side collar.

His middle door was wide open and no longer defensive.

The fierce soldier on the front was overjoyed, and then he found that his eyes were black.

Only one hand, but also a backhand, ye Luoxue threw the fierce pawn behind her to the front.

The two people hit each other heavily and couldn\'t scream. Ye Luoxue had put his knife into the sheath, and his body was the precursor. He pinched the back neck of the two people with both hands, exerted a little force, and then threw them behind.

Someone went up and held down the two fierce soldiers who were already unconscious, and ye Luoxue in front stood there,

There are also two people, one of whom is Liang Ping.

Ye Luoxue\'s eyes swept slowly through the vegetation in front and stopped at a big tree.

"Come out!"

He rushed to the tree and a man turned out. It was Liang Ping.

"The officer is innocent..."

Ye Luoxue shook his head and turned around.

He disdained such easy credit.

"He is a proud man. I really don\'t know how to survive by his majesty!"

Ye Luoxue\'s skill has been seen. Xu Jingchang feels that this man is too beautiful and can\'t help but doubt it.

Fang Xing said calmly, "proud talents can be trusted."

He headed over and Xu Jingchang stood there, Fuxu thinking about some of Zhu Zhanji\'s habits.

When Fang Xing\'s left side rushed out the last fierce soldier, Xu Jingchang just glanced at it, and then continued to calculate what benefits he could get from it.

Xin Laoqi opened his bow and arrow in an instant. When the arrow pointed to the man, there was a wonderful scene.

The fierce soldier who rushed over just now looked at death as if he were at home, unexpectedly abandoned his knife and knelt down.

He knelt on the ground and inertia made his body slide over.

"Little wish to drop!"

Apart from Liang Ping\'s spineless, this is the first fierce soldier to ask for surrender.

Someone came to control him and asked, "Why are you willing to surrender?"

The fierce soldier looked at Xin Laoqi standing on Fang Xing\'s left guard and said, "that\'s... Little knows that\'s Xin Laoqi."

Xin Laoqi\'s reputation can make people desperate to eliminate the heart of death. This is also an episode.

"Xinghe Bo, I\'m lucky to live up to my life!"

Ye Luoxue nodded slightly, and a group of people who had hidden the front behind him were silent.

Their future will be decided by Zhu Zhanji. Fang woke up and said vaguely, "you\'re fine."

Ye Luoxue looked up, smiled and said, "thank you, Xing and Bo."

He took people out first. Xu Jingchang muttered, "Dehua, this man is more beautiful than a woman. Brother, I saw him smile and his heart beat puff."

Fang woke up unhappily and said, "that\'s the benefit given by your parents. Zhongshan king was also known as Junyi in those years. You learned obscenity yourself. It\'s ugly."

Xu Jingchang was stunned, and then wanted to find Fang Xing\'s theory, but Fang Xing came to Liang Ping.

Liang Ping looked up and said with a tragic smile: "uncle, I\'m not guilty. I just panicked at that time. This panic messed up the square inch, making mistakes again and again..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "then you shouldn\'t run away!"

When Fang wakes up and runs away, it\'s just to carry the pot for himself.

Liang Ping shook his head and smiled bitterly. He murmured, "the little one has been hoodwinked..."