Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2128

"This is intentional..."

This is not a Taoist temple. There is no dispute over orthodoxy. Some are just unwilling and painful to leave their loved ones.

"Yes, deliberately."

Fang Xing felt that as long as he opened his head, these people would have the ability to deduce things slowly.


He mentioned a man\'s name.

"This person has played a great role in it. Whether it is to persuade Zhang Lin or encourage your relatives to attack the military array, this person is looming..."

"I saw him the day before yesterday!"

"Where is it?"

Fang xingxunsheng stared at a middle-aged man.

"Uncle, the day before yesterday he said he wanted to seek justice, so he left."

I said it when I didn\'t!

"Find out! And where were the thousand family officials who led the army that day?"


Waiting for disposal!

After that day, Liang Ping felt that he was about to die.

Zhu Yong is very loyal. No, he has the strength to protect his weaknesses. He has protected him for the time being.

The room was a little cold and deserted.

But he knew there were two sergeants staring at him outside.

Zhu Yong is, after all, a hereditary Duke.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows he can\'t let Liang Ping run away, otherwise he can\'t speak clearly.

Close your eyes, the killing of that day seems to be in front of you.

"Duke Cheng admires Confucianism. They dare not rush over. Let\'s go to the capital and see your majesty for the Ming Dynasty and the world..."

Those scholars are crazy.

No, they\'re all drunk!

Liang Ping clearly remembered that someone was vomiting. Most of them had red eyes and were extremely excited.

At that time, let alone swords and guns, they all dared to break into the sea of fire.

Then there was the scream.

Those sergeants were punched and kicked by them, but this is nothing.

What I fear most is catching.

Almost none of the sergeants in the first row had a good face. They were all caught and rotten. They were scary like ghosts.

He was hesitating.

"I\'m a fool!"

Liang Ping gave himself a slap. His shortness of breath was like pulling a bellows.

At that time, he even ordered the retreat!

After retreating, reorganize and beat them down with fists and feet is the best choice.

But he hesitated, and then those soldiers who had been angered to the limit, led by several people, finally started.

Arrow rain cover, spear stab, long knife chop

A textbook battle!

The fastest battle ever ended!

When there were only a few people standing in the front, most of the officers and men were still in a comfortable state. In the comfortable state of holding back and venting, only a few officers knew that trouble was coming.

That day, he returned to Jinan with his men and found Zhu Yong to plead guilty.

Almost no questions, Zhu Yong put him under house arrest in this room.

This is waiting to die!

He lost his appetite and lost his thin form.

He is anxious, but he can\'t wait for the result.

The night brings a stronger wind, and the people who blow are flustered.

Liang Ping is very weak, at least he thinks so.

His sleep was heavy and his stomach was empty, like a fire burning.

"My lord..."

Liang Ping, who was dizzy like a fever, was startled, then sat up and shouted, "who?"

"My Lord, lower officer Xu Xin..."

"Xu Xin? Why are you here?"

Xu Xin is one of the hundred officials under his command and the object of monitoring, so Liang Ping is curious that he can be free. At the same time, he is also looking forward to his good news.

The door was quietly opened and a dark figure came in.

He came secretly!

Liang Ping\'s heart was frozen into a hole in the ice.

"My Lord, I have just heard that they are going to press all the charges on you..."

The voice of the shadow was resentful.

Yeah! Such means of making people carry the pot are also common in the military. As a party, Liang Ping is naturally the best candidate.

"You must be doomed, but your family... They say they want to flow to that big island, which is full of savages and man eating savages..."

This is despair!

Liang Ping knew that according to the current practice of Chaozhong, no matter what happened to his family, it was exile.

In other words, he is the worst!

The shadow seemed to know what he was thinking, so he whispered, "Sir, the lower official paid money to distract them. Let\'s go! If you don\'t go again, you can\'t go."

Without oil lamps, the only light is the moonlight outside.

The moonlight is cold and people are cold.


Jinan has a big government and a big city.

Daming Lake is still clear, but there is a boat missing.

The day\'s plan is in the morning, but after the harvest, the year\'s work is almost over.

It\'s time to rest. After the Double Ninth Festival, we should find a job to subsidize some families. At least we should do it years ago, otherwise we will lose our family and business sooner or later.

Recently, the most popular breakfast in Jinan City is scallion cake, followed by a bowl of hot and sour soup, which is a delicious food that many children look forward to from night to morning.

A street from the chief secretary\'s Yamen is a newly opened shop that specializes in scallion oil cakes and hot and sour soup, nothing else.

The business of this family is so good that it lasts from opening the door to noon every day.

"No, no, it\'s all sold out today!"

Before noon today, the shop began to rush people.

The man who made the scallion cake went to wash his hands expressionless. The woman who hit the hand looked at a bag of flour under the chopping board, but didn\'t dare to say it.

"Your family is great. You do so much every day! Bah! See who will come to your house next time!"

Those guests left swearing, and the city of Jinan returned to tranquility.

Based on agriculture, everything is idle in the slack season.

The woman cleaned up the shop, then went out and walked around. When she came back, she said to the man with a gossip face: "brother, Xing and Bo went into the city and fell out with Duke Xu."

The man sat on the edge of the stove to eat noodles. When he looked up at the speech, his skin color was actually a little white.

"Why... Why did it fall out?"

The woman didn\'t find his language problem, and said excitedly, "it seems that several people escaped from the city the day before yesterday. Duke Xu said it\'s none of his business, and then he was scolded by Xinghe Bo. Brother, you said that an uncle dared to scold the Duke. Is there something wrong?"

The man was stunned and then continued to eat noodles.

The woman was a little upset about being left aside, but she didn\'t dare to be uncomfortable with her boss, so she turned and ran away.

As soon as her front foot left, the man put down his chopsticks, and then hurriedly made some ash in the kitchen, reconciled it with water, and put a light layer on his face

After finishing it, he looked at the cold street and murmured, "I didn\'t expect that Mu Qi would change his face one day. Fang woke up. You can do it slowly. When you lose, I will naturally be a hero."

The principle of great concealment in the world and darkness under the lamp is common throughout the ages.

Muqi, who Fang was trying to catch, hid not far from the chief secretary\'s Yamen and sold scallion oil cakes, and his business was booming.