Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2127

Yan Dajian didn\'t expect to go to work with Fang Xing.

His official career experience is also rich enough, but his legs are still soft because of Fang Xing\'s sudden attack speed.

This was also the first time he had seen the army\'s mobility.


Deping was already a vast expanse of white, and the cries and curses never stopped.

This is the junction of the five places. Naturally, it is very lively, but now the excitement has dissipated.

A group of cavalry swarmed in and stopped outside a farm more than ten miles outside Deping city.

"Uncle, this was the place where..."

Fang woke up and looked. The ground was covered with a layer of soil again, and no blood could be seen.

Yan Dajian stepped down and said, "Xing Hebo, the families of the dead are waiting. Let\'s appease them first."

Yan Dajian received the instruction: cooperate with xinghebo to appease the place!

So he had prepared his emotions, and was ready to start grieving as soon as he arrived in the city. When he saw the coffin, he cried immediately.

Fang Xing looked down for a long time, then looked at the empty farm and said:

"Into the city!"

When the cavalry arrived at Deping City, Fang woke up and didn\'t talk to anyone until the county government.

County Magistrate Zhang Lin waited outside the county government office. When Fang woke up, he got off his horse and quickly bowed down to salute.

Fang Xing squinted at him and asked, "what does adult Yan think of Zhang Lin?"

Behind Zhang Lin stood the county mayor\'s book and others. As soon as everyone heard Fang wake up, they were both happy and sad.

Is this a compliment or something?

Yan Dajian said a few words casually, but he didn\'t touch right or wrong.

"That\'s not bad," Fang Xing said casually, as if praising Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin was not flustered and said calmly, "the lower officer just did his duty..."

After the bloodshed, the army immediately withdrew - this is what Zhu Zhanji hates most. It\'s just that you did wrong, but you ran away. It\'s really time to kill!

After the withdrawal of the army, Zhang Lin took a group of people to stabilize the relatives of the deceased who came later. This credit should be no small.

His face was dignified, which made Yan Dajian sigh.

Without the killing, Shandong, which is nearing the end of the clean-up, will usher in an unprecedented harmonious environment.

Yeah! What a good time!

Fang Xing gently tapped his palm with his whip and looked at the people gathered around him. His face was gradually cold.

These people are the family members of the dead, some of them wear sackcloth and filial piety, some of them are extremely sad, but the hatred and hostility are the most.

All the hatred lies in Fang Xing. As for Yan Dajian, in the eyes of those families, he is a role of playing soy sauce.

"Take him!"

Fang Xing suddenly pointed to Zhang Lin and shouted.

Yan Dajian was stunned and asked, "xinghebo, why?"

Fang Xing ignored him. A sergeant had already kicked Zhang Lin over and tied him up.

"Wronged! Wronged..."

Zhang Lin was stunned, then frantically struggled and roared.

The relatives of the dead were also angry. They felt that the scene in front of them was like a dog biting a dog, and then they were comfortable.

"It\'s convenient for people and yourself. Zhang Lin, you\'re very good."

When Fang woke up and entered the county government, Wang he pointed out: "on the day of the incident, Zhang Lin and others drank alcohol. When Cheng Guogong\'s subordinates heard the news, they rushed to intercept. Zhang Lin ignored it and conspired according to the law!"

"Uncle, spare your life..."

This is a lucky story: from being fooled to the excellent performance in appeasement, Zhang Lin\'s mental journey is known only by himself.

He had collapsed and had to rely on the slip of two sergeants to stand firm. Then he was taken in.

"Dare to rebel, Zhang Lin, you\'re dead!"

In Wang he\'s shrill voice, countless sergeants rushed over. The families of the dead were pushed aside, and the original arrogance disappeared.


Standing in front of the county government office, Wang He Damascus gold saber shouted, "all the families of the dead should register, otherwise they will be punished for conspiracy!"


A woman with red eyes held a child and scolded, "my husband died outside the city. Why? Why do you say we are plotting rebellion? Your majesty doesn\'t say that when he comes!"

"Butcher! Beast!"

"Demon God! What kind of demon God are you? If you have the ability, you will kill our orphans and widows! Come on! You beast!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill the murderer!"

The families began to get excited and then hit the cordon composed of sergeants.

Is there no way?

Someone in the distance is watching the excitement. He is wearing cloth clothes, but his eyebrows are more proud.

"The dog bit the dog! Come and see!"


When more than ten people gathered here, a team of sergeants rushed over. They took long scabbard knives and smashed them in the face.


The crowd hit the cordon. Someone scratched it, was taken down immediately, and then forced to kneel to the side.

"Don\'t shout!"

Wang he was not frightened by the battle. He said in a harsh voice, "they died in vain. Do you understand? Someone egged them on, and you are fools. Xinghe Bo came down to do this, but you stopped... Do you want your relatives to die in peace?"

Those family members were pushed out for a while.

A young man cried, "you\'re fooling people! It was killed by officers and soldiers. They\'ve planned to kill it for a long time!"

Wang he was so angry that he went over and scolded: "you don\'t know you\'re a fool. Smart people don\'t run all the way to the capital. Why? Because they\'re finished regardless of success or failure, and you\'re finished as family members. Do you understand? The local government will stare at you. Don\'t say anything. The imperial examination will be cut off. It\'s not a person, but a family. Fool, do you know, it\'s a family."

Wang he felt that many scholars were really stupid enough. After being egged on for a few words, he felt that he was speaking for people all over the world. The tragic feeling of sacrificing his life for justice came out immediately.

"The real behind the scenes is laughing. What are you laughing at?"

Wang he pointed to Jinan and said, "I\'m laughing at these fools. They are stunned. They came after listening to their encouragement. They dare to attack the military array. Come on, tell our family, who gives them the courage to attack the military array?"

Those family members were a little confused. Yan Dajian coughed and felt that his chance to appear had come. He took a few steps and said, "Yan Dajian, the left waiter of the etiquette Department of our official, is coming to investigate this matter this time."

This is a civil servant!

So the atmosphere eased a little.

In the gap between Wang he\'s words, Yan Dajian has finished his abdominal draft. He calmly said: "impact the military array, which will not be allowed no matter which generation..."

"Uncle has orders to give a confession! How many people came, who were instigating and who hid in the back, we should find out one by one and find out the people behind!"

Lin Qun\'an came out. He was dressed in armor and dignified.

"Someone is encouraging!"

Wang he took the opportunity to say, "otherwise, who dares to attack the military array, you? Or you..."

Whoever he pointed at shook his head immediately.

"So, if you want to know how your family died, be honest and tell what you know. Xinghebo will decide for you!"


Those families are a little confused.

At this time, Fang woke up. He looked at the noisy outside coldly.

The crowd calmed down involuntarily.

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Zhang Lin explained that your relatives passed Deping that day, and the army chased after them to stop them, but Zhang Lin sent someone to take them to a grange to escape..."

The families were silent because Zhang Lin had been brought out.

"... the army couldn\'t find it, so they were proud. After waiting for two days, they thought the army was gone and came out quietly..."

The rest of Fang Xing didn\'t say, and Zhang Lin didn\'t know.

——Since they were stopped, why did the army kill?