Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2126

"Who\'s back?"

Anlun was preparing to recite scriptures. After hearing the report outside, he almost couldn\'t believe it. He got out of bed and asked.

Fan Zi outside the door still had half the oil cake in his hand. Seeing Anlun coming out, he didn\'t know whether to lose it or what. He was stunned for a moment.

"You eat your food and say it."

Anlun\'s gentle attitude made Fanzi feel that he probably got the boss\'s blue eyes, so he said excitedly: "when the young came just now, he heard someone shouting, the young waited, and saw that Duke Cheng was outside the Imperial City, probably to see his majesty..."

Anlun nodded and said, "our people went late and the people in Shandong didn\'t return in time. What should we do..."

Suddenly everyone looked frightened.

After Alan took office, there was no fire inside. If anyone hit the fire, pray that he won\'t be brought into the torture room.

An Lun looked around, and then said faintly, "it\'s not easy in Shandong. It\'s just a small mistake."

After a relaxed exhalation, Anlun left his confidant Chen Shi, and then explained: "Duke Cheng is here. I\'m afraid something big has happened in Shandong. Send a fast horse immediately to let those people commit crimes and meritorious deeds, otherwise our family will be kind again..."

Chen Shi arched his hand and said sincerely, "father-in-law, you are kind enough. If it\'s our family, none of those people can escape punishment."

Anlun looked at him, smiled and returned to simplicity and honesty.

"The man came late just now. A few days later..."

Chen Shi\'s face was just angry and said, "you\'re late, he\'s late, everyone\'s late, father-in-law, this wind can\'t last long!"

Anlun nodded and continued, "the pony around us..."

Pony is Anlun\'s entourage. He hasn\'t been with him for long.

Chen Shi didn\'t know what he meant, so he smiled.

Anlun squinted slightly, covered the cold color and said, "it\'s too frivolous. It almost missed our big event..."

"Heavy punishment!"

Chen Shi said without hesitation: "pony is a little proud these days. He often quarrels with those Fanzi. We can\'t see it for a long time. Don\'t worry, father-in-law. We\'ll deal with it."

Anlun nodded and said, "his eyes are not honest, and there are some problems with his hands..."

Chen Shi got up and whispered, "that\'s superfluous..."

Anlun closed his eyes and read the Buddha\'s name slowly.

"... there\'s meat to eat with my father-in-law! I ate a whole hoof last night, tut! The oil flows along the corners of my mouth..."

Outside came the sound of ponies and people boasting.

The autumn wind blows on the window lattice, and the sound of puffing is gradually clear.

"Pony, come here!"

"Coming, coming!"

The pony\'s voice is very happy

The sound of Buddha\'s horn grew louder and louder. There was no sandalwood in the room. It smelled damp.


"The minister is guilty."

Outside the main hall, the autumn rain was blown in by the wind. The people in the hall could not help shivering, and then looked at Zhu Yong kneeling in the middle.

"... I didn\'t show up at that time. Those scholars rushed into the army, and many soldiers were injured. Finally... I couldn\'t bear it..."

A gust of wind swept in the drizzle and just blew on Zhu Yong.

He trembled, and everyone could see the chagrin on his face.

The emperor sent him to Shandong, which not only needs to cast a name, but also shows that the emperor attaches great importance to it and will be used greatly in the future.

But this value was thrown into the autumn wind by Zhu Yong, and the rest was cold.

Zhu Zhanji looked at Zhu Yong coldly and said, "what are you busy with?"

Zhu Yong looked up and said, "Your Majesty, I took people to suppress a group of thieves..."

He has no room for sophistry, only improper handling.

A gang of thieves need you to encircle and suppress Zhu Yong himself?

Zhu Yong knelt on the ground. He felt that there were laughing eyes around him, including Wu Xun.

There is no eternal enemy. If a Cheng Guogong falls, a * Guogong will come up below.

This is normal!

Zhu Yong felt that he had a brain problem with those people who called him brother and brother in the past. How can he have friends in the world? It\'s just a short gathering of interests.

This is the most sober time of his life!

He felt doomed, so he rushed back to Beijing to show his loyalty.

——I didn\'t want to escape. Even if it was a thousand cuts, I still came back and let the emperor deal with it.


The eyes of civil servants are mostly cold, not ridicule.

Without any determination and strategy, this is Wu Xun, who inherited the title of Wu Xun.

Mostly fools!

Even if you have all kinds of grievances and are eager to express your loyalty, you should not return to Beijing without your will.

what is it?


No, Zhu Yong is not qualified to be domineering.

That\'s stupid!

Stupid people are naturally not worth mocking. They are only suitable to see if they can be used.

"Your Majesty, Shandong has become boiling..."

"There is no boiling!"

Zhu Zhanji said firmly, "it\'s just that someone took the opportunity to make trouble. Xinghe Bo has gone. I don\'t ask the reason or anyone else. Clean it up. Who wants to speak? Who has advice? Who wants impeachment? Come out!"

No one comes out!

The eyes looked at the nose, the nose looked at the heart, and the emperor\'s killing heart got up. At this time, those who went out were either fools or businessmen who were terminally ill and wanted to take the opportunity to fight for fame with a rotten life.

Zhu Zhanji got up and walked down, looked down at Zhu Yong, and said coldly, "regardless of the weight, rush back to Beijing. What\'s your strategy? So incompetent, can I count on you to lead the army?"

Zhu Yong looked up, tears fell, and said blankly, "Your Majesty, Minister... You deserve to die!"

"Damn you!"

Zhu Zhanji brushed his sleeves, turned back, looked at the civil servants indifferently, then looked at the Wu Xun, and said, "you are loyal, but you have become a household guard dog. I... Daming can\'t use so much..."

This is almost blatantly humiliating Wu Xun!

Zhang Fu\'s heart was cold and he left the class and said, "Your Majesty, Cheng Guogong... This is Daming after all."

Does the emperor want to provoke the struggle and hostility between civil and military again!

Zhang Fu\'s words are concise and comprehensive - this is in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yong can\'t use the means to deal with the enemy.

Yang Rong was in a trance. He felt that the violent Emperor Wen was on it.

"How dare you call yourself a general when you are at a loss? Go back to your house and think about it behind closed doors!"

Zhu Zhanji sat back and looked at Zhu Yong with indifference in his eyes.

This is the current situation of Wu Xun in the Ming Dynasty.

In another twenty or thirty years, when those experienced Wu Xun have left, who will lead the army?

Do you rely on fools like Zhu Yong?

At this moment, the position of martial arts in Zhu Zhanji\'s heart reached a higher level.

Zhu Yong\'s face was as gray as death, and then hobbled out.

Cheng Guogong is in danger!

Zhang Fu\'s circuitous plea worked. At least Zhu Yong was banned.

But Wu Xun was more and more marginalized. If the emperor had not relied on Wu Xun and Xun Qi to balance the government, he would have slapped him in the past.

And the emperor was definitely premeditated!

After leaving, Huang Huai, who coughed after autumn, was supported by Jin Youzi. He whispered, "Your Majesty must have heard the news before Duke Cheng went to Beijing."

Jin Youzi glanced at Zhang Fu, who was walking in the front, and sighed with some vicissitudes.

"It must be. Your majesty didn\'t cover it up, so he directly asked xinghebo to go to Shandong. This time... Lord Huang, I want to see blood!"

The autumn wind whirled up the dead leaves and flew over Meng Ying\'s head.

"We\'re going to do it!"

Meng Ying catches up with Zhang Fu and worries.

Zhang Fu was livid and said, "Zhu Yong is rotten... He made mistakes again and again. Dehua is going to kill people this time, and the taste has changed. In the final analysis, it\'s his fault. He made mistakes again and again. He\'s stupid!"

Meng Ying said with a bitter smile: "those people will be happy to see its success. They wish Xinghe Bo would make the movement bigger. When the world is fierce, they will naturally return to the past..."