Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2125

Fang Xing still doesn\'t believe it.

Standing on the long street and looking at the Imperial City ahead, Fang Xing suddenly smiled.

Why bother with this?

No matter what their purpose was, the vassal enfeoffment could not be stopped, otherwise Zhu gaoxu would dare to go to the Qianqing palace.

"Xinghebo, whose fault?"

A question came from behind.

Fang Xing thought seriously and said, "everyone is right. It\'s wrong at this time."


"Yes, at this time, many people think that all this is natural. If you don\'t give it, it\'s a problem. If you don\'t give it, it\'s a big problem."

Fang woke up, looked at Shenyang and asked, "who can\'t hold it?"

"Many businesses in Dingguo\'s family have been cut off..."

"He can\'t give in like this. Didn\'t he do it?"

"And... How can I feel that many things have been in a fog recently? I\'m too lazy to inquire, but dingguogong can\'t retreat. He has no way out."

Shenyang nodded and sighed, "the news just came... Dead."

Fang Xing\'s heart clicked and asked, "where? How many people?"

"Deping, more than 100 people were killed and injured."

"Why did you do it?"

Fang Xing asked rudely.

Shenyang looked ugly and said, "a group of scholars wanted to go to Beijing. Cheng Guogong was afraid that they would make trouble in the capital, which would be intercepted. As a result..."

Fang woke up and felt his heart sinking. "Someone must be secretly bewitching, but did you catch someone?"

No matter how stupid Zhu Yong is, he will not kill. Fang Xing concludes that someone is planning here.

"Someone missed, shot the leading scholar with an arrow, and then triggered a conflict. I can\'t stop! It\'s said that there were corpses everywhere at that time. It\'s tragic!"

Shenyang imagined the scene at that time and couldn\'t help shivering.

It\'s not that he\'s timid. He\'s seen worse scenes, but it\'s Daming\'s enemy and opponent!

"I can\'t stop. Those scholars rushed over... The man who might have been shot has high prestige, so they went crazy and attacked the army array and then started... You know, at that time, there was a rush of blood and gas, and no one asked to evacuate, so..."

This is not the end of the Ming Dynasty. There are many brave men in the army. Strong men should not be humiliated, otherwise it is common for blood to splash three feet.

But what about Zhu Yong?

"Duke Ding was not there... Xinghebo, your Majesty\'s meaning..."


More than half a day later, before it was getting dark, the outside finally knew the news.

Zhu Yong killed someone!

And these scholars just want to hold a poetry meeting.

The news is spreading at an unexpected speed.

The capital was the first to bear the brunt. After receiving the news, someone knocked at the que outside the Imperial City, but was stunned by the sergeant guarding the imperial city with a scabbard, and then threw it outside.

This wind cannot rise!

Zhu Zhanji responded in time. The security in the capital immediately rose to a higher level, and many more sergeants patrolled.

"Before we find out, no, there\'s nothing to check. This matter... Press it down!"

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t want to punish Zhu Yong at all. It was self chaos and self destruction of morale.

"East Hall and royal guards go down and find out the context of this matter. I don\'t believe it..."

Zhu Zhanji felt that the whole thing was a conspiracy. He sneered: "I don\'t believe there are still things I can\'t find in this world!"

The people of East Hall and royal guards went out in droves, and the capital was silent for a while.

Fang Xing was very pleased. He thought it would be an opportunity.

"There hasn\'t been any fierce resistance to the inventory. I thought the gentry in the north had less courage. Who knows, it broke out in Zhu Yong..."

Fang Xing feels that the world is a bit out of order.

In his opinion, Zhu Yong belongs to the object that Confucianism can strive for, so he should be closer. And he is a mortal enemy. Of course, he should bear any black pot.

Huang Zhong felt that his owner was a little stunned, and his idea was stuck in one place.

"Uncle, they\'re no lighter than you!"

"Cheng Guogong\'s reputation in Shandong is now prestigious. It\'s all the reputation he killed and caught. It\'s not the original time."

Fang woke up, nodded and said to himself, "I always think they won\'t really become opponents, so it\'s inevitable to make mistakes. What is Zhu Yong this time? There are many words about casting names, and they have become dead enemies."

Huang Zhong thinks Fang Xing is going too far.

If he had not forced Zhu Yong to go to Yanzhou at that time, Zhu Yong would only act slowly, which would be like the lightning style behind.

Fang Xing is going to ask Zhang Fu about it. He thinks Zhu Yong will have a close relationship with Zhang Fu.

"I want to start right away..."


The autumn wind gives people a headache, and the capital is still safe.

Aaron gets up and washes.

He has an unusual status and can occasionally live outside the palace.

His house is not luxurious and not big.

In the stable, the war horse shook his head and hissed, looking very happy.

One of its front legs has been clamped. Medicine is the best medicine, but it can\'t fall to the ground. It\'s a little tired to support its three legs.

"Lean against this side."

The genius was bright and bright. Anlun patted the shelf on the side of the horse circle. The war horse moved slowly on its three legs, and then leaned its body against the shelf,

Anlun took out his brush and brushed it, talking while brushing.

"... if you can\'t take a bath, just bear it. Let\'s talk again..."

"... don\'t make noise when changing the dressing. Wait..."

Anlun\'s action stopped for a moment and sighed: "they said you can\'t take people anymore and you can\'t run. Can you talk about it?"

The horse shook his head and licked Aaron\'s face with his big tongue.

Anlun didn\'t avoid, just smiled and touched his face.

One man and one horse got along in the morning for a quarter of an hour. Anlun told the servants at home to take care of the horse, and then went out to the Yamen.

The sun hasn\'t risen yet, and the sky is still hung with a waning moon, which shines on the cold and desolate city of Peiping.

Aaron smelled the smell of broth and pancakes.

He sucked his nose, pointed to the stall on the right and said, "I want some potstickers. I\'ll have them hot at noon."

The entourage went over and drank, "get dozens of potstickers and wrap them."

A young girl doing potstickers business was frightened by the tone of her entourage. Then she looked up at the expressionless Anlun and cried, "no money, no money..."

The attendant scolded: "who doesn\'t give money? Do it quickly!"

Then he took out the copper money and proudly showed off: "do it well, it\'s delicious, and come back tomorrow morning."

The girl looked ordinary. She glanced at the copper coins, nodded timidly, and then quickly turned over the half cooked pot stickers.

The fragrance came out, and the attendant looked at the girl\'s chest, which trembled slightly with the action, and couldn\'t help sucking her nose. She was a little restless.

When the pot stickers were ready, the attendant also touched the girl\'s small hand when giving money, and turned back proudly in the girl\'s exclamation.

Anlun, escorted by two Fanzi, is still expressionless.

After arriving at the East Hall, Anlun entered the room, and his entourage boasted about the good figure of the girl selling potstickers and how her little hands were... Rough, but it\'s a pity.

"Duke Cheng has returned to Beijing!"