Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2124

The palace is very large and there are many people. Many interesting or disgusting things happen every day.

The biggest thing is the emperor, followed by the heir.

As the first in line successor, corn has attracted much attention, and the child in sun Guifei\'s expanding belly has become a bet for many people in the palace.

Is it male or female?

If it\'s a woman, everything is off, but if it\'s a man

Spying on the emperor\'s whereabouts is naturally taboo, but it can\'t be ignored at this time.

Even the Empress Dowager was watching Zhu Zhanji\'s whereabouts. Whenever she heard that she went to sun\'s side more, she couldn\'t help but sigh.

The weather gradually cooled down and everything began to wither.

The palace is better, but not much better.

The cold proof supplies began to be distributed. The Empress Dowager took charge of the matter, and Hu Shanxiang wanted to take care of the cold corn, so he hid from leisure.

"Madam, I\'m afraid it\'s still a little cold when the imperial concubine is giving birth. Is that charcoal fire..."

No matter up or down in the palace, the rules are fixed. Except for the top people, it is difficult for others to make an exception.

Sun did not rely on the emperor\'s favor and domineering, and firmly abided by the rules. If it was not enough, he did not go to Zhu Zhanji to say that he was just exchanging his private money.

She didn\'t speak, but she seemed extremely wronged, and no one could blame her.

Li Bin is worried about this, so he wants to get more charcoal and go to sun\'s side in advance, which can also save a lot of trouble.

The Empress Dowager is looking at the register, and Wan Wan is helping with it.


These are not in her eyes. No matter how domineering and thoughtful sun is, she doesn\'t dare to expose it in front of her mother-in-law, otherwise she naturally has a way to clean her up.

Just poor Wan Wan!

Last time Fang woke up and checked the three families, the Empress Dowager was very angry, the emperor was very angry, and even Hu Shanxiang was angry.

So those who handled it were unlucky. They died and exiled, and the palace was silent for a while.

The emperor said that today\'s world is going down, so all localities should pay close attention to those scholars and correct the atmosphere.

This is a little big and general. I can\'t find the point.

But the important officials knew it well, agreed unanimously, and then the severely worded official documents one after another confused the following officials.

But in private, even Jin Youzi can only smile bitterly at it.

It\'s a good thing for the princess to find her son-in-law, but the people below are not responsible, even vague, and then ask for benefits. This is pouring garbage on the heads of the most noble people today!

If someone dies, he will naturally bear the wrath of thunder.

It\'s that simple. The Lord humiliated his ministers and died. The important ministers agreed with this way of disposal, that\'s all.

And Fang Xing

The royal family actually trusted him so much and entrusted him with the task of investigating the three people. They were not worried about losing face in the future.

This is the trust that the minister wants most!

And Fang Xing seemed to get it easily.

"It\'s none of my business!"

Fang Xing invited Xia Yuanji at Shenxianju.

Lao Xia is also old, but his life is much better than before, so he still looks energetic.

"This wine... Give me a bottle later?"

Xia Yuanji turned aside Fang Xing\'s anger, then pointed to the downstairs and said, "others will take my concubine home. Your daughter-in-law doesn\'t think she is such a cruel woman. Why do you stay here?"

"Because they can feel more comfortable in this way, why do I have to force her back to upset everyone."

Fang Xing didn\'t like Xia Yuanji\'s cunning. He frowned and corrected the topic and said, "I said it\'s time to enfeoffe overseas, but you talk about him. Lord Xia, old lord Xia, what do you think?"

Xia Yuanji slowly ate a piece of belly silk, and then said slowly, "the country is still small, xinghebo!"

Fang woke up stunned and then dull.

Xia Yuanji happily ate the wine and vegetables of Shenxianju. Seeing Fang Xing\'s entanglement, he said, "don\'t think about it..."

Fang woke up and said helplessly, "you are actually worried about problems with the national capital, and even worried about your majesty and the national capital... I really have nothing to say."

Xia Yuanji sighed and said, "who made you toss so much noise?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "are you worried that those people will make a crazy counterattack?"

Xia Yuanji squinted at him and said, "what do you think?"

Fang Xing wants to say that they can\'t turn the sky, but for Xia Yuanji, the country is the future.

If they lose their future, they hope to find a substitute among their immediate Royal relatives.

According to this arrangement, most of them are Zhu Zhanyong and Zhu Zhanyi

But the two brothers may not be enfeoffed now!

Fang Xinggang wanted to ask this, but he felt a chill rising from behind.

"Do you understand?"

Xia Yuanji liked the belly silk. He ate it slowly and continued, "how can you leave your highness alone in the capital?"

Zhu Zhanyong\'s bad food!

Fang Xing felt that it was unfair to throw the pot to Zhu Zhanyong, but in addition, he could not calm his heart.

He had just picked up his chopsticks, but Xia Yuanji made up another knife.

"There will be a Double Ninth Festival banquet in the palace soon. The king of Xinxiang said he was ill."

In the ninth Double Ninth Festival, it is natural to invite some ministers and some highly respected clans, and then make a lively scene. Then it is time to enter winter.

Zhu Zhanyong\'s state of mind and current situation are very poor.


Zhu Zhanyong took a sedan chair.

The sedan chair stopped in front of the immortal house. Zhu Zhanyong went to the second floor without help.

"Your face is a little white. It shows that you have the talent to be a little white face."

The wine and vegetables were withdrawn, and two cups of tea were steaming on the table.

Very light!

It\'s like Zhu Zhanyong\'s mood now.

"No sun."

Zhu Zhanyong looked bored and silent.

"Being stared at?"

Zhu Zhanyong was shocked and looked up and said, "yes."

He regained calm.

"What did you do?"

"No, I just drank too much once..."

Zhu Zhanyong said, "then I yelled. I don\'t know what I said. Anyway, there was an impeachment by the imperial censor. Then the imperial brother blocked the news and didn\'t say anything, but I knew I had committed a taboo."

Fang woke up and smelled the smell of wine in the room. He sighed, "you don\'t have a hairy guy. What wine do you drink?"


Zhu Zhanyong has long been an adult and has a daughter-in-law. It is estimated that the child will soon be born.

But fear always exists, especially for a guy with a criminal record, which is the object of everyone\'s vigilance.

But just for Zhu Zhanyong\'s sake, Fang woke up and felt that this was Xia Yuanji\'s deception.

So he asked a man.

"There is some agitation everywhere. If the vassal keeps it for the time being, it can at least press it."

Hu Zhen did not sell off, but directly said what everyone had agreed to.