Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2123

Abel\'s face changed slightly, and then said, "yes, Frank\'s friends can\'t be hurt, otherwise even if the mission is destroyed, Frank will still get justice for his friends."

The two stated their position, and the third, the one who started tonight, also came.

In the light of the fire, Doc rode alone.

It\'s a smart choice.

I\'m here alone. If you think the canary has an evil intention for you, kill me.

Abel\'s eyes showed limang. At this moment, he just wanted to kill the bold doc.

Henry was a little surprised, but it was nothing for him. He hoped to find an opportunity between the two countries and get benefits.

No one will feel guilty. People who feel guilty are not suitable to appear here.

But some people will be angry!

Hong Bao went to the side of the ship and watched doc dismount and untie his sword.

"My fault, it\'s all my fault."

Doc didn\'t explain, but directly admitted that it was his own pen.

Very bold move!

Abel looked at doc with a serious look. He had thought about many ways to deal with him from the perspective of DOC, but he didn\'t take the initiative to admit his mistake.

He looked up and saw the cold Hong Bao above.

Hong Bao should be very angry because Daming was desecrated and used this mode of sneaking in.

As an emissary, he should roar and ask the Canary flower to pay the price, otherwise Daming will make them pay the price

This is what Abel expected and Henry expected.

The Plantagenet has been strong for too long, and frank can\'t fight back.

If Daming can play against the canary, no matter who wins or loses, the real winners will be frank and Lisbon.

And the person who decides this situation will be the sharp talking bright messenger above.

As for the Abel and frank missions, they were ready for sacrifice.

As for Henry, the Plantagenet would not be foolish enough to set up another enemy before he completely won Frank.

So he was very calm, even stepped back and gave the chance to face Hong Bao to the other two people.

Yes, Lisbon is a passer-by in this matter, making soy sauce.

Even if he got Ming Man\'s gunpowder, he knew he might be trapped.

Yes, one of the two men who sneaked into the Ming warship was from the Frank mission.

So Henry was calm and even gloating.

You go play and I\'ll watch.

"This is a provocation to Daming!"

Hong Bao\'s tone was very flat, but the warship outside the wharf had been fully in place. The artillery window opened and loaded. He waited for orders to bombard the Wharf into a sea of fire.

The interpreter was a little nervous. After he finished translating, he heard doc scold a word of shit around him, and then changed his warm words.

"We just want to see what Daming\'s boat looks like."

"We have been trapped here for many years. Go out? It needs stronger ships, so we need good ships, and Daming\'s ships are better than ours, so we want to see what the layout of this ship is."

Doc was calm, but he didn\'t say it was for gunpowder.

Ships are just transporting, but gunpowder is attacking.

If Daming decides that he wants to attack, let alone the gunpowder formula, he won\'t sell you one porcelain, and Daming\'s fleet may come sometime.

He believed that Abel and Henry dared not say, and he would not admit it, which would only make people think it was a quarrel within tessy.

Hong Bao sneered: "our family has been here for some time. I think the Canary flowers and fruits are really powerful. Not only Frank is not an opponent, but the surrounding countries are facing great enemies. What do you want to do?"

Doc bowed his head slightly, expressing humility and apology.

"This is a great humiliation!"

Hong Bao stepped back, then sat back in his chair and looked at the empty table. He burped and said, "a bowl of noodles and more pepper."

The drizzle remains the same, and the umbrella bearer remains the same.

The people on the deck were motionless

The people on the dock didn\'t move.

It\'s just a contest between the East and the West.

Who returns first?


Thunder came, a sign of heavy rain.

The heavy rain here will be accompanied by cooling, which will make people in thin clothes miserable at the moment.

The noodles came soon, steaming hot.

This is a bowl of miscellaneous noodles.

In a bowl of noodles, sheep and offal account for half.

Chili noodles are covered with large bowls, and the smell of aged vinegar rushes to the nose.

"Where\'s the garlic?"

The sea moisture is heavy. I used to eat more garlic, but now pepper and garlic come together.

Hong Bao took a bite of garlic, and half of his tongue and cheek were immersed in spicy stimulation.

He took a piece of sheep intestines and ate them carefully.


A gust of wind blew past, and the umbrella over his head was almost blown away.

"Bring your raincoat."

Zhang Wang stared on the side. He didn\'t know how much Doc\'s patience was, but he knew that at the moment, there was no possibility of retreating.

"Tell them to stare."

"Cut the rope off our side and the sail will rise at once."

"My Lord, my father-in-law didn\'t tell me!"

"Get up!"

Zhang Wang was already murderous. He stared at the hundreds of officials around him and said fiercely: "my father-in-law is an envoy. How can I speak and sail! If I don\'t leave here at night, how can my father-in-law have the confidence to talk to them?"

Before the hundred families went, Hong Bao had sent someone to send a message.

"Set sail, let\'s go back to Daming!"

"Set sail..."

In the dark, several ships began to lift their sails and retract their cables at the same time.

This means to turn your face completely!

"Doc, Ming people are angry! They\'re going home!"

Abel endured schadenfreude and said painstakingly, "come back, or your king will cut off your head to calm their anger."

Doc pushed Abel away with one hand and walked over.

"What do you want? Only the Canary can provide here. Yes, the future of the Franks depends on our eyes."

Doc smiled, watching the sails rising and the Ming army getting on board.

"We are inside. Yes, there are countries outside, such as Lisbon and the country behind them. There are many more. They will look at Daming\'s route, want to break through this route, and then trade... But I think more is looting. Is Daming ready?"

The cable had been drawn in and the sails were gradually rising.

Mutton offal is delicious, but it must be accompanied by pepper and this soup. It feels like walking through a circle in the fire.

Hong Bao ate a piece of sheep liver and said faintly, "compensation and apology."


Doc agreed without hesitation.

Hong Bao said coldly, "give him the list."

The heavy rain suddenly poured. A sergeant got off the ship with an umbrella and read aloud with a list.

"Ten pairs of sheep..."

These are the things that Hong Bao was rejected in the transaction. At the moment, they are read out by the sergeant. Abel only feels happy.

you deserve it

But duoke was smiling. After the translation, he nodded and said, "these are just gifts. They will be shipped as gifts from the king to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty when the fleet leaves..."

Hong Bao was stunned and immediately praised: "it\'s a decision, so with this decision..."

"Father in law, then they are Daming\'s friends?"

Seeing that the situation eased, Zhang Wang joked.

But he thought it would be nice to use the Canary flower to stir shit in Tessie.

Hong Bao said with a sneer: "if anything, it can\'t be found in any country. Greed is the foundation, so... Go back and report to your majesty. The Canary flower should be the first trouble among the western countries of Thailand."