Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2122

The scream pierced the night and spread far away than the bell on the dock.

Under the clock rack, a Daming Sergeant loosened the rope, bah at the distance and scolded: "they are a group of shady maggots!"

After the howl, the bell accompanied.

The two-story building is not far from the wharf, which can reassure Hong Bao.

Hong Bao has returned to the ship, which has become the residence of the three duo Ke.

They are pushing cups for lamps.

Long night, boredom is the greatest disappointment to life.

So they asked the cook to get a lot of food and drink.

Meat is certainly the most popular.

"This is a fresh swan. See if it\'s beautiful to put the feathers back after baking?"

The golden roast Swan looks delicious.

The feather inserted on the golden yellow looks beautiful, but it weakens the temptation of delicious food and is more like putting on a show.

And the hot air of the roast Swan floated out of the golden skin, fumigating the feather, and suddenly a fishy smell that made people want to vomit dispersed.

But the three were watching. Then someone pulled out the feathers and began to cut the thick swan meat with a knife.

The slightly white meat made people feel happy. Doc licked his lips and said, "didn\'t Ming people give some sauce that day? Get it out and dip it."

Someone went to get a small jar out. When it was opened, a spicy smell came out.

Doc couldn\'t wait to take a large piece of swan meat, dip it in some sauce and put it into his mouth.


Abel and Henry both took swan meat and thought it was delicious, but it was not as good as Ming people\'s food.

When the howl came, Doc was still tasting delicious food.

His cheeks bulged high and chewed hard. He still held a wine glass in his right hand, ready to drink a mouthful of wine so that he could swallow the meat.

He had just swallowed half, but he heard a terrible howl.

His movement stopped at once, and the wine was blocked by the minced meat blocking his throat and flowed down the corner of his mouth.

He saw the loss in Abel\'s and Henry\'s eyes, and then his eyes bulged and his face gradually turned red


The minced meat soaked by wine danced all over the sky. Abel and Henry didn\'t have time to respond and didn\'t want to respond, so they were shrouded in it.

Then the bell rang, and an officer came in. He said in a deep voice, "the Ming people found out that they are killing our people by the most cruel means."

The bell stopped, and the scream continued. Soon, the second scream came.

Both were caught!

Doc was panting, his mouth full of liquid and minced meat, and his face was dull.

Abel and Henry are in a daze.

They ignored the minced meat on their faces and just looked at doc.

It\'s your fault!

You sent it!

"Cough, cough..."

Doc suddenly slid down his chair and squatted on the ground coughing violently.

Tear the heart and crack the lung!

The scream came faintly, like the cry of a night owl.


Doc gasped and said, "send someone right away. Remember not to get too close to the dock. Just ask if you want to help."

"Will that be... False?"

The officer felt that he should turn a deaf ear at this time so that no one could guess that it was their hands and feet.

Abel reached out and wiped his face, then shook the minced meat stuck to his hand and said, "it\'s guilty not to go at this time. Remember to ask them what\'s the matter."

Henry shook his head slightly, then wiped his face with his sleeve and said, "they must know, but they won\'t kill the two at once. That\'s what we\'re doing, Doc. Forget it, at least for now."

Doc looked at him coldly and said, "I failed, so do you think Ming people will pay more attention to you? Then wait and see what is a big country."

Abel\'s face changed slightly. He got up and said, "I\'m going to have a look."

Doc said disdainfully, "whatever."

When Abel went out, Henry didn\'t go. Doc looked up at it: "Your Highness is really wise. Abel, that fool, doesn\'t know that the partner a big country wants is a partner who helps itself, not a drag."

Henry said expressionless, "I\'m the prince of Lisbon and have nothing to do with your two countries. Doc, I just want the mission to get on the ship and get the secret of Ming gunpowder. I\'m not so eager, because we will slowly find the best formula..."

Doc said coldly, "so you are good people."

Henry got up and said, "there are no good people in this world, Doc. Remember this sentence. There are only benefits, not good people."


Lights are already on the dock and on the deck.

Hong Bao has come out. He is sitting on the deck, and someone behind him gives him an umbrella.

In front of him was a table with a pot of wine and the remaining third of the roast lamb leg.

In front of him, someone was carrying lanterns and torches. In the strong sound, the two captured prisoners were completely destroyed.

The howling did not affect Hong Bao\'s appetite. He slowly tore at the leg of the sheep and drank wine slowly.

"The mutton here is good. Remember to take some back and see if you can feed in Daming and keep it at that time..."

The two people\'s howling continued. Zhang Wang whispered, "father-in-law, I\'m afraid it will make the brothers sleep, or hang them."

Zhang Wang likes hanging people here. He thinks it\'s good to do as the Romans do. At least he will be in a good mood to look at the two bodies swinging in the wind on the wharf.

"Panic what?"

Hong Bao had seen the fire in the distance. It was a torch. Someone came.

He tore off a piece of mutton and chewed it slowly. His back teeth were moving and slightly painful.

Teeth are falling out!

He was in a trance and remembered the experience of being taken away, castrated and reading

How young I was then!

At that time, it was cut off, representing the symbol of men, but I still feel that the sun is so charming and the spirit is so vigorous.

Zhang Wang also saw it. He said with a grim smile, "start harder!"

Therefore, the executioner was no longer taboo, and all kinds of means were used.

The scream was sharp and sharp. Abel, who rushed to the dock, dismounted and said to the Ming army, "I hope to see if my friend is all right."

He was intercepted by a small flag Department. When the small flag officer saw that there were people and horses coming behind him, he sneered and said, "this is untouchable. Are you ready to attack?"

Abel smiled bitterly. Several ships didn\'t untie the cable. Obviously, Hong Bao knew their response.

The embarrassment was replaced by eagerness. Abel said, "the Canary dominated all this..."


After the last howl, a corpse was thrown down and landed heavily on the dock.

Henry had arrived and just saw the scene of the body falling.

He looked pale, dismounted and said, "what we care about is the safety of our friends. Before we set out, the king said that Lisbon\'s friends can\'t be hurt, otherwise Lisbon will go out... No matter who the other party is."