Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 211

After dinner in Shunfeng building, Fang Xing said goodbye to the king of Han Dynasty and took his family to the city.

At the Three Mountain Gate, Wan Wan wants to go back, but she doesn\'t think she has had enough today. Fang woke up, touched her head and comforted, "next time we come out, we\'ll take the bell to climb the mountain and promise to catch some big white rabbits for you to raise at home."

Wan Wan\'s big eyes flashed and stretched out his small hand: "it\'s a deal!"

Fang Xing angrily stretched out his hand and clapped her: "it\'s a deal!"

The carriage turned slowly, and the beam fell behind. When he woke up wrong with Fang, he whispered with a smile: "Mr. Fang, how can there be a big white rabbit on the mountain? And can the hare caught by Ling Dang live? Ha ha!"

The laughter of schadenfreude went away. Zhang Shuhui couldn\'t wait for anything on the carriage for a long time. She opened the curtain and woke up to Fang who was still in a daze: "husband, can you go?"


what the fuck! Rabbits don\'t seem to have white ones, do they?

And most of the rabbits caught by Ling Dang are half dead. Can you feed them?

Fang, who just boasted to Wan Wan, woke up depressed.

"Little girl, forget it in the twinkling of an eye!"

Walking slowly along the Qinhuai River, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai in the car raised the curtain from time to time, muttering about what they were talking about.

"Young master, there are many people ahead."

As soon as I got to the Saigong bridge, the bridge was almost occupied by people. Let alone carriages, people had to squeeze hard if they wanted to pass.

Did someone fall into the water?

Fang Xing beat his horse and looked from the side. He saw only a small boat stopping not far from the bridge. On the bow of the boat sat a woman in white, holding a flute in her hand, whimpering.

Today\'s weather is good and the climate is suitable. A woman in white is sitting in the bow of the boat, with cold eyes and eyes, playing music and lying down.

Why doesn\'t this painting feel right?

The big white horse snorted impatiently, and Fang woke up several men around him and frowned at him. One of the five big and three thick men said, "I said brother, girl Ningxiang is playing the flute. Are you going to let the horse listen or what?"

Fang woke up innocently and said, "I have long admired the name of Ningxiang girl. Can\'t I have a look?"

The man turned his anger into joy in an instant and stood on tiptoe. Unfortunately, he didn\'t hook the neck above. "Brother, girl Ningxiang is a piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She knows everything! And she is... As beautiful as an immortal..."

Your sister! When Fang woke up and saw the veil on the woman in white, he said viciously, "what if she takes off the veil and is an ugly woman?"


In an instant, the men around all woke up and glared at each other. Looking at the posture, they clearly wanted to fight.

Heroes don\'t suffer at present!

Fang Xing raised his hand and said, "it\'s a joke. It\'s a joke. Take your time!"

Zhang Shuhui kept looking at this side. When she saw Fang Xing\'s gloomy return, she puffed and said, "husband, that\'s condensed incense!"

Fang woke up and immediately understood the spirit, disdained and said, "Shuhui, in my heart, she can\'t compare with your finger."

Zhang Shuhui covered her mouth and smiled skillfully, while Xiaobai was sad. Looking at Fang Xing, she thought, why don\'t you praise me?

Fang Xing touched Xiaobai\'s face, then covered the curtain and said, "let\'s go!"

When he got to the bridge, Xin Laoqi looked at the enthusiastic men in front and shouted, "give way, give way!"

But the congestion remains.

"Husband, why don\'t we take a detour."

Zhang Shuhui advised through the curtain.

Fang woke up with a confident smile and shouted, "the oil pan is coming!"

In an instant, a space appeared in front of him, and Xin Laoqi quickly pulled the carriage into it.

There were people all around, and they were shouting.

"Ningxiang! Ningxiang..."

Fang Xing drove the horse ahead. Seeing these scenes, he couldn\'t help sighing: "this NIMA is a crazy fan!"

After crossing the bridge, a man suddenly jumped out and woke up.

"Brother Dehua!"

Just when Fang woke up and wanted to get angry, his oily face appeared.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Jianzhong, why are you here?"

The carriage finally came. Chen Xiao quickly flashed to the side, and then said to Fang Xing, "brother Dehua, today\'s Imperial College is off, and the little brother and his classmates come to visit the lake."

Fang woke up and got off his horse. Seeing the shy young man smiling beside Chen Xiao, he said, "wake up below."

Chen Xiaohe said with a smile, "brother Dehua, this is Wang Qi, my brother\'s roommate."

Wang Qi looked a little weak. He bowed and said, "nice to meet you, Mr. Fang!"

Fang woke up and stared at Chen Xiao, then said with a warm smile, "do you know me?"

Wang Qi looked up and said admiringly, "Mr. Fang, I\'ve seen you twice in the Imperial College. It\'s a great honor."

It\'s the student who has looked up to me!

Fang Xing is intoxicated!

Two times in the Imperial College, the teachers and students inside, as long as they were present at that time, they didn\'t know Fang awake.

Fang Xing held back his pride and said, "Lao Huai is very relieved." today, you two are taking a rest? "


Wang Qi was ashamed. He felt that he was too decadent to chase famous prostitutes when he was taking a rest.

"Brother Dehua, I wanted to find you later."

Chen Xiao felt guilty. He was worried that Fang Xing would write to Chen Jiahui.

Fang woke up a little angry, but then thought of the more crazy behavior of those star fans in the future, and said, "red pink skeleton, let\'s go with me."

Chen Xiao immediately woke up with a sad look at Fang, but he didn\'t dare to refute, so he had to follow him reluctantly,

"Xiao Wang, if you don\'t mind, please go to fangjiazhuang and his party."

Fang Xing certainly wouldn\'t ignore Wang Qi, so he invited him to go with him.

Wang Qi said embarrassed, "is it convenient, Mr. Fang?"

Fang Xing picked his eyebrow and said, "people with similar interests, how inconvenient!"

Duke Zhou\'s attitude is almost comparable to that of Duke Zhou!

Wang Qi then nodded, but then pointed to the side in amazement and said, "isn\'t that Huaqing and xiamiao?"

Chen Xiao didn\'t enter the Imperial College for a long time, so he didn\'t know many people. He looked along Wang Qi\'s line of sight and saw two guys with bruises.

"Wang Qi, do you know them?"

Wang Qi looked at the two people suspiciously: "brother Jianzhong, those two people are the most loved professors in the Imperial College!"

Chen Xiao looked at the bruised faces of Hua Qing and Xia Miao and said, "they look like they were driven out of whoring women without giving money. Is this a good student of the Imperial College?"

Xia Miao just tilted his head and saw Fang Xing\'s smiling face. Suddenly, he trembled. He raised his hand and covered his face with long sleeves to speed up his steps.

Hua Qing wondered, "what\'s the hurry? There will be a carriage in front."

Xia Miao scolded in his heart, and then said in a low voice, "that Fang woke up on the side."

Hua Qing turned his head, then hissed, and hurried to Xia Miao\'s side.

"What\'s the matter with them?"

Wang Qi was disappointed.

The Imperial College is so big that people can only hear their names but not see them. So Wang Qi was disappointed after seeing the two people\'s behavior.

"Let\'s go!"

When Fang woke up to see the two men cowering, he gave up his plan to let the servants toss again.