Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2114

Wan Wan always feels like a bird trapped in the palace. Her wings are firmly tied and can\'t even be seen outside the palace.

So she misses her childhood experience.

At that time, Fang Xing would take her out to play, and even encountered an assassination.

She remembers that time.

The deserted village, the assassins in the drizzle, the rows of sergeants, and the sound of gunfire. Unfortunately, she was held by Fang Xing and didn\'t see the scene

"Bang bang bang!"

Wan Wan dozed with her jaw in her hand. A knock outside woke her up.

The quiet time in the afternoon was broken. Wan Wan slowly opened her eyes and looked out of the window.

Her eyes were dull and flexible for a long time.

"Princess, the Empress Dowager summoned."

Outside came the voice of green leaves, Wan Wan, and then got up slowly.

The afternoon sun was a little dry. Walking in the palace, Wan Wan lowered her head slightly and listened to those sighs.

The most beautiful flower in the palace will be picked, and it will bring many benefits.

The news spread quickly, and even the identities of the three finalists were guessed.

Looking at Wan Wan in a long dress and walking quietly in the palace, those regretful eyes are more complicated.

The cornice seemed to be sharp, and the tiles were more solemn.

This is the palace!

Wan Wan looked at all this with a pale face.

Some people thought it was a new discovery, so they ran to tell the emperor.

"... the princess looked... Blankly."

If my heart is dead, I dare not say this after all.

Fortunately, I didn\'t say!

Zhu Zhanji\'s complexion was not very good-looking. He held a memorial and tried to throw it away.

Yu Jia glared at the eunuch who came to report, and then took him out.

Outside, the man looked forward to Yu Jia and said in a low voice, "father-in-law, slaves and maidservants ran all the way!"

As he spoke, he exaggerated his actions and wiped the sweat on his face.

This is a show of merit!

Yu Jia said quietly, "let\'s remember and go."

Looking at the visitor\'s happy return, Yu Jia smiled coldly and turned into the warm Pavilion.

"What is wan wan thinking?"

Zhu Zhanji asked angrily.

Yu Jia said awkwardly, "Your Majesty, I don\'t know. I only know that the princess is depressed these days. She doesn\'t go out except to the Empress Dowager and the empress dowager, but she needs a lot of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and candles."

Zhu Zhanji squinted at Yu Jia and knocked, "if you have anything to say, tell who you want to tell?"

Yu Jia immediately knelt down to apologize. Zhu Zhanji felt stuffy and went out of the warm Pavilion.

Outside, the autumn wind blows gently and there are no clouds.

Zhu Zhanji went out with his hands down. Song Chengli dozed under the eaves. After being disturbed, he yawned and followed up.

Daming\'s Princess really lived too shabby. If one was not allowed to involve in politics, she gave many brides a miserable life.

In other words, the son-in-law is unwilling to do it unless he has no ambition.

On the second day of his accession to the throne, Zhu Zhanji sent a message to the outside world through Yu Jia: the emperor\'s relatives are less involved in politics!

The civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty had no good impression of the emperor\'s relatives. Since the emperor said not to give them face, they would really not give face.

Even if you live honestly, if you are restless, the local officials can give you a good look.

"People are not enough!"

Zhu Zhanji sighed. Song Chengzhen was dozing all the way. He was stunned when he heard the speech, and then said, "Your Majesty, anyone should listen to you. If you don\'t listen, hit the board!"

Zhu Zhanji\'s spirit perked up and said, "yes! I look forward and backward, but I forget that this is the royal family."

The royal rules are naturally different. If you can\'t find a husband without getting married, the royal family won\'t worry about this.

The princess\'s son-in-law is mostly married at the age of 20. Wan Wan still has two or three years to buffer.

But the Empress Dowager was worried that it would be too hasty to find a suitable son-in-law, so she was ready to decide on a candidate first and then a wedding date. It would also be difficult to wait a few years.

How much you love, how much you care!

Zhu Zhanji thought about the three candidates finally decided, and couldn\'t help sighing: "they\'re not suitable!"

He naturally wants to give his sister the best, whether it\'s a son-in-law or life.

But things are difficult. No really excellent man is willing to marry the royal family.

At this time, a eunuch came in front and told him, "Your Majesty, please see Uncle Xinghe."

Zhu Zhanji was inspired and said, "let him go to the empress mother. I\'ll go there later."


Fang Xing was led all the way to ningshou palace. He wanted to talk back outside. Someone inside came out and said, "Madam said, Xinghe Bo is not an outsider. Come in and talk."

Fang woke up and went into the hall, saluted under the gaze of a group of mammy maids, and then said, "I\'ve gone to investigate..."

He looked down at the left and right. The Empress Dowager said, "go out."

Everyone went out except Li Bin and two mammies.

After they left, the Empress Dowager asked eagerly, "how are they?"

"... LV Hui and the servant girls at home are not clean, and they are less responsible."

The Empress Dowager\'s face was as usual. She didn\'t expect to catch the golden turtle son-in-law and rule out one small thing.

"Yu Yong of Zhending mansion is a little lazy, but he\'s not bad, but..."

Fang woke up and pointed to his head and said, "he\'s bald here."

The Empress Dowager frowned and said, "don\'t even think about it!"

Thinking that Wan Wan\'s son-in-law was bald, the Empress Dowager felt her internal organs twitch together.

There is a third one. The Empress Dowager thinks her luck will not be so bad. There are problems in all three points.

Fang Xing said, "that Chen Di..."

He was a little embarrassed. Finally, under the pressure of the Empress Dowager\'s expressionless face, he had to say vaguely: "this man has some difficulties..."

The Empress Dowager\'s cheek twitched and the veins on her neck burst.

Fang Xing also felt embarrassed, but the Empress Dowager didn\'t speak, and he couldn\'t leave.

The Empress Dowager was probably angry. After a few breaths, she patted the armrest of the chair and said, "call the queen, no, call the emperor, let him check, check the good deeds of those slaves!"

Naturally, the selection of the son-in-law can only be done by the eunuch, but whether these people are dedicated, whether they have received benefits and covered up their shortcomings for others

Fang Xing didn\'t check this. He was only responsible for checking the last three candidates. The other naturally had the Empress Dowager to worry about.

"Mother, here comes the princess."

The Empress Dowager was being cruel. She was stunned when she heard the speech, and then said, "Xinghe Bo worked hard."

Fang wakes up like an amnesty and leaves.

Out of the hall, Wan Wan waited on the side. They were stunned when they met.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

Wan Wanfu said with a smile.

Fang Xing nodded and arched his hand and said, "how are you, princess."

Li Bin, who sent him out, coughed. Wan Wan was surprised and hurried into the hall.

Fang Xing couldn\'t help but turn around and frown at Li Bin and said, "what are you coughing?"

Li Bin said awkwardly, "nothing, our throat is itchy."

"Then go to the doctor."

Fang woke up and left. Li Bin rolled his eyes and thought how could he say hello like this?

How\'s the princess?

Is this what a foreign minister can say?