Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2115

"It\'s no wonder they know people, faces and hearts."

Fang woke up from the Empress Dowager and came to the Qianqing palace. Against his heart, he said a good word for the eunuchs outside.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t hide his emotions in front of Fang Xing. He angrily said, "except for one Yu Yong, there are problems. How did they check it?"

"They are slack, and they don\'t know whether they have received benefits. They need to check! Make an example..."

Fang Xing hurried to leave. He didn\'t want to get involved in this. As for those eunuchs, he thought there were few clean ones. It was the right time to set an example.

"It\'s just that your majesty and the Empress Dowager can\'t live up to their face. The man has to operate."

When they got home, the whole family were raring the potatoes that had run around with Fang Xing, so they hung Fang Xing aside. He just went to find Xie Jin and Huang Zhong.

Xie Jin said with a smile: "generally, eunuchs who go out should be divided. Those who are fat and poor naturally enjoy happiness. For example, Wang he is just ordinary. He just mixes well with you. It\'s better to have a better life, so it\'s time to renovate."

Huang Zhong also smiled and said, "the princess is the favorite of the three dynasties. If you really marry the wrong person, no, you recruit the wrong son-in-law, how many people do your majesty and empress have to kill? So it\'s a good thing, but you let uncle run away."

"I\'m fine."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "the potatoes are good. They ride all the way by themselves. At this time, his mother must know that he was hurt. It is estimated that she is scolding me."

Tudou had injuries on the inside of his legs. He gritted his teeth all the way. He woke up every day and changed his dressing in person, but he didn\'t comfort him.

"How about Huanhuan?"

Xie Jin thinks Fang Xing\'s three sons have some characteristics, but the most common is Huanhuan.

Fang Xing\'s eyes softened and said, "it\'s not arrogant. Don\'t worry about taking him very well."

Huang Zhong agreed: "it can be seen that he is a child with perseverance. Uncle\'s three children are so excellent that the next generation can be carefree."

Fang woke up and asked, "what do you think of Hejian Prefecture and Shandong?"

This is Huang Zhong\'s responsibility. He said: "it\'s OK to say that Shandong is just moving in Hejian Prefecture. There are complaints in the capital. They all say that this is your conspiracy to bring down Confucianism."

"They think too much."

Fang Xing doesn\'t want to argue this.

Xie Jin said, "if they want to find a place to attack you, it is naturally the biggest reason and the worst way to refute."

"There was some differentiation within the ducha hospital. Some people said that Hejian house was not in the plan. It was a rash move, so he put on the bullet seal, but his majesty didn\'t see it. It was said that they were stopped by Yang Rong."

"It\'s just barking."

Fang Xing didn\'t like Du Cha hospital very much. If Li Er Mao hadn\'t been there, he would have cleaned up a group of people last time.

"The censor, the censor, should have a pattern and broad vision, but I looked at it and found that most of the current mediocrity of the court was investigated, and Liu Guan had an unshirkable responsibility for it."

Xie Jin scoffed: "Liu Guan is careless, but this man has a vision. Yang Rong and they have long wanted to get him down. However, he seized the opportunity and resolutely took refuge in his majesty. He worked hard in Hejian mansion and didn\'t hesitate to be scolded as a villain and courtier. He really made a full use of his ability to steer the wind."

"Many people in the hospital have received benefits and acted improperly. Is Liu Guan ready to move?"

Fang Xing shook his head, "we don\'t care about it. Your majesty is staring. Yang Rong and they are staring. He doesn\'t move. Sooner or later, he will be involved again. It\'s useless to stand in line at that time. Your majesty will certainly use him to deter ducha hospital and Daming officialdom."


Worry free was the happiest. She grabbed the potato and asked about the fun all the way. Then she went to check the small gifts given to her. When Fang woke up in the backyard, she saw her sleeping with a cabin in her arms.

Zhang Shuhui held her and sang softly. When Fang woke up, she looked up and smiled.

Fang Xing hired an old carpenter to build the cabin. It is extremely exquisite and has supporting tables and benches.

Fang Xing covered her with a thin quilt and picked her up.

Zhang Shuhui moved her hands gently and whispered, "this girl is getting heavier and heavier."

Fang Xing went inside with worry free in his arms, put her on the big bed, and then came out quietly.

Xiaobai is ready to change clothes. Zhang Shuhui personally prepares bath water for him. Everything is so harmonious.

After taking a bath, Mo Chou has come with Huanhuan. The whole family is happy together.


Zheng He is here.

Fang woke up and didn\'t expect that he was so old. Seeing that his head was almost white, he couldn\'t help but bow his hands and say, "Zheng Gong is hard."

Zheng He arched his hand and said with a smile, "our family is a proud family. Xinghe Bo doesn\'t need to sigh."

After they sat down, Fang woke up and noticed that Zheng He\'s movements were flexible, so he asked about his body.

"After our family came back, the fleet was handed over to Wang Jinghong for rectification. Several imperial doctors were noisy all day, and the soup and medicine were like drinking water every day. During that time, their mouths were bitter, and they had to buy some candied fruit for women to sweeten their mouths. It was unbearable!"

What he said was difficult, but Fang Xing was aware of that trace of regret.

"You... Can\'t die at sea. It\'s too bad for morale. Your majesty won\'t allow it."

Zheng He was dumb, then said with a laugh: "you are always vigilant to the sea, but at present, the unknown Tessie can pose a threat to Daming, so our family has suggested your majesty to build more warships that can sail far."

save against a rainy day!

Fang woke up and said, "Zheng Gong\'s vision is not bad, but shipbuilding should be considered, improved, improved and rebuilt."

This is a judgment of the future enemy that the current warships are not good enough.

Zheng He likes this attitude. He is a famous sailor and naturally knows what the layout is best.

"Ask for money and food! Shandong is tossing and Hejian mansion is tossing. It\'s almost approaching the capital. I\'m afraid it will be pushed back."

Fang Xing shook his head and felt that Zheng He was good at sailing, but he misjudged the recent changes and atmosphere in Chaozhong.

"They won\'t tangle about this. They will only stare at Shandong and see when your majesty decides to move Beiping..."

Zheng he closed his eyes and thought. When he opened his eyes again, he said another topic.

"In the palace... Your highness... Last time someone said that your highness likes to cry, it can be seen that he is weak..."

No one told Fang Xing about it, so his eyes suddenly became indifferent and looked out.

"Don\'t do other people\'s business."

Zheng He explained: "at that time, he was discovered by his majesty, and then people started to fight. More than ten people died in the war, and the palace was silent."

Verbal warnings could not be listened to carefully, so the news of wanwan\'s recruitment of her son-in-law spread.

After more than ten people were killed by the war, the news that corn was maliciously slandered was covered up.

Fang woke up and looked at his rough fingers and suddenly smiled.

"People\'s hearts..."

Zheng He said calmly, "this matter is handled by our family. It\'s really unpredictable."