Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2113

After the death of Emperor Wen, the crisis existed until Zhu Zhanji succeeded to the throne, and those crises were slowly suppressed and gradually eliminated.

No, it\'s suspected Elimination!

Most of the crisis comes from people, who are one of the sources of the crisis.

The wrestling between monarchs and ministers is gradually changing!

be quiet!

Zhu Zhanji is feeling and enjoying the silence.

Then he smiled and said, "someone colluded with Hejian mansion in Shandong. I\'ve asked Liu Guan to act conveniently... Let\'s break up."

After the ministers went out, the eunuch outside the door dared to come in and report to the Empress Dowager.

"After the political affairs are disposed of, I\'ll go now."

All the way to ningshou palace, Hu Shanxiang has gone back. When the Empress Dowager saw him, she frowned and said, "we have seen many people in this palace, but they are not as good as the three in front, but we have to know the root and the bottom after all!"

Zhu Zhanji comforted, "don\'t worry, empress mother. My son has been checked."

The Empress Dowager asked, "who?"


The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "he\'s calm. Alas! Wan Wan is eighteen. According to the rules, it\'s time to pick someone. If you don\'t want to give up, stay for a few more years..."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and recognized this.

But the most reluctant is the Empress Dowager!


The most difficult place in the world to keep secrets is probably the palace.

The Empress Dowager is making arrangements for Wan Wan\'s marriage. It\'s just wishful thinking to keep the news.

"Princess, the Empress Dowager is picking people."

Wan Wan stood under the tree, wearing a long skirt and frowning slightly.

Qingye whispered, "there are small officials, martial arts people, and Jinshi. They say they want to choose a good one."

She felt that she would follow Wan Wan out of the palace. If her son-in-law was not good, her life would be difficult.

Daming doesn\'t need the princess to make peace. Starting from Zhu Di, he doesn\'t need to use the princess as a chip to balance the government.

This style brings about a change: most of the Princesses\' brides came from ordinary backgrounds. If they can marry Xun Qi, they will burn Gao Xiang.

When Zhu Zhanji arrived, he had blocked several waves of Xun Qi\'s request for Wan Wan.

This is the signal!

Wan Wan has won the favor of three generations of emperors. The dowry at the time of marriage must be the first in this dynasty.

The selected son-in-law is mostly of ordinary origin, which will develop at once!

Moreover, the outside world has long talked about Wan Wan\'s temperament and appearance. It is probably that once she becomes her son-in-law, she will receive both people and money.

Wan Wan looked at the sky.

The sky is cloudless and blue.

She was a little depressed and confused.

As a princess, she has no choice. At most, after the Empress Dowager has determined the final candidate, she simply tells her the situation.

So she was a little depressed and didn\'t eat dinner.

Qingye quietly asked someone to talk to the Empress Dowager. But the Empress Dowager just sighed and asked someone to send snacks.

As parents and elders, of course, I think I have excellent vision. The people selected for my children and grandchildren will never be wrong again.

That\'s what the Empress Dowager thought.

So Wan Wan was silent. Every day, in addition to going to the Empress Dowager and the queen, she locked herself in her room.

The smoke was misty. The girl was seriously copying. Many copied scriptures had been placed in the small box beside her.

When the death day of Emperor Wen and Emperor Ren who loved her most, these scriptures will be burned for their happiness in another world.


Wan Wan recruited a son-in-law, which naturally attracted countless wild bees and butterflies.

"The palace knows it can\'t keep the news. Those people... Are gone!"

Many people, especially the Xunqi family, have focused on the fat meat of Wan Wan, thinking of marrying the royal family with their children, and then continuing their prosperity.

Even those civil servants with many sons in their families are inevitably moved, but they can\'t learn Xun Qi\'s directness. Therefore, in the autumn wind, people gather in the capital every once in a while.

The party naturally needs wine, but also food and good food.

Shenxianju received an order today, and the whole lobby was wrapped up.

"Wine and food are expensive, but I don\'t want to go to the private room upstairs. What the hell are these scholars doing?"

The two guys were muttering, and the important younger brother who came back early was not worried.

These scholars seem elegant, but they are fake.

In addition, they were blocked in the lobby. It was recognized that several of them were the children of officials, so some old guests bowed their hands and left without food.

Mo Chou also came out. She was worried about the joyful body waking up with Fang, so she was a little uneasy these days.

"Miss, do you want to drive them away?"

Yaodi thought he couldn\'t ride a horse, so he was thrown back by Fang Xing. In addition, the person she liked was not in the capital, so he was very angry.

"... it\'s a pity that I didn\'t have the long sword today, otherwise I would sing a song..."

"There is no foreign invasion in the country, and then there is a good opportunity for our generation to serve. It\'s okay to sing, but don\'t forget knowledge!"


After listening for a long time, the younger brother finally concluded, "Miss, these people remind me of things at home."

Mo Chou comforted: "it\'s over. Now you\'re doing well. Forget the past."

Yaodi shook his head and said, "Miss, I\'m not homesick! Just looking at them, I think of those male dogs in heat..."

Mo Chou frowned and said, "don\'t talk nonsense!"

She was worried about causing trouble for Fang Xing, so she asked her brother to go to the second floor.

When Yaodi came to the bottom of the stairs, there was a horse hissing outside, and then a man went out to greet the guests.

"Uncle... Young master!"

Suddenly there was a cry of joy from the waiter outside. Mo Chou hurried out of the counter and saw Fang Xing and Huanhuan.

Fang Xing came in slowly with Huanhuan. Seeing Mo Chou coming out, he said, "it\'s OK. I haven\'t had any diseases."


Mother and son farewell, goodbye is naturally a lot closer.

When the three entered the lobby, Fang woke up and saw that the atmosphere of the readers at the table was good. Some were singing poetry, others were smiling and smiling reserved.

"Why do these people seem to be swaggering and showing people by the way..."

Fang Xing casually asked Mochou. Mochou bowed his head and said nothing. Seeing Huanhuan looking at Fang Xing from time to time, he was very happy.

After going out, father and son made out a lot!

But the younger brother couldn\'t bear it and said, "Sir, it\'s said that the palace is recruiting a son-in-law for the princess. These people are showing off."

Fang woke up and his face became overcast. Then he said, "they are all dissolute children. If they swagger like this, they will cause trouble for their own family sooner or later!"

Yaodi praised: "the master is right. They look like a group of estrous dogs."

One of the people at the table suddenly sat up straight, then said a word quietly with a straight face, and then the table was silent.

"Dad! Dad!"

Fang Xing is ready to go, but Huanhuan is reluctant to give up. The father and son come to a separate play. Finally, Fang Xing asks Mo Chou to go back with Huanhuan for a few days.

When Fang woke up, there was a breath of relief at the table.

That\'s Fang Xing, who has a close relationship with the royal family. If he speaks ill of him, don\'t think about his son-in-law.