Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2112


LV Wu slapped LV Hui down. On the advice of his eldest son, he trembled, pointed to LV Hui and scolded, "you little beast! You missed the big deal!"

LV Hui knelt down and said, "father, if you don\'t succeed... Does our family have to rely on children..."


LV Wu slapped him again, trembled with anger, and scolded: "no! Do you understand? From now on, the LV family will not want to be an official, do you understand?"

For a moment, the front hall was silent, only LV Wu\'s breathing.

"Father, if we don\'t succeed, do we have to stick to our future career? It\'s too much..."

LV Wu sneered, gasped, and said with dull eyes, "if you are an honest family, it\'s all right, but our family is... Being a father is an official, so what..."


"Then LV Hui is just together. Yu Yong, who is really determined, says that his family is quite quiet. If he likes it, he will naturally be able to make peace with Qin and se at that time..."

The Empress Dowager felt that no one was worthy of her daughter, but she was married. No, it was a son-in-law.

No matter how much you don\'t give up, it turns into the idea of recruiting a good son-in-law for Wan Wan.

The idea was so strong that the Empress Dowager often asked Hu Shanxiang to discuss the candidates together.


Zhending mansion is a military town and an important place to guard the capital.

After the threat on the grassland was defeated, Zhending mansion inevitably began to decline.

Yu Yong is one of them.

He was born in a military family. His father\'s contacts are. Naturally, he is like a duck to water in the army.

The weather was getting cooler and there was nothing in the army. After ordering Mao, Yu Yong went home to have a rest.

When he woke up, he strolled down the street and went to a familiar restaurant.

As a bachelor, he has some money at home, so Yu Yong mostly likes to eat out.

Ordered two dishes, ordered big cakes and a pot of wine, and Yu Yong ate it slowly.

He wore a hat and a loose dress.

Halfway through the meal, he felt that he had lost his appetite and was ready to go out to check out.

When I first got to the door, someone was just about to come in.

"You are..."

A man was surrounded by several big men outside the door.

The man looked at Yu Yong and asked, "are you Yu Yong?"

If you don\'t call Mr. Yu by his name, you can imagine his identity.

Yu Yong quickly arched his hands and said, "it\'s Yu."

"Go in and talk!"

The man should go in first, and he doesn\'t worry whether Yu Yong will be angry or leave by himself.

Yu Yong looked at the men with bad eyes and entered the room.

Fang woke up and looked at the rest of the meal. He asked, "have a bad appetite?"

Yu Yong stifled a yawn and said, "yes."

Fang Xing shook the kettle with a little wine left and asked casually, "is there a hidden disease in the body?"

Sleeping too much will not only lose appetite, but also have a bad brain.

Yu Yong was stunned and said, "Yu is strong!"

Fang woke up and said, "I want to be a matchmaker for you. Tell me... Is it worth it?"

Yu Yong was stunned, got up and arched his hands and said, "dare you ask who you are..."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "don\'t ask me who I am. You just need to know that if you cheat me, you will die miserably."

Yu Yong looked at the two big men standing behind Fang Xing and hesitated, "sir?"

Fang woke up and nodded. Xin Laoqi said in a deep voice behind him: "my master asks, just say it, but there is half a lie. Your title of 100 households is just grass mustard!"

Yu Yong nodded, knowing that he was afraid of entering the eyes of powerful people.

He had a good reputation in Zhending mansion, so the matchmaker came to the house every once in a while, but he didn\'t want to get a wife for the time being, so he put it on hold.

"Come on, don\'t try to find out my identity. It\'s only bad for you."

Fang woke up and stared at Yu Yong coldly.

Yu Yong said with a bitter smile: "Yu Mou..."

He slowly untied his hat and bowed his head.

Fang woke up, took a look and said, "you\'re fine. It\'s good for you to forget it."


Not many people know about the selection of wanwan\'s son-in-law, which is taboo in the palace.

The Empress Dowager waited for several days and didn\'t hear back. She was a little anxious.

"Go and see what the emperor is doing and let him come in his spare time."

Zhu Zhanji has been busy wrestling with the officials recently, in order to see Ming Pao and make trouble with the officials.

Wang Chang\'s combat effectiveness is too strong. Laughing and scolding can always annoy those gentry. Some people wanted to make trouble, but Xu Jingchang took the Shang\'s sword and made the dandy\'s temperament full. He has crippled many people.

"Your Majesty, the Ming Pao has written a lot of things that people need, such as how to produce potatoes and how to raise livestock... Every time the Ming Pao goes down, there will be a lot of water at the city gates everywhere..."

Anlun is getting fatter again. It seems that he has a good life after he was promoted to factory supervisor.

"Who is in charge of copying and reciting?"

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the assistant political scholars, and then the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

Anlun Dui said with a smile, "they are all scientific children. Sometimes some scholars go, but they will be beaten and scolded... Later they are rare."

Zhu Zhanji nodded with satisfaction and Anlun quit.

This is a big event that Fang xingkou called "sending knowledge to the countryside", but it insidiously spread the influence of science further.

This is subversion!

Yang Rong felt that there was something wrong with his vision. When Ming Pao first came out, he thought it was just a tool used by the emperor and Fang Xing to assist in innovation.

So when those spicy articles reached his ears, he just smiled.

Now, the influence of Ming Pao is growing. At that time, countless people are looking forward to the latest news and those little knowledge.

Ming Pao is changing people\'s access to information and knowledge. In the past, they could hardly leave their hometown. It would be good if they could talk about the county magistrate all their life.

As for Chaozhong and the whole Ming Dynasty, it is just a concept for the people.

Now this concept has been realized by Ming Pao.

All the enemies outside the great wall were killed by Daming and have become Daming\'s Jiangnan and horse breeding land.

Jiaozhi is no longer the wound of Daming, but the sugarcane planting land of Daming.

North Korea


Daming\'s fleet is invincible on the sea.

Grain from all over the country has been continuously transported in, and various resources are expanding the body of Daming.

Only then did the people know: Oh! Daming is so powerful!

Then pride will be slowly buried and waiting for the opportunity to burst out.

Damn Wang Shang!

Countless people are yelling and scolding. They want to kill the old man who died long ago.

But Wang Shang still exists. It seems that he will continue to exist and live well.

The originator behind the figurine is still living in Hejian mansion, accompanied by two sons.

What about the emperor?

Yang Rong restrained his mind and said, "Your Majesty, in troubled times... Shandong... When Hejian mansion comes to the capital, it should be quiet over there..."

This is to remind the Emperor: boss, the current situation is chaotic enough. You\'d better let the old madman stop.

Gradually quiet

Zhu Zhanji felt almost enjoying the tranquility.

Since he ascended the throne, he has been fighting with these officials, invisible fighting.

Step by step innovation, step by step temporary compromise and concession, in exchange for today\'s aggressiveness

For a moment, he thought a lot, and finally turned into a smile: "the people are happy, are you happy?"

Innovation led to strong opposition from some people, but satisfied most.

Are you satisfied?