Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2111

A group of cavalry roared across the official road. The knight on the horse was dry and obviously did not catch the night.

A horse in the middle looks like two people, and in front is a child.

And on the side, a half child rode closely with his horse, and his riding skills were not bad.

The man with the child frowned at the two gentry, his eyes cold and fierce, then turned his face and stopped paying attention to them.

At this time, they found that most of the team were sergeants, guarding the father and son in the middle.

When the horse team roared away, they sighed and felt that the whole North, no, the whole Daming is an eventful autumn.

"Well, man-made knives and feet, I\'m fish. If we all have to clean up, let\'s admit it."

"Those who resist are tied in a string by ropes. All the people of the family are leaving the Central Plains. Alas! It\'s a small matter to think that their wives and children are going to go like this. If you don\'t die of hunger..."

They sighed for a while until a carriage came, and then they went back in dismay.

The man in the carriage was an important brother. She wouldn\'t worry about not showing up. The curtain was wide open. She looked ahead from time to time, and then urged the coachman to speed up.

But the carriage could not compare with the galloping war horse. He asked his brother to put down the curtain bitterly, and then muttered: "it\'s so easy to intervene in the affairs of the palace. It\'s really..."


In ningshou palace, the autumn wind is cool and refreshing.

But those palace maids and eunuchs walked carefully, making the cool autumn wind solemn.

The Empress Dowager has a bad temper these days. Several unlucky people who don\'t have long eyes have been blamed by the war.

Even Li Bin, who was most trusted by the empress dowager, was reprimanded for his negligence. No one dared to show off.

Two palace maids carried chilled fruit juice into the hall, and then put a bowl next to the Empress Dowager and the queen.

The Empress Dowager picked up a few spoons and then gasped. Seeing that Hu Shanxiang didn\'t eat, she said, "corn is noisy. You can\'t sleep well at night. You can sleep after lunch. At least you can be better at night."

"Don\'t worry, my mother. My children began to feel suffering, but over time, I also felt good..."

The Empress Dowager sighed, "it\'s not easy to be a parent! Think about it... The emperor doesn\'t have to worry about the palace, but others... Wan Wan is also big. Among those people, the palace has carefully selected several people, both literate and martial. What does the emperor say?"

Hu Shanxiang thought about the corn still in the Kunning palace and said, "Your Majesty can\'t say it\'s too far away to avoid being bullied and no one knows, so he wants someone to check it..."

The Empress Dowager was stunned, patted her forehead and said with a smile: "their brothers and sisters are better. So... The three people in the North... Lu Hui in Shandong... Are officials. Although there is no middle prize, it can be said to be gentle and elegant. I think I can take good care of Wan Wan..."


Guantao, a cavalry rushed into the city.

This is not Huanhuan\'s first trek with adults. The last time was from Jinling to Peiping.

So he adapted very well, and the bumps on his horse didn\'t affect his drowsiness at all.

So when the war horse stopped outside a house, he was still sleeping.

Fang woke up and opened his cloak. Seeing that he slept soundly, he dismounted carefully and handed him over to Tudou.

Turning around, the family had been disturbed. When the door opened, a middle-aged man frowned and asked, "what are you doing here?"

"Lv Hui\'s family?"

Fang Xing asked.

The middle-aged man\'s look gradually dignified, arched his hands and said, "it\'s my second young master."

"Call him."

Xin Laoqi pushed away the middle-aged man first. Fang woke up and went in. There were potatoes and several servants outside the door.

The potato is holding the joy of sleeping on the horse\'s back and feels a little hungry.

Fang Xing was also a little hungry, but in the face of the enthusiasm of the LV family, he still refused the invitation to eat here.

In front of him stood a man, seventeen or eighteen years old, beautiful and weak.

Fang Xing sat at the top of the table. Beside him was LV Wu, the master of the LV family and a retired official.

LV Wu, with gray hair and a smile, pointed to the young man and said, "Xinghe Bo, this is my young son."

"Are you LV Hui?"

Fang Xing stared at the young man and asked.

The young man arched his hands and said, "I\'ve seen uncle."

This man is a little weak!

Fang woke up and stared at him. Seeing that he was unnaturally avoiding his eyes, he frowned and said, "say it, is Yuanyang still there?"

LV Hui\'s face turned white. LV Wu wanted to talk, but Fang Xing raised his hand to stop him.

"Your temperament Ben Bo will naturally ask, just want to ask, but have a woman?"

LV Wu\'s heart was so cold that he quickly winked at LV Hui.

Fang Xing\'s arrival shocked his family. After seeing that he didn\'t come to get people, but called LV Hui, he had a vague idea in his heart.

Now hearing this question, the idea is more and more clear.

His heart was beating violently, but he regretted more and more.

LV Hui was forced to retreat by Fang Xing\'s eyes. He was in a mess in his heart and subconsciously said, "yes... No."

Fang Xing frowned and looked at LV Wu on the side. It happened that LV Wu was winking at his son. He said, "Uncle Ben, do you think you can intervene?"

LV Wu was startled and hurriedly got up and bowed down to apologize.

When he became an official, he was just a four grade official. It was just because Fang Xing gave him face when he was old. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be on an equal footing with Fang Xing.

Fang Xing stared at LV Hui and asked coldly, "yes, or no? Lie... The LV family can\'t keep it! This is Ben Bo\'s words. You can\'t believe it."

LV Hui immediately felt his back sink and could hardly bear the pressure.

He was also a little disillusioned. When he was annoyed, he went to see his father LV Wu.

This is to ask for help.

Fang woke up but lost patience, got up and shouted, "say!"


LV Hui subconsciously told the truth, and immediately knelt down, his body shaking and annoyed.

The marriage that can let Fang wake up and check himself must be the princess he valued or the emperor valued.

On such a thought, the candidate is ready to come out.

Fang woke up, nodded, looked a little slower and said, "you\'re fine. At least you didn\'t lie."

LV Hui\'s heart relaxed, and then his great sense of loss made him almost want to sit down.

Fang Xing leaned over to the disappointed LV Wu and said, "Ben Bo came here... If Ben Bo heard rumors outside, he must have some horse bandits here..."

LV Wu arched his hand and said, "don\'t worry, uncle Xinghe. I will discipline my family well."

Fang woke up and stared at him for a moment, then nodded and said, "Benbo is leaving now. Remember, Benbo hasn\'t been here today."

He strode out, followed by his servants, with great momentum.

The royal family was more prosperous, but it was no longer with the LV family.


After LV Wu became an official, LV Hui\'s imperial examination was hopeless, and the LV family had actually declined.

This is also the main reason why those people chose LV Hui.