Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2110

The business of that mutton shop is still good.

Fang Xing strolled along with his two children.

"Two bowls of soup, one less."

The shopkeeper already knew Fang Xing\'s identity and immediately shivered to get the mutton soup, but he was a little happy.

Both Xing and Bo like to eat at my house, which means it tastes good!

It\'s all right to wake up after galloping down all the way, but the two children are a little uncomfortable.

Potatoes slowly drink soup with a bowl, Fang wakes up and slowly feeds Huanhuan.

This is the standard civilian version of the father son relationship model.

Huanhuan used to hate broth, but when she came to Fang Xing\'s side, she ran with potatoes every day, which consumed a lot. Naturally, it was sweet to eat.

After drinking the broth, she was sweating and blushing.

"Dad, it\'s delicious."

A father who can play with himself, of course, must be a good father.

This son is so easy to buy!

Fang woke up a little melancholy, then wiped his sweat and led him out.

The passers-by did not look at Fang Xing\'s father and son more.

Harvest season, always a lot more joy, but also a lot more busy.

Huanhuan looked curiously at the pedestrians, shopkeepers, guys and shops in the street

Children are always curious about the world they see and dare to explore it fearlessly.

Back to the camp, Yaodi is eager to see through. Fang Xing gave Huanhuan to her, and then took potatoes to the big tent.

"Sir, the smell of blood in the South gradually spread from Shandong to the capital, and then from the capital to the south.

"The whole Daming is trembling!"

"Yes, those gentry... No, we are also trembling. We don\'t know when such bad luck will fall on our heads..."

Two gentry stood on the side of the avenue, behind them were ox carts and servants.

There is a faint mist rising in the field. The morning air is full of sweet smell after harvest, which gives people a boost.

They are waiting. They don\'t know what they are waiting for.

"We all have contributions at home. We used to think that the capital would not be liquidated, but now it seems to be wrong."

"Yes! Your majesty is firm, and those in the court can\'t be persuaded. Xinghe Bo is even more bloodthirsty. Even the dandy Xu Jingchang has a red eye in Shandong and dingguogong. What can we do..."

They looked worried. They didn\'t know how to solve these difficulties.

A horse hoof came, very dense, and they quickly retreated to the side.

At this time, most of the riders galloping on the official road were messengers, and the blockers deserved to be killed.

They stood by the side of the road, frowning and looking at the place where the hoofs came from