Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 210

In an elegant room on the second floor, Hua Qing, who was flushed with drink, said to Xia Miao with protruding forehead, "I said brother Xia, take a rest today. Should I go to Li\'s house to teach?"

Xia Miao picked up his glass and said, "it\'s not without Mr. Li\'s Academy. I\'ll go there just to get a reputation. I\'ll go later."

Hua Qing nodded and said yes when he heard the speech, and then suddenly remembered something, so he sat down at the table and chuckled.

Xia Miao was about to ask him what he was laughing at, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a loud noise from the door.

In the dust, Xia Miao covered his mouth and nose with long sleeves, pointed to the incoming Fang and woke up and shouted, "where are the savages who dare to kick the door and die!"

Fang Xing looked at the two people coldly. Without saying a word, he went up and grabbed Xia Miao.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

After a few slaps, Fang Xingsong opened his hand, then slapped his backhand and directly knocked Hua Qing stunned on the side to the ground.

Zhu gaoxu couldn\'t help laughing at the scene outside the door. He felt that the whip in his sleeve was ready to move.

"Come on! There are robbers!"

Xia Miao covered his swollen face and shouted in panic.

Hua Qing had fallen to the ground and spit out a white thing as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Report to the official! Report to the official immediately!"

Huaqing felt that his left face was numb. He picked up the tooth and shouted with grief and anger, "kill!"

They shouted for a long time, but they only saw Zhu gaoxu, who was busy at the door, and there was no one in the Shunfeng building.

Fang Xing kicked Xia Miao ready to get up, then picked up a basin of soup on the table and poured it down Xia Miao\'s head.


The soup was not very hot, but the feeling of being humiliated made Xia Miao hiss and shout, "good fight! Good fight! Give me your name, I will die with you!"

Fang Xing didn\'t answer him. Instead, he picked up a plate of braised mutton that was half eaten. After tearing open Huaqing\'s skirt, he poured it into his chest and abdomen.

At this time, a sound of Qin and Xiao came from outside, followed by a woman\'s gentle song.

The singing is gentle and affectionate. The person who hears it should have listened attentively, but Fang woke up without this idea. He hated Huaqing the most, so he slapped him again, clapped his hands, smiled at Zhu gaoxu and said, "laugh."

After seeing Fang Xing\'s series of measures, Zhu gaoxu couldn\'t help feeling his confidant, so he said, "change this... Me? These two boys can\'t get out of their arms and legs today!"

Xia Miao looked at Huaqing with swollen cheeks on both sides and asked angrily, "who are you? I have no grievances with you. Why are you rude?"

Fang Xinggang walked to the door. Smelling the speech, he turned and pointed out the window and said, "are you coming to see this woman?"

"Ningxiang! Ningxiang! Ningxiang!"

At this time, a warm cry came from outside, covering the sound of the piano and the song.

In the past, the outer Qinhuai River was not far away from here. The famous prostitute Ning Xiang came here every month today to play by boat along the outer river, so many admirers surrounded the bank one after another.

A famous prostitute means that the price is expensive. You can\'t even see her at ordinary times. Of course, you won\'t let go of such opportunities without spending money.

"Gentle scum!"

Fang woke up with disdain and then said his identity.

"I am the shameless and obscene one in your mouth!"


Is He Fang Xing?

Hua Qing, who was the most miserable, couldn\'t help crying: "what if you wake up? Can you do it at will?"

Xia Miao looked at Fang Xing\'s disappearance with a gloomy face and said, "you mentioned the princess just now!"

Hua Qing was stunned. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he said reluctantly, "did this fight go for nothing?"

Xia Miao said angrily, "if that party wakes up and reports your words, you and I don\'t know what punishment to be punished!"

If you dare to say that behind your back, the emperor\'s granddaughter depends on Zhu Di\'s mood. If you are in a good mood, you may be more relaxed; What if he\'s in a bad mood?


Hua Qing also figured it out. He got up and complained, "didn\'t this Shunfeng building say that you can eat in Jinling? But why didn\'t you see anyone just now!"

Xia Miao also felt a little strange.

Only Fang Xing knew that the people in Shunfeng building were blocked by Zhu gaoxu just now.

In a room on the third floor, Zhang Shuhui and she are already tasting the delicious food of Shunfeng building.

Liang Zhong is by the door. He has been informed of what happened just now. Seeing Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu coming up, he didn\'t say much, so he flashed in.

"He\'s a smart man!"

Seeing Liang Zhong go in and close the door from inside, Zhu Gaoxi also praised him.

When they arrived next door, with Zhu gaoxu\'s order, the dishes began to flow like water.

"Enough, enough!"

Seeing that there were already more than ten dishes, Fang woke up and hurriedly stopped and said, "so many dishes are too wasteful! Forget the rest."

Zhu gaoxu was stunned, and then waved people out. When the door closed, he said, "you\'re frugal!"

Fang Xing looked at a wide range of dishes and said helplessly, "is this all frugality?"


After Zhu gaoxu was released, everyone thought he would take revenge on the society crazily, but unexpectedly, he wandered around Jinling City, drank some wine and occasionally looked at the scenery in a daze.

After three rounds of wine, Zhu gaoxu looked up and said, "I have found something..."

"What\'s up?"

Fang woke up and thought his secret had been discovered. His hand slowly reached under his arm until he touched the handle of the gun.

"Most people who have enemies with you will be unlucky!"


Fang Xingchang heaved a sigh, took his hand back, and pretended to be confused: "Your Highness, I don\'t understand this."

Zhu gaoxu pointed to Fang Xing, meaning that he was dishonest.

"Qin ban fell into the toilet and lost half his life."

"Today, these two people gossip, but you beat them up."

When Zhu gaoxu saw Fang Xing pretending to be at a loss, he sneered and said, "but that aratan is good. It seems that you also miss!"

Fang Xing pretended to be a fool and said, "really?"

Others didn\'t know what aratan told people to wake up, but Zhu gaoxu knew it very well.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

From south to north, the lower the temperature. Aratan had put on a sandwich coat, but he twisted about on the horse\'s back.

"How itchy!"

Alatan felt that his skin was itching everywhere. He reached in and scratched hard. After being seen by several officials of the etiquette department, he was despised.

"Barbarians are barbarians, fidgeting and catching lice!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Aratan just felt better, but his chest and throat were itching again, so he had to cough violently.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Seeing this, the officials of the Ministry of rites couldn\'t help looking at each other and said, "isn\'t he tuberculosis? I heard it will spread to others!"

So someone called the accompanying doctor.

The doctor listened to Alatan\'s cough and said hesitantly, "it doesn\'t sound like much, but I\'m not sure."

You didn\'t say anything!

Without the doctor\'s guarantee, everyone deliberately avoided Alatan in the subsequent trip.