Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2105

"For the Canary!"

The ship to report had left the fleet and had completed its turn.

The commander resolutely rushed over with the fleet.

The size of the two fleets is the same, but the size of the ships is very different.

The ship on the side of the Canary flower is a small patrol ship, and there are two giants in the other party\'s fleet, and the remaining four ships look big.

There are great differences in strength, but we need a war after all!

"Their speed is faster than ours!"

The other side is gradually accelerating, and began to make a detour that does not meet the elements of naval warfare.

But the breath of despair has enveloped the Canary fleet!

Speed is the most important factor in naval warfare.

It\'s fast. You can fight and run if you want. If you have better long-range weapons, you can kill your opponent.

The commander cheered up and encouraged the scholar\'s airway: "as long as we block it, the reinforcements behind will drown them. Hold on and prepare to shoot arrows!"


On the other side, Hong Bao on the warship put down his telescope and ordered, "call the interpreter!"

A blindfolded tessi man was taken to the bow of the boat. Hong Bao nodded and someone pulled his eye cloth away.

The man blinked and turned his eyes.

"I saw something I shouldn\'t see, my eyes... I\'m afraid I can\'t keep it!"

The interpreter shook his head violently, then bent down and said, "please arrange it for the adults of the Ming Dynasty."

"Which side is that?"

Zhang Wang asked, pointing to the opposite fleet.

At the moment, the warship under their feet is winding to the right lightly.

The interpreter just glanced at it casually and said definitely, "it\'s the Canary fleet. There are only them here. The Franks are about to leave the sea."

Hong Bao sneered at the speech and said, "it\'s aggressive not to ask. It seems that this Canary flower and fruit is really strong, Daming... I\'m afraid it\'s not an opponent?"

Zhang Wang blinked and said in surprise, "father-in-law, can\'t you? Their boat looked at... The lower officer made a mistake."

With a look in his eyes, Hong Bao forced Zhang Wang, and then ordered: "the enemy is fierce. Our ship carries a large number of goods and can\'t be robbed, so... Sink them!"

Zhang Wang felt that Hong Bao was lying. He dared to bet with his head that if the ships were close to the fleet, he would immediately cut himself with a knife.

But Hong Bao had to take a weak attitude, which clearly wanted to pit the ships.


Zhang Wang thought as he commanded the fleet to close.

The four warships approached again from the left and right, but they became the angle of facing the enemy with the ship\'s side.

"Father in law!"

Zhang Wang finally asked for instructions.

The interpreter knew that the Ming army\'s firearms were powerful. He saw that the Canary boats were still rushing boldly, with a happy flash on his face, and then said with worry: "Sir, if you sink, you will go to war!"

Hong Bao frowned and asked, "is the Canary very powerful?"

The interpreter nodded and said, "very powerful. Frank is not our opponent... They still block the channel. If there is a fight, we are afraid we can\'t get in."

Hong Bao nodded. When the interpreter was slightly disappointed, Zhang Wang shouted, "father-in-law, do you want to fight..."

Hong Bao sighed and said, "no matter how powerful they are, we are in charge of the Daming fleet! How can we retreat... Fight!"

"All sink!"

Hong Bao\'s face suddenly became ferocious and shouted, "they are all fools who don\'t know what the Heavenly Kingdom is without interrupting their hands and feet! Fight! Run a boat and our family will cut you down!"

Zhang Wang said happily, "father-in-law, just watch it!"


The windows under the deck opened one after another, and the deep muzzle was exposed, and there was a flash of fire inside.

The three ships behind were desperately following. When they saw that the sword was already in front, the commander of the fleet couldn\'t help cheering: "war is going to start! Stupid canary, arrogant canary, prepare to accept the anger from the East!"

"Long live frank!"

In a burst of cheers, the Franks on the deck were full of joy.

This is the purpose for them to take the Daming fleet into the Strait, otherwise they would have landed before, and then went overland to meet the crown prince.

Very cunning and calm!

When both sides set out from Lisbon, the commander told Hong Bao that even if there was only one person left in Frank\'s mission, even if his legs were broken, he would climb to Daming and present Frank\'s credentials.

The commander remembered the shock and emotion in Hong Bao\'s eyes at that time, so he firmly believed that Ming people would challenge the Canary people with a good impression of Frank.

Regardless of victory or defeat, whether the Ming fleet could still exist or not, Frank won.

This is not a trick he can come up with, but from Abel, a close minister next to the crown prince, who is negotiating with the Canary people.

"Long live Daming!"

A surprising voice came, and the commander didn\'t look back. He subconsciously thought it was a good gimmick and slogan, so he shook his arms and shouted, "long live Daming!"

"Long live Daming!"

In this cheering full of friendship, someone on the Ming army ship in front was giving orders.

"Get in range now!"


Zhang Wang stood on the side with a knife in his hands, staring at the enemy fleet.

Blinking nervously, he had seen the Canary man on the opposite deck.

They don\'t know what Ming\'s weapon is.

Yes, Rhys himself was very dissatisfied with Frank\'s fleet coming to intercept Hu Daming\'s mission. Although it was inconvenient to stop, he did not cooperate.

So the interpreter, including the three Frank warships behind, didn\'t know what Ming people\'s weapons were.

Bow and arrow?

No, there are sergeants on the deck, not much.

They have archers, but they also have long knives and spears.

It\'s not professional!

The Franks, who were once covered by the Plantagenet longbow, almost became obsessed with archers.

So what are their weapons?

Are they going to hit it?

He shook his head. Unless he was crazy, he wouldn\'t use the sideboard to meet his opponent\'s bow.

He looked at Hong Bao around him, but he was very calm.

The sea breeze blew Hong Bao\'s gray hair. He raised his head, looked at the enemy proudly and said, "is this two peaches killing three people, or invite the king into the urn?"

I don\'t know these two allusions. A eunuch explained that he was almost scared to pee.

"No, no, no! Daming is Frank\'s most important ally. We..."

Hong Bao looked at him sideways and said coldly, "so what is it? Why don\'t you land all the way along the coast?"

Tongyi is neither a general nor a civil servant. He can\'t answer Hong Bao\'s question, so he can only blush.

Hong Bao nodded and said, "you know blushing. It\'s pretty good, but no matter what it is, Daming will be fearless!"

He screamed: "Herald, the grain ship blocks the three ships behind. Dare to break in and kill!"

When the flag was shaking, the two grain ships behind immediately gathered hands, bows and arrows and all kinds of fire thistles.
