Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2104

A strait separates two countries!

When both countries covet each other, war is inevitable.

The war that has lasted for decades has exhausted both countries, but out of inertia and reluctance to give up the lost and obtained interests, the war is still uninterrupted.

At least there is no interruption recognized at the national level!

The long journey will eventually stop. The two countries have stopped fighting for several months and the two sides have started negotiations.

"We need peace, but we will not refuse to pick up the bow and arrow again, so you should first determine who wins and who loses!"

Doc nodded modestly to his negotiator Abel and sat down.

Abel was a little angry. He patted the table and frowned, "yes, we won\'t refuse to pick up the sword, but why did you come to the negotiation table? Tell me, Doc. Do you still want to occupy Frank\'s land?"

Behind them stood several people, all generals of their own countries.

Doc took a sip of water and said happily, "I heard that there is a magical thing in that country in the East. Soaking in water can make people communicate with gods. Abel, it is said that you have drunk it?"

"That\'s right."

Abel said proudly, "just a little bit makes my feel relaxed."

"How does it taste?"

"It\'s bitter, but it smells good."

"It\'s a strange statement."

Abel thought about it, and then said, "it\'s just a little bit. It\'s said that they brought it back from heaven. They destroyed a lot along the way, leaving only the palm of the hand, but it\'s unforgettable."

Doc staggered the topic and said, "that\'s one of the reasons for our armistice. Abel, what are you thinking? What do you want? Don\'t forget, we can attack here at any time."

Abel said coldly, "yes, but we are ready, and you will continue to suffer failures. Frank will win!"

They were silent, and the generals behind them were trying to maintain their demeanor.

So they held their heads high and looked at each other, trying to imagine that their sight would become an arrow and pierce a hole in their opponent.

Doc is very patient, because now the initiative is in the hands of the Canary flower. They still control the Strait. Even if the big powers in the east come, they can only go by sea.

Yes, at present, the Taixi people think that if they want to go to the East, they must go to the sea.

As for land, think of the damn enemy. After fighting for so many years, they still stand at the junction of East and West, blocking tessy\'s footsteps.

But Abel was a little unstable, and so was frank.

After years of war, Frank\'s national strength has lost a lot. If it continues, Frank will usher in the most critical moment according to domestic prediction.

Yes, Frank is not confident enough!

So Daming is the weight they use to balance the situation!

"That\'s a huge country. Do you know meat fans?"

Abel showed a reserved smile and said, "meat fans are defeated by the Oriental Harley, and Harley... Defeated by the Oriental Daming... Doc, can the Canary stop such a country? Anyway, Frank is not an opponent."

Doc glanced at the Frank generals behind Abel and found that they looked very relaxed. He tentatively said, "are you in touch with Daming?"

Only this possibility can inspire the Franks who are currently in a dilemma.

Abel smiled, "who knows..."

Doc asked tentatively again, "they come here... Do they have a good relationship with meat fans? They can come by land."

Abel was still smiling, smiling mysteriously: "who knows..."


The Strait divided the two countries into two sides. Without this strait, the Canary would certainly be able to merge Frank.

Yes, they believe in this hypothesis.

The warships are cruising outside the mouth of the Strait. The canary is now guarding against the enemies outside the mouth, and both sides in the middle of the Strait have been controlled by them.

Five warships are more than enough for patrol.

So they are very relaxed. Some people even bet that the loser will have to jump into the sea.

The commander stood on the ship, looked around slowly, and listened to the rude sailors behind him shouting and scolding with organ names. Then the losers were forced to jump down and pull them up with ropes later.

The commander was comfortable with the sea breeze and his body was stable in the bumps.

"Frank is dead. They\'re begging us for mercy, but I hate this situation."

When the commander expressed his views on the relations and situation between the two countries, naturally someone came to listen.

Listening is a virtue. When more and more people have this virtue, the person who speaks will be elated.

The commander was elated and excited like some kind of symptom. The corners of his mouth overflowed with white foam and danced.

"... Frank should be smarter, or we\'ll sweep across, we\'ll cross the channel, and then land and water go hand in hand to let the flag of the Canary fly high!"

"We will control the sea, we will..."

The commander was very unhappy, because those "worship" eyes had moved and looked behind him.

Do you want me to give you little shoes?

The commander frowned and recalled whether his speech had lost vitality and spirit.

"Boat! Boat..."

A sailor in front suddenly pointed at the commander\'s back and screamed. His voice was sharp but happy.

There is only the Canary ship here. Frank has lost his ability to compete at sea since the last war. Whose ship is this?

The commander turned back slowly and confidently, and then saw several black spots.

Reese himself?

Reese\'s ambition of external expansion can\'t hide from the Canary people. They want to expand and strengthen themselves by taking advantage of the continuous war between canary and frank.

With a sneer on his face, the commander shouted, "it\'s Rhys himself! The Canary never fears any enemy, never meets the enemy!"

The bell is ringing and the flag is flying.

"Canary flower man, meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!"

As soon as the looseness on the deck stopped, the sailor who had just climbed onto the ship, regardless of his clothes, immediately began to prepare to operate the sails.

Long sword, long spear... Of course, the most important thing is the long bow!

The archers with unusual spines are in place. They are checking their bows and arrows and calmly waiting for the enemy.

Later, the enemy\'s deck will become a "forest", which the commander believes.


The commander followed the attack spirit of the Canary man and pointed his long sword forward.

The sea breeze blew the sails and five warships began to move forward.

Today\'s weather and sea conditions are good, so it\'s easy to observe each other\'s movements when the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

"Six ships! No, there are three behind!"

The sound of the lookout whistle grew shrill.

"They\'re so big! They\'re so big!"

The commander\'s face gradually hardened. He even wondered whether to send a ship back to report and prepare the fleet for the enemy.

But now he just wanted to scold the lookout: can\'t you make it clear how big the other party\'s ship is? And the ship type, how big the sail is

"How big... They\'re separated! They\'re coming!"

"They are big! Much older than us... This is adults and children, no!"

"This is not the type of ship we can build!"

The commander whispered, "go back to a ship, tell them the situation here, and convey my words..."

He looked at the six approaching ships ahead and said firmly, "I will sink to the bottom of the sea with my fleet, and before that, the enemy can\'t sail into the Strait! Long live the Canary!"