Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2106

The three Frank warships were cornered, and the Ming people\'s attitude changed suddenly, which made them feel at a loss.

But the Ming troops on the deck are already in the hands of bows and arrows. They are murderous. If they get closer, they must have no good fruit to eat.

The commander thought of a possibility and said with a bitter smile, "the Ming people doubt that we want to attack both sides with the Canary flower people. It\'s terrible! It\'s terrible!"

They just want to set up a trap to make Ming people and Canary flower people enemies.

But Ming people are obviously not two fools. They can see through their intentions at a glance, so they directly remind them by intercepting.

——Brother is angry!

"Daming is angry!"

Hong Bao said expressionless. The interpreter was trembling and had cut the person who came up with the idea in his mind.


Suddenly a cry came from under the deck.

Both sides have been pulled very close. The archers of the Canary have even put their arrows on and are ready to pull their bows.

At the same time, the commander of the Canary fleet also saw the Ming army in different clothes on the deck here.

"This is not the person here! No!"

Smoke rose under the deck and the first gun was fired.

The three Frank warships behind were holding their breath to see the means of the Ming army.

The commander of the Canary flower suddenly remembered something. He shouted, "they are Oriental! No..."


The first roar came, the smoke under the deck was filled, and most of them rushed out of the side.

A black spot rushed out, and then the artillery roared in turn.

"Boom, boom!"

The four warships opened fire in turn. The smoke of gunpowder filled the air one by one, and then was dispersed by the sea breeze.

The black spots grew larger and came from left to right.

"What\'s that?"

He felt the hull vibration brought by the artillery bombardment, and the smoke filled his nose. Through the smoke, he saw those black spots pouncing on the Canary man.

Those canaries were even more stunned.

It is nothing new for firearms to go on board, and even large caliber artillery appeared in the siege.

However, due to the immaturity of gunpowder, it is necessary to almost fill the bore with black gunpowder when launching a large stone bullet. The accuracy and range are desperate.

So the most reliable long-range weapon at this time is bow and arrow.

When it comes to bows and arrows, the Canary people dare to clap their bragging pens on their chest. In the whole west of Thailand, they recognize the second, but no one dares to recognize the first!

So on the deck, their archers have begun to pull their bows, ready to give an impressive coverage to the Oriental opposite

Then they saw the black spots swarming in a fan.

The commander stood on the deck, looked at the smoke ahead, remembered the heavy artillery in the army, and then the black spot came.

An iron bullet passed by him, and the air seemed to tremble, roar and burn.


There was a crackling sound behind him. In the scream, a warm liquid splashed in the back of the commander\'s neck.

He stretched out his hand to touch the warm blood, and then his feet shook. The whole ship trembled as if it hit the reef, and then the feeling of impact came one after another.

In the eyes of the interpreter, at the moment, the four warships opposite that seem to be within reach have become fireboats.

Four to four, three warships ahead were paralyzed in an instant.

The chain bullet twisted the rope and pulled out a large hole in the sail

The ship lost control of speed and direction. Smoke filled the holes in the ship, and flames came out of it, and then began to sweep the ship.

The archers on the deck were pierced by iron bullets, leaving a blur of flesh and blood on the deck, and the rest were stunned.

"What is this?! what is this..."

The archers did not abandon their bows and arrows. They could aim and shoot calmly under the weapons thrown by the enemy.

This is the most elite Longbow hand of Goldfinch!

So after being hit by the iron bullet, they soon cheer up, and then throw together regardless of sight and distance.

In the arrow flying, the Ming army\'s warship was just in the turning period, so the bow was planted with a forest.

Hong Bao looked sideways at the scene and praised: "Zhang Wang\'s command was effective and he remembered his achievements."

Zhang Wang has gone crazy and is urging the warship to accelerate its turn.

"Hold on..."

The four warships slowed down slowly, and then slowly began to aim at the four enemy ships with the other side.

The three Frank warships have wisely retreated to the side, which will not make the Ming army feel the threat, but also facilitate the observation of the war situation.

The sight was full of smoke, and the flame flashed in the smoke from time to time.

"That\'s hell..."

The commander nodded and said dully, "Ming people... Terrible Daming."

"That must be a firearm!"

The commander said with a blank face: "terrible Ming people, the Canary flower is coming to an end. I hope they don\'t surrender..."


"We failed! We failed, commander!"

After the Ming army began to slow down, everyone knew that the second wave of attack was coming.

But the first wave of attack had made the fleet lose its resistance, and there was no need to continue the bombardment. Before long, only one of the four warships could float on the sea and become a prisoner of the Ming army.

"The Canary will never give in!"

Someone was shouting loudly, and then there was a severe cough.

The smoke of gunpowder was gradually dispersed by the sea breeze, and the fire had started.

The sailors who put out the fire were threatened by the fire of the Ming army, but they were still brave and fearless.

The commander\'s face was covered with blood, which was one of the fruits of an iron bullet hitting countless sawdust.

He raised his hand slowly and said, "we shouldn\'t be enemies, right!"

He looked back at the tragic scene behind him and shouted, "put down the sails, put down all the white flags, put out the white flags!"


An officer rushed frantically. He threw down the commander and shouted, "we will continue to fight. The Canary will never give in!"

After defeating the Frank fleet, the taxi gas of the Canary fleet reached its peak.

The sense of honor is an important indicator to measure the combat effectiveness and morale of an army.

Obviously, the Canary fleet has a sense of honor!

The commander gasped hard, then knocked down the officer riding on him with a heavy punch, and then shouted, "this is an order!"

"The Canary can\'t provoke strong enemies. It\'s a plot of the Franks. Armistice! Now!"

The commander\'s orders were carried out, the tattered sails fell, and a white flag of unknown making was raised.

"Father-in-law, please lower the enemy!"

Zhang Wang had some regrets and came to Hong Bao with gunsmoke.

The interpreter looked at Hong Bao nervously and said, "the Canary flower people are the most scoundrels. They can tear up any treaty. They only have interests in their eyes and never have friendship..."

Hong Bao remembered Fang Xing\'s words: don\'t believe in friendship between countries. Talk about interests more sincerely.

Yes, he agreed with this statement and practiced it on the sea!

So he nodded and said, "put out the fire!"

This is the attitude of accepting surrender. Zhang Wang ordered with some disappointment.

The interpreter turned a little white and said, "my Lord, what does Daming think of the Canary flower?"

Hong Bao said coldly, "that\'s the matter of the court and your majesty. Our view is not important."

It\'s not impossible to take advantage of Daming, but Frank must show his ability that Daming should turn a blind eye to.

At present, apart from the three ships hiding behind, Hong Bao did not see Frank\'s ability and benefits.

So he doesn\'t mind beating the Franks. If necessary, he can even turn against them