Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2103

Fang Xing felt that he owed Huanhuan, so he took advantage of nothing and took his two children around Hejian mansion.

From the first night of crying, to the second night, she can sleep peacefully, and when Fang wakes up, Huanhuan will take the initiative to reach out and hold him.

"Smash the door!"

In a farm outside Xianxian County, Fang Xing appeared behind the army with two children.

The wolf like army smashed the door open with wood, and then swarmed in.

Huanhuan sat in front of Fang Xing. Looking at the excitement ahead, she couldn\'t help cheering. Tudou was on Fang Xing\'s right and whispered, "Dad, is this family guilty?"

Fang woke up and nodded. Later, there was a scream inside. Then a hundred family officials came out and hurried to Fang woke\'s horse. They shouted, "I\'ve seen uncle. I\'ve been ordered to lead the Department to take down the family and have locked them all."

Fang woke up and nodded, "it\'s all hard."

The hundred household officials glanced at their joy curiously and said, "it\'s not hard."

He arched his hands and went back to check.

There was a cry inside. Huanhuan asked suspiciously, "Dad, hit someone."

Through the gate, you can see a group of people kneeling on the ground. The cry came from there.

"They... Did bad things and beat people, so they were caught."

Fang Xing\'s explanation didn\'t let Huanhuan get a satisfactory answer, so he asked his eldest brother.

The potato thought for a moment and said, "they robbed other people\'s things and beat people."

"Bad guy! Fight!"

Huanhuan waved her arm, but accidentally hit Fang Xing\'s rib with an elbow.

Just when Fang Xing was hit by something wrong, there was a horse running behind him, which was intercepted by the servant, and then Xin Laoqi came to send a message.

"Sir, those discussions have disappeared."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "someone has done something?"

Xin Laoqi said, "I don\'t know, but it\'s acquiescence and submission."

A storm was brewing in Hejian Prefecture a few days ago, and the cry in the eyes of the storm was frightening.

——Not for fish!

They are impatient!

They felt that they had been treated as fish on the chopping board by the emperor, so they were dissatisfied.

Moving Hejian mansion is breaking the rules. The emperor who breaks the agreement is not a good emperor.

Fang Xing has been waiting, which is why he doesn\'t return to Beijing.

He was waiting for the people to make trouble and slapped them down.

But unexpectedly, they stopped

Is this dormant... Or is it brewing a more violent action?

"Where are the people in East Hall? Find out! I want news!"

Fang Xing gave some hasty orders, and then he turned his horse\'s head and began to go in the direction of Fucheng.

Last night they camped outside. Huanhuan was very happy, so when he saw that he was on his way, he leaned against Fang Xing\'s arms and smiled.

A string of prisoners were pulled out behind him. In the sound of crying, the door was closed and sealed.

This is fate!

"What road you choose, then you will be what life, others just influence, but can\'t interfere..."

Huanhuan has never had any bad luck since she followed Fang Xing. When her younger brother is ready to go back, he secretly worships Fang Xing\'s memorial tablet and daily incense to bless Mochou\'s mother and son.

Huanhuan didn\'t understand Fang Xing\'s words, but Tudou did.

He was thinking about his life.

Little uncle!

Future xinghebo!

After Fang Xing made it clear that he would not give up the count of Xinghe given by Emperor Wen, while the monarchs and ministers were at peace, it was also doomed that potatoes could not be dandies, otherwise the glittering brand of xinghebo would be dull.

Zhang Shuhui has been imperceptibly telling him that your father is the first hero of the country. Several generations of emperors believe in him and rely on him as an important Minister of the Great Wall.

You can\'t disgrace your father!

So he\'s imitating, imitating his father.

Start with every move!

He rode his horse closely to Fang Xing\'s side, looked at Huanhuan wrapped in his cloak, and suddenly felt that he had grown up in an instant.

The war horse galloped, and Huanhuan poked his head out of his cloak. The wind blew his face sideways and shouted happily. He didn\'t think it was fun to follow this often invisible father anymore.

The war horse galloped, followed by a long cavalry behind him. In front of him was the servant, who sandwiched Fang Xing\'s father and son in the middle.

The wind blew the cloak and made a popping sound.

Huanhuan was completely wrapped in her cloak, held by Fang Xing with one hand, and gradually fell asleep.

I don\'t know how long later, he was awakened by the sound of a horse\'s hoof.

The sound of hoofs was approaching, but the horse\'s speed was slowing down.

Huanhuan gradually opened her eyes. Through her cloak, she vaguely saw a horse approaching, and then the horse hissed and stopped.

"Uncle, someone wanted to go to Beijing and was intercepted by the east hall outside the city."

"Stop, dare to break in, kill!"

Fang Xing\'s cold order made Huanhuan feel uncomfortable. He lifted his cloak and looked out carefully, and saw an excited face.

"Speed up!"

The war horse suddenly accelerated and slowly bumped up.

All the way to the outside of Fucheng, I saw more than ten people drinking and scolding enthusiastically, with at least dozens of people watching behind.

There are only five people in the East Hall in plain clothes, but the sergeant guarding the city didn\'t help.

They can\'t help.

While talking about going out of the city to enjoy autumn, he said that I belong to the East Hall. They are all fools and want to come back.

While they were entangled, a sound of Horseshoes came. The five people in the east hall were very happy. When they were about to turn back, they heard someone shout, "get out of the way!"

The five people didn\'t think about it, and they were scared to one side.

This is a battle!

The more than ten people were impassioned. When they saw a team of cavalry galloping over, they were stunned.

But the sergeant who guarded the city didn\'t dare to hesitate, so he shouted desperately: "uncle has returned to the city..."

At this time, the cavalry had rushed over, and the more than ten people rushed to both sides in an instant.

Yes, not running. They were worried that it would be too late, so they chose to fly and dodge.

The onlookers burst into laughter, and then when a man who dodged slower was howled by a whip, everyone was quiet.


The horse man stood up, turned around, turned his back to the city gate, and then the horse\'s hooves beat heavily on the ground.

Huanhuan was very excited. The horse was stable. He couldn\'t wait to lift his cloak and look out.

Some of those people lay on the ground and moaned. They had never been so embarrassed. They couldn\'t get up.

Several of them had already got up and stood up with their hands tied up.

This is Fang Xing!

He\'s back!

No one dares to look up!

Fang Xing squinted at these people. The war horse slowly turned left and right. He gradually became indifferent.

"Go to Beijing? Rush for the exam?"

No one dared to look up, the people lying on the ground also bared their teeth and got up, and no one dared to moan.

Fang Xing slowly took the whip in his hand and said, "Benbo, don\'t you remember the exam? Since you don\'t rush to the exam, why are you waiting to go to Beijing?"

Or silence!

And trembling!

Huanhuan was very happy. He looked up and shouted, "Dad, fight!"

He thinks these are bad guys. He should fight!

So he danced and encouraged.

Fang woke up coldly and said, "ten whips per person!"

"Xinghebo! It\'s not... Wuwuwuwu!"

A man angrily refuted, but his companion covered his mouth.

"That\'s Fang Xing. Do you want to die?"

Fang xingce turned his horse\'s head and said, "ask who encouraged them."

Then he drove his horse into the city. The sergeants shouted, "you have escaped from death. Don\'t hurry!"

"Kneel down!"

A large group of sergeants came and forced the more than ten people to kneel down with fists and kicks, and then the horse whip beat them down heavily.

Amid the howling, Fang woke up to the government office.

"It\'s a bunch of mindless goods. It\'s not worth it. Just beat it."

Liu Guan got the news long ago, but Fang woke up faster and handled it more directly.