Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2102

The nanny\'s voice of coaxing the child spread gently in the room. The third wife looked at her feet and said faintly: "the government took the initiative to admit the offering and returned everything that should be returned, but sister-in-law, what about the others? What about us?"

Wu just looked at the sunshine outside and felt a little cold.

Interests have always been the master of luxury houses. Most of the relatives are staring at the benefits. If there is no benefit, you are poor in the busy city and no one asks!

The second wife sighed, and the voice sounded in the room, which made people feel some creepy fear.

"Sister-in-law, many people live on the land. Without the land, there will be no dignity. What\'s the use of that salary every year? Brother, it\'s said that we Zhangjia are famous for fishing, and we use the big guy\'s future to show our loyalty to your majesty! And..."


Wu drank softly, looked at the front with fixed eyes, and said, "Xun and Qi all have fields. With knights and salaries, how is the dignity of the family? Greedy! They are all people who have long and hope for Shu. They don\'t think about what kind of temperament your majesty has now. They want to die!"

The third wife retorted, "sister-in-law, your majesty has given the government a lot of land and a lot of business is booming. Of course you don\'t worry about these, but what about us?"

The second wife also said with a bitter smile, "I\'ve calculated at home. If those fields are returned, I\'m afraid I can only live a hard life."

Wu said with a straight face, "I gave you a lot of fields and shops when I separated. Now I come to cry for poverty. Whose idea is this?"

She looked at the third wife coldly and said, "this is a state affair. The LORD said that it is of great importance. It can affect the safety of the country. You are used to eating and dressing well, but you must remember what you should take after all."

The second wife and the third wife also wanted to say. Wu got up and said, "don\'t spread the outside world about this. The Duke of the country will..."

The eldest brother is like a father. After Zhang Yu died in the war, Zhang Fu was pulling.

And the two brothers are Zhang Fu, who helped him grow up.

Now the two sisters in law come to the door and want to say that there is no meaning of Zhang and Zhang. They won\'t believe killing Wu.

So she sent the two sisters in law away and asked someone to give Zhang Fu a breather.

When Zhang Fu learned about it, he asked people to go to his two brothers\' house and beat it.

But this can\'t be covered up, and the discontent of the dignitaries is gradually pregnant.

It is very simple to solve the problem. The palace expressed a vague statement casually, suggesting that it would not clean up the fields of the dignitaries. This matter will naturally be eliminated.

But there was no sound in the palace!


"Take it!"

Liu Guan put down the register in the government office and shouted. Then someone went out to inform him and set out quickly.

This is another Liu Guan, vigorous and resolute!

After he finished his account, he asked someone to get a bowl of noodles.

From the morning until now, he has been receiving and processing information from all over the country, and the Governor Chen Yang has become a decoration.

The furnishings are not terrible, but the terrible news is that the official administration of Hejian Prefecture is not optimistic.

This is Chen Yang\'s pot, so he was a little frightened.

Liu Guan is the leader of duzha hospital, and he volunteered to come to Hejian house this time. It is clear that he came to offer his name and loyalty to the emperor.

Such a person... Will he take me as a gift?

"Here comes Xinghe Bo."

Just when Chen Yang wanted to give in to Liu Guan privately, Fang Xing came outside.

"Xinghebo takes his two children to play in the mountains and rivers all day. It\'s not easy. It\'s enviable!"

Liu Guan lost some weight, but his spirit became stronger and stronger.

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "the two children are a little uneasy to stay in Peiping, so they picked them up. The little one cries at night. It\'s a headache!"

They exchanged greetings at will, and Liu Guan introduced the situation.

"... Jubao mountain guard is really Huben. Even if there are bad ministers, it will be destroyed in an instant. My official will enjoy it."


This guy is really tough enough!

Liu Guan was cruel to those who rebelled against the gentry. This was his name.

After the noodles came, Fang Xing waved Chen Yang away and asked Liu Guan to eat noodles inside.

There are some flowers and trees in the Yamen. Basically, there are no idle people.

"Xinghe Bo, I\'m afraid it\'s..."

Chen Yang was worried after all, so he tentatively asked his views on himself.

Do you have to say whether it\'s killing or cutting?

"Good student cooperation, otherwise..."

Liu Guan\'s beating and deterrence are one thing, but the means between civil servants are mostly predicted, so Fang Xing needs to threaten.

Chen Yang\'s face turned white. When Fang Xing was ready to continue deterrence, he suddenly flashed to the side, where a wall just blocked the line of sight in front.

He hurriedly knelt on the ground, tears fell, and choked: "uncle, the lower officer is guilty. I beg uncle to take it lightly for the sake of the lower officer\'s cooperation."

Fang Xing frowned at him and asked, "didn\'t you tell Lord Liu?"

Chen Yang sobbed: "I dare not! I was confused at that time, and then I stopped. All the money..."

Corruption is corruption. It\'s nothing to talk about.

Fang Xing shook his head and was ready to turn back.


After a sad cry, Chen Yang came on his knees, hugged Fang Xing\'s thigh, looked up and said, "uncle, the money was changed into rice and given to the orphans and widows at that time! I regret it..."

Fang woke up, bowed his head and said in a deep voice, "true or false? If you deceive Ben Bo, you will know how kind the hospital is!"

Chen Yang\'s face was full of tears. His nose flowed from both sides of his nostrils to his cheeks, and finally disappeared in his ears.

"Uncle, I promise you what you said is true, or I\'m willing to cut thousands of knives, uncle!"

The ugly Chen Yang disgusted Fang Xing, but the most important thing at this time is to stabilize Hejian Prefecture, and no power can be weakened.

He wanted to get Chen Yang in. Even if he donated all his corrupt money, Fang Xing still couldn\'t stand it.

But this is a compromise. If Chen Yang is taken, there will be less officials familiar with the situation in the Hejian government. This is a little troublesome for the current clean-up, and may even cause people with intentions to borrow it.

These thoughts just flashed in Fang Xing\'s mind. He said expressionless, "go to adult Liu and explain clearly. If there is a mistake, the crime will be even worse."

"Thank you, uncle!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed and knocked on the ground, which made Fang Xing sigh secretly.

He stepped out of the government office. Outside the gate, Tudou was squatting on the side with Huanhuan. The two children were watching the pedestrians communicate.

"... brother, what\'s that?"

Huanhuan asked, pointing to something in a woman\'s hand.

The potato looked carefully and said, "that\'s a goose."

"Chicken! Big brother, it\'s chicken!"

Huanhuan moved to hide behind the potato and looked at the goose in the woman\'s hand.

"That\'s a goose. We have it in our family. It\'s very good at guarding the house."

"Big brother, chicken bites! Chicken bites!"

"No, big brother will hit it!"

Potatoes look like big brother, which makes Fang Xing very happy.

But Huanhuan has some bad luck. Even a chicken can peck his calf.

The child shouldn\'t be unlucky!

Fang Xing was standing behind the two children. There were servants around who seemed lazy staring at him. He was safe.

"Master, young master, I\'ve been fine these two days!"

Yaodi looked at Fang Xing and felt that Xie Jin was right. Only Fang Xing\'s evil spirit could suppress Huanhuan\'s bad luck.

"It\'s just inertia. Just change it!"

Fang Xing went in thoughtfully.

"Here comes uncle Xinghe? Lord Chen, go out and have a look. At least gather some people\'s hearts."

Liu Guan\'s attitude towards Chen Yang became genial. Fang Xing knew this clearly. After Chen Yang, who was smiling, went out, he asked about the situation.

"Almost, I\'ve found out about him. There\'s no mistake, otherwise..."

When they looked at each other, they all felt that Chen Yang had escaped.