Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2101

In the government office of Hejian mansion, Liu Guan looked coldly at the officials outside the hall and said, "Hejian mansion is not quiet. Someone colludes with the disordered officials and thieves in Shandong with the intention..."

Don\'t be a conspiracy!

Those officials secretly complained: if they were characterized as rebellion, most of those present would be unlucky.

"... intend to echo each other and find trouble for the cleaning up in Shandong! This is..."

"This is a provocation to the court, and this is disrespect to your majesty!"

Liu Guan\'s face gradually turned red. He waved his fist and shouted, "severe punishment!"

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

Most of them don\'t care about the life and death of others. As long as they don\'t trace it to themselves, you Liu Guan can do whatever you want.

Liu Guan said murderously, "those people are not simple. I think they must hate the preferential treatment of the cleaning gentry. How can your majesty be relieved that such a group of people are on the edge of the capital?"

Liu Guan\'s attitude is different from Fang Xing\'s. He sets the tone very slowly, and he also wants to be logical.

If Fang wakes up, just say a disorderly subject and thief, and then do it.

"Tell everyone that Hejian Prefecture will clean up and offer it immediately. Who dares..."

Liu Guan\'s eyes were more cold and fierce, and his right hand pointed like a knife.

"For the sake of your majesty and Daming, such disorderly officials and thieves should be punished!"

With Liu Guan\'s murderous declaration, the fast horse galloped everywhere in Hejian Prefecture, bringing the latest decision.

"Inventory investment! Inventory investment!"

The fast horse galloped on the avenue, but the goal was the capital.

The news was sent to the capital as soon as possible, and then the capital was strangely silent.

——Xinghe bofangxing recalled the outsiders of Jubao mountain guard and stationed in all parts of Hejian Prefecture.

——Liu Guan, the imperial governor of Zuo Du, is in charge of Hejian mansion. He commands with determination and effectively frightens those disorderly officials and thieves!

Fang Xing gave the initiative to Liu Guan?

This is your first question!

And Liu Guan spared no effort to clean up and offer, this is the second question, which makes people\'s scalp numb!

"Fang Xing asked Liu Guan to offer his name and loyalty. He looked at him coldly, and Liu Guan was a fool for his official career..."

"I sold myself!"

Liu Guan\'s reputation is not good. This time, many people nailed him to the "pillar of shame" of sycophants.

And Fang woke up and asked someone to send his eldest son to him. It was strange to see how it happened.

News from fangjiazhuang: because he moved Hejian mansion, Fangxing was worried that his eldest son would be black handed, and the emperor was out of reach, so he had to let his servants send it.

"This is a sign of weakness!"

Jin Youzi said helplessly, "who dares to touch his eldest son? Who dares to touch his wife and children? According to his nature, it is immortality and the tragedy that spread among the three ethnic groups. Who dares?"

He helped Huang Huai take a walk outside the duty room, and his eyebrows were more sad.

Huang Huai\'s complexion was better and his cough was less. He gently broke away from Jin Youzi\'s help and said, "that\'s a gesture for his majesty. Think about it, he can\'t even keep his wife and children when he wakes up. It can be seen that the dignitaries in the capital are arrogant and domineering. Doesn\'t your majesty want this name?"

Worried about meeting him, Jin Youzi dodged and said, "who says no! It can\'t be concealed from us, but some fools don\'t be coaxed, and then go to tease. If you don\'t tell your Majesty\'s disposal at that time, Fang wakes up that man will take the opportunity to kill several people, and at least he can make a contribution to the cleaning up of the capital in the future."

Jin Youzi was surprised. He leaned to help Huang Huai again and said in a low voice, "Fang woke up. Is this intentional?"

Huang Huai nodded and said, "it should be, and your majesty estimated that it was acquiescence."

"Hejian Prefecture, the whole North will be alarmed, especially in the capital. Those dignitaries are difficult to deal with. They are neither moving nor moving. They will be in chaos at once."

Huang Huai sighed and said, "Your Majesty wants rivers and mountains, orders and prohibitions, like arms and fingers. And those gentry are the tiger and wolf blocking the road. How can the road be smooth if they don\'t clean up the tiger and wolf\'s claws and teeth?"

Jin Youzi nodded and said gloomily, "but after all... Too much pressure."

Huang Huai said meaningfully, "don\'t think so much. Your majesty won\'t be tied up. Those people began to plan after Emperor Wen\'s death, but the stupidest thing is to make your majesty vigilant. He saw the crisis of imperial power from emperor Ren, so those people naturally became a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, but they are still complacent. Isn\'t this stupid? What is it?"

Zhu gaochi was in office for a short time. From the beginning of cooperation to the later monarchs and ministers, it was just power.

But the struggle for power alerted Zhu Zhanji. He thought that the atmosphere of the Hongxi Dynasty should not appear between kings and officials. That\'s not normal!


"Either the minister overwhelms the king, or the king overwhelms the minister. Do you understand? At this time, Emperor Wen\'s instruction came out."

Jin Youzi said with a wry smile, "more than that, Fang Xing said a lot of bad things about gentry and civil servants behind his back."

Huang Huai stopped, looked at the eaves in front of him and murmured, "what does he say without a handle? It\'s not that those people are greedy. There are mistakes everywhere?"

Jin Youzi suddenly smiled and said, "he has offended many dignitaries, including his uncle and brother."


The British government has a lot of income, but it also has a lot of expenses.

The biggest source of income is the production of land.

Wu looked at the baby in his swaddling clothes and couldn\'t see his smiling eyes.

The eyes of the surrounding servant girls and mammies focused on the face of the child in his swaddling clothes.

This is Zhang Mao, the child who makes the whole British government boiling.

In the happy room, someone outside reported, "madam, the second wife and the third wife are coming."

Wu\'s face gradually faded. She handed the child to the nanny and said, "please come in."

Before long, the two women came smiling.

These two are Zhang Fu\'s two sister-in-law, the daughter-in-law of Zhang dache and Zhang Xiaoche.

"Sister-in-law, the child looks so strong! I think he can inherit brother Wu Yong and support the government at least."

The second wife first praised the child, and then praised Wu\'s good postpartum recovery. She looked more charming than before

When the third wife saw what the second wife said in full swing, she reluctantly praised it. She just looked at the child with a gloomy look.

The government naturally wants to inherit it, but Zhang Fu has not had an heir for a long time. If it continues, he must only choose one of their two children to inherit it.

Zhang Mao\'s birth broke this illusion, and they couldn\'t help feeling sad.

Wu just dealt with it casually and was not rude.

The second wife said a good word and then drank half a cup of tea before she got down to business.

"Sister in law..."

The second wife glanced at the servant girls around her. Wu sighed secretly, and then waved her hand.

Apart from the nanny and the children, there were only three sisters in law left in the house.

Wu\'s faint look did not stop the second wife\'s words. She whispered, "that brother-in-law moved Hejian house!"

Wu said calmly, "so what? We women can only help in the house. There is no reason to interfere in political affairs."

The third wife couldn\'t help but say, "sister-in-law, someone outside said that we will eventually get our heads cleaned up! The land in Shandong in the government has been handed over... Sister-in-law, those honourable relatives have something to say..."

Wu asked coldly, "what did they say?"