Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2100

"This is not the preferential treatment of the cleaning gentry. Those who read wrong will be discarded by me."

"They are the real controllers of Daming. They are ropes. They are gradually covering me and Daming\'s neck. The rope is very solid!"

Zhu Zhanji said seriously, while the audience only had an ignorant song Chengcheng,. As for Yu Jia, he looked at the picture in the back and felt very coordinated. He was like a redundant, so he didn\'t dare to approach.

"If you don\'t want to be hanged slowly, you must cut those ropes with a long knife, and then touch them, pull out the rope makers and destroy their ability to make ropes. In this way, Daming can have long-term stability..."

This is not the first time that Zhu Zhanji and song Chengli have strolled together, nor is it the first time that they are almost talking to themselves.

Song Chengzhen looked at Zhu Zhanji with adoring eyes. Although he didn\'t know what the emperor meant, he felt very powerful.

"I promised to send a message."


Liu Guan personally presided over Hejian mansion, and then more than a dozen Royal historians came, including Li Ermo.


Li Er Mao became more and more calm, and his eyes looked deep.

They were walking at the foot of the hill behind.

The sun is not big, the sun is slightly hot, but it is within the range of tolerance.

Cicadas are gone, and there are a few bird songs from time to time in the forest.

"Liu Guan is standing in line. You have to stand in line, too. This is helplessness."

Fang woke up and looked at Li Er Mao\'s indifferent look. He said helplessly, "your city is the deepest and probably the least like standing in line."

Li Ermao said in a shy way, "yes, teacher, disciples don\'t like standing in line, but this matter is closely related to the country, but disciples are fearless."

Fang woke up with a negative hand, and a cool wind blew from time to time at the foot of the mountain on the right, bringing bursts of cool.

"Tell me the root of the matter."

Fang Xing gave Li Ermo a vague question.

Li Ermo thought for a moment and said, "teacher, in fact, the disciples think that cleaning up the gentry is only an option, but you suddenly start to improve the situation in Hejian mansion. The purpose is obvious..."

Fang Xing turned sideways and asked with a smile, "what\'s the purpose?"

There are more carriages and cavalry outside the camp on the left. Li Ermo looked at it and said, "teacher, this is to cut off the influence of scholars on Daming... Let the government decree be unimpeded, reduce resistance and make future innovation..."

Fang Xing smiled and Li Ermo continued: "in fact, the biggest resistance to innovation is them. Even if the clean-up is successful, they still have enough influence on Daming, so your majesty and you should want to reduce this influence..."

There was a silence, and they walked slowly to the camp.

Fang Xing seems helpless and melancholy.

"You\'re fine."

Fang Xing finally praised and affirmed Li Ermo.

Li Er Mao seemed to know what Fang Xing was worried about. He said seriously, "don\'t worry, teacher. The disciples don\'t want to be power ministers..."

Fang woke up a little surprised and said, "Ma Su is calm, but you are the city government. There is some overlap between you, but I won\'t do anything deliberately. You should work hard by yourself and take your own road instead of going astray..."

This is Fang Xing\'s attitude: I won\'t care about your ability differences, deliberately help anyone, or deliberately suppress anyone

The most important of these is the last three words.

Don\'t go crooked!

This is a warning and can also be understood as a warning.

Li Er Mao was so cold in his heart that he quickly arched his hands and said, "I know how powerful I am, so I must take the right path."

"The so-called right path and wrong path are just one thought, and desire is the master. I hope you will remember your original intention and strive for the future of Daming."

How many disputes in the power field. How many intrigues and tangles will eventually sharpen a good man into an old ghost.

Fang Xing knew that his disciples would eventually become old ghosts. He just wanted them to take a more stand.

"Those who have no position and correct goal are politicians, shameful politicians."

Fang Xing was preparing to educate Li Er Mao again, but he saw a gallop coming.

"Master, the eldest young master and the third young master are coming."

The knife was obviously a little confused, but Fang woke up very calm.

"Who brings joy?"

Fang Xing strode over, got off his horse with a knife and followed Li Ermo, saying, "young master and that important brother."

"Well, I also have the day to be a father..."

When we arrived at the camp, many soldiers had been gathered outside the big tent. When Fang woke up, he laughed and gloated.

The child\'s cry came from the big tent, a little sad.

Wang Heying came over and said, "Xing Hebo, the third childe of your family... Wants a nanny?"

"How old is the child?"

Fang Xing drank angrily and scolded the people in front, and then went into the big tent.

The younger brother was coaxing Huanhuan. When Fang woke up, he got up and said, "Sir, the child is a little afraid of strangers."

Huanhuan sits on Fang Xing\'s bed and howls. Potatoes coax on the side. There are two children, one big and one small. The picture is very harmonious.

Fang Xing went to the bed and squatted down. He looked at Huanhuan with some red and swollen eyes and kept looking at it.

Huanhuan\'s eyebrows are very delicate. It\'s like catching up with Mo Chou.

But his nose and mouth are square and awake. Some babies are fat and cute.

The most lovely child is a demon star for adults when he cries.

Huanhuan was watched by Fang Xing, gradually stopped crying, then belched, and the father and son stared at each other.

Potato looked at his brother on the side. He was worried that Fang Xing would clean him up.

In the process of growing up with Ping An, Fang Xing constantly instilled a view: men cry less, and women cry more.

Therefore, Tudou and Ping\'an rarely cry when they are sensible. Occasionally, they wake up without frowning, but afterwards they will carefully tell them about men\'s responsibilities and obligations, as well as the character they need.

This is the inheritance, the inheritance of different contents of each family, and then shape generations of Chinese people.

This is also the inside story. It has been passed down from generation to generation. With the integration of marriage and other forms, various concepts are mixed, gradually integrated, and gradually formed generally recognized values and morality

Huanhuan is still young after all. Although he is a little afraid of his father, his only sadness is that he is far away from his mother.

Seeing that he was about to choke, Fang Xing easily picked him up and said, "it\'s fun here. Your brother and they are all here for the first time. Here you will learn how to be a man..."

He walked out of the tent with Huanhuan. Those soldiers had long been dispersed by Wang he. It was very quiet outside.

"Look at these. You like to find ants. There are many here. Your eldest brother can take you."

"Big brother..."

Huanhuan looked at the potato on Fang Xing\'s shoulder and cried pitifully.

Tudou looked at Huanhuan and wanted to ignore it, but he couldn\'t bear it. He leaned over and whispered, "Dad, I\'ll take Huanhuan to play."

Fang Xing put Huanhuan down, squatted on the ground and watched Huanhuan plunge into the arms of potatoes. He couldn\'t help feeling that he had failed as a father.

The potato led Huanhuan to the side. There was a small tree. Under the small tree, the potato began to look for ants.

"Xinghebo, what does that mean?"

Wang he has only asked this question until now, which has given him a lot of face.

"I was afraid, so I picked up the child for fear that I would be harmed by others in Beiping."

Wang he was stunned and immediately understood Fang Xing\'s meaning. He tangled up and said, "Xing Hebo, who are you digging a hole for?"

"No, the willing takes the bait."

Fang Xing\'s eyes were soft. He kept looking at his two sons playing under the tree, but his tone was indifferent.