Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2099

Are you all right?

Have you ever forgotten me?

You... Have a family, I\'m afraid you\'ve forgotten me

Who am I?

You know what?


Yaodi gradually regained his spirit, which seemed the same as before.

But Huanhuan\'s bad luck is still the same. Every day, he either meets or bumps his legs, or burps during meals and pulls Baba into his pants

Mo Chou began to be melancholy. When Huanhuan was accidentally pecked by a chicken, Mo Chou couldn\'t help it after all, so he took Huanhuan to fangjiazhuang.


——I have been looking at the gate for a long time, but I haven\'t seen you.

When he arrived at fangjiazhuang, Yaodi suddenly felt that he was the neuropathy and skull pain mentioned by Fangxing.

But she still couldn\'t understand the fact that Fang Xing had three wives and concubines, so she looked stiff and just protected Mochou\'s mother and son.


Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were puzzled, but they didn\'t have Fang Xing\'s contempt and disdain for the unknown power, so they carefully asked someone to ask Xie Jin.

"Madam, Mr. Xie said that this matter may have a long history. The Taoist temple may not be able to kill it. The master has to grind it with evil spirit."

Zhang Shuhui was a little confused.

She believed Xie Jin. This was Fang Xing\'s explanation: when he was not at home, except for his servants, song Chengcheng outside saw him come out and said happily, "Your Majesty, there are flowers. It smells good!"

Seeing that his hands were chapped, Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "show song Chengcheng his hands."

Yu Jia in the back was shocked.

In the past, people thought that song Chengcheng was just a royal mascot and foil, so no one bullied him, even if he gave face.

But Zhu Zhanji\'s courtesy was unusual.

"Your Majesty, it\'s not cold! Last time the princess gave the maid dried meat, my mother said it was delicious. The maid\'s family was happy for a long time!"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "that\'s good. Remember not to break the dessert."

Song Chengcheng immediately seemed to encounter a life problem and said with a sad face, "Your Majesty, I want to leave it to my mother."

But that would be bad!

And I can\'t break the rules for you again. I let your mother wait outside the palace every few days, and there are rewards.

"Your Majesty, the princess seems to have lost weight! The slave asked if there was no meat to eat, and the princess smiled. Your majesty, the princess is beautiful! She is more beautiful than the women she saw..."

What a fool!

Who dares to talk about Wan Wan?

There was no in the palace, even sun, who was most favored by the emperor, did not dare.

Because the emperor will be angry because this sister is wronged, and then no one will give face!

Yu Jia\'s eyes were slightly cold.

"Can you eat enough?"

Zhu Zhanji once again surprised Yu Jia and did not feel that song was honest and more upright.

Song honestly frowned and said, "Your Majesty, there\'s a lot of meat. The slaves and maidservants said too much, so they were willing to give some to others."

This is a silly thing!

A fool who doesn\'t even know how to work together!

Those people are afraid of you complaining in front of the emperor!

"... the maidservant heard them say that eating more meat would make him fat, and then he could be a eunuch with palm print, but..."

Song\'s honest words made people laugh, but Zhu Zhanji frowned and seemed to smile.


"... I don\'t think I can do it! If I become a eunuch with palmprint, I will delay things... After thinking for a long time, I haven\'t slept well for several nights. Finally, I think I still can\'t, so sweeping the floor is most suitable for me..."

Yu Jia\'s face gradually changed.


Zhu Zhanji looked at the eunuchs sweeping in the distance, and several palace maids passed with vases in their arms.

The vase is filled with freshly picked flowers, red and green, which match very well.

"Red flowers have to be set off by green leaves after all..."

Zhu Zhanji said something inexplicably, and then said, "xinghebo... Proposed to bring potatoes last night. Do you know the purpose?"

Yu Jia blurted out: "show the enemy that he is weak?"

Then he regretted. When he was preparing to apologize, Zhu Zhanji praised and said, "you have some eyesight."

In an instant, Yu Jia even regretted her intestines!

As a eunuch beside the emperor, it\'s not a good thing to be praised so much!

"Because of the move of Hejian mansion, the dignitaries in the capital are angry. Even important officials such as Xing Hebo can only take their eldest son around and worry about being hurt. Tell me, whose Daming is this?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "I can\'t even protect xinghebo\'s eldest son. He has to take it with him. You say... Whose Daming is this?"

Yu Jia\'s face was full of sweat. He knelt on the ground. In Song Cheng\'s surprised eyes, he bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, it\'s a sin for slaves to talk nonsense."

Zhu Zhanji looked at him condescending. His eyes were strict and said faintly: "it\'s good to have eyesight, but... Control your mouth."

Yu Jia quickly apologized. He remembered his unintentional conversation with a small eunuch last night

"My father-in-law, Xinghe Bo went into the palace in the evening. Is this a big event?"

"What big event, nothing..."

He shouldn\'t have spoken at that time, but should scold the eunuch who asked for information and further let someone investigate whether there was someone behind him.

Zhu Zhanji went out. Yu Jia got up and whispered to someone to check the eunuch who spoke to him last night, and then followed him out.

Walking down the steps, he saw Zhu Zhanji in front and song Chengli a little behind on the right. He was talking happily.

Zhu Zhanji nodded from time to time, looking very comfortable