Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 209

The party walked slowly along the path. Zhang Shuhui didn\'t want Fang Xing to lose face, so she whispered, "husband, it\'s an unofficial history to win the lake at chess. There\'s no such thing at all."

Fang woke up and thought about it. He thought he was right: Zhu Yuanzhang killed meritorious officials in order to consolidate the Ming Dynasty. Xu Da dared to win this place only after eating the bear\'s heart and leopard\'s courage.

However, seeing that there were fishing boats in the lake, Fang woke up and said curiously, "isn\'t this Xu\'s family? How can anyone dare to go fishing?"

At this time, Liang Zhong, who had been behind, finally couldn\'t help it. He said, "Mr. Fang, those fishermen have to pay rent."

"Tut tut!"

Fang woke up and looked at the garden by the lake. He sighed softly, "it\'s time for the Xu family to be silent for some time."

Even Zhu Yuanzhang recognized Xu Da\'s high achievements, but when Zhu Di started the war in Jingnan, his two uncles were like the Zhuge family in the Three Kingdoms, one in Shu and the other in Soochow.

Xu Huizu, the eldest son, was brave and resourceful. He actually told emperor Jianwen that Zhu Di had a different heart. Let\'s hold his three sons.

But his younger brother Xu Zengshou was Zhu Di\'s diehard friend. He persuaded emperor Jianwen to release the three brothers Zhu gaochi, and said that Zhu Di had no objection.

When Zhu Di\'s army arrived at the foot of Jinling City, Emperor Jianwen probably thought Xu Zengshou was fooling himself, so he killed Zhu Di\'s brother-in-law with one sword.

When Zhu Di saw the body of his brother-in-law in the Imperial Palace, he couldn\'t help crying. He first pursued the Marquis of Wuyang, and finally the Duke of Ding. Xu Jingguo, Xu Zengshou\'s son, assumed the title.

After the Duke of Wei was reinstated, the most dazzling shuangguogong of Daming was born.

Xu Da\'s descendants have basically withered in this generation, and the rest can only be kept.

Liang Zhong came forward and borrowed a boat very smoothly, and the boat mother and servant girl were attached.

The boat is several times larger than the fishing boat. There are some carved railings on it. It seems that this is a cruise ship of the Xu family.

Fang Xing first sent Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai to the ship, and then stepped on the pedal to go ashore.

Wan Wan looked at the lake and pedal with some fear, and dared not go up despite the persuasion of several mammies.

A mammy said anxiously, "Mr. Fang, otherwise I won\'t go."

This baby is a little timid!

Fang Xing held Wan Wan\'s hand and said firmly, "Wan Wan, don\'t be afraid, follow me."

If it is on the flat ground, Fang Xing can definitely hold Wan Wan.

But this is Mochou Lake. If Wan Wan struggles in her arms, maybe both of them will fall into the water.

Wan Wan raised her head, looked at Fang Xing and nodded slightly.

"Let\'s go."

Fang woke up in front, Wan Wan in the back, and several mammies protected behind like an old hen.

On the side of the pedal, Fang woke up and smiled at Wan Wan\'s encouragement, then took her and walked up slowly.

The pedal is actually a board. People will feel shaky when they step on it.

Wan Wan closed her eyes, tightly held Fang Xing\'s three fingers, followed forward step by step, and was carefree, carefree and fearless

"Here you are. Open your eyes."

When Fang woke up and saw Wan Wan with her eyes closed, she couldn\'t help laughing and said, "such a short board will come when you are older."

Wan Wan felt that her legs were a little soft, then insisted that the other party wake up and smile, and was hugged by the mammy who came behind her.

"Don\'t play by the boat, princess. Falling is not fun!"

Seeing the appearance of several mammies facing great enemies, Fang woke up and smiled, and then went to the cabin.

The cabin is elegantly decorated, and several servant girls are making tea and putting snacks.

After sitting down, Fang woke up and felt the ship shake. Gradually, the cruise ship left the shore.

Mochou Lake has excellent water color, and the scenery along the coast is also lingering. The boat mother is also interesting. She holds the boat slower than people walk, enough for the people on the boat to have time to browse the scenery.

The lake water was blown by the autumn wind and waves of microwaves. Weeping willows on the bank catch the sight of tourists

The boat sailed to the edge of the island in the lake. The servant girl invited Fang Xing\'s family to play.

"No, today\'s Lake tour is a nuisance. Please move on."

Fang Xing is not a fool. The Xu family not only gives you private places to play, but also provides ships and waiters. Do you still want to stay here for lunch?

Don\'t be too greedy!

Driving along the island, Wan Wan suddenly pointed to the opposite shore and said, "why is it like Uncle Han over there?"

When Fang woke up and looked, he saw Zhu gaoxu in plain clothes sitting alone on the bank, still holding a wine pot in his hand, drinking alone in silence.

Seeing the boat coming, Zhu gaoxu looked up, then waved and said, "Fang wakes up and comes down to drink with the king!"

Fang Xing secretly complained, but he couldn\'t refuse. He had to pinch Zhang Shuhui\'s small hand to appease one or two.

Zhu gaoxu\'s eyesight was excellent. When he saw the women\'s family members, he smiled and said, "come up and go to the building. There are considerable scenery on it, and the cook is better."

I have to say that when Zhu gaoxu shows his kind side, it will make people feel that this guy can be a good friend.

Zhang Shuhui didn\'t panic, but Wan Wan said unhappily, "Uncle Han is too much. We only swam half of it!"

This side is close to the stone gate. Behind a three story Pavilion, there is the scope of the Xu family.

Fang Xing still gets off the ship with Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai first, and then prepares to take Wan Wan. But Zhu gaoxu was impatient. He directly strode to the boat. Regardless of Wan Wan\'s unwillingness, he hugged her and jumped back.


Put Wan Wan on the ground, and Zhu gaoxu woke up with Fang to the three-story Pavilion behind him.

Walking to the pavilion with the plaque of Shunfeng building, Fang woke up and asked, "Your Highness, is there anyone else on it?"

Zhu gaoxu shook his head and spit out a mouthful of wine: "how do I know? This building is run by a distant son of the Xu family, but I have a place on the third floor to ensure that no one will occupy it."

Zhu gaoxu is Xu Da\'s grandson. However, before the Jingnan disaster, when he heard that emperor Jianwen meant to attack his family, he stole the Xu family\'s horse and ran away. Xu Huizu was furious.

In front of them, Liang Zhong and his attendants escorted three women, big and small, up the stairs.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I heard someone shouting: "the so-called new school is just selling dog meat through sheep\'s head. I think this person mostly wants to be innovative!"

Another voice then said, "I heard that Fang Xing has been banned from taking the exam in Peiping. In this life, he can only stop at raising people\'s fame, so think about it. Is it not the wine that makes him drunk when he is close to his highness TAISUN and the princess..."

"Hahaha! Brother Xia is really sharp, but I guess that Fang Xing wants to get both money and people!"

"What\'s brother Hua\'s explanation? Come quickly!" brother Xia\'s voice sounded hurriedly.

Brother Hua said proudly, "think about it, that\'s the princess..."

Fang woke up and stopped. Looking back, he saw that Zhang Shuhui and them were a distance away. They should not be heard. He smiled at Zhu gaoxu, then pointed to Liang Zhong who followed him and motioned him to take someone up quickly.

After waiting for everyone to go up, Fang woke up and saw that Zhu gaoxu didn\'t go. Instead, he looked at himself with great interest.

Fang Xing shook his head, walked to the door of the room where the sound came from, stretched out his foot and kicked it out.
