Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2098

"What a big change!"

Fang Xing hurriedly said something to Huang Zhong and went to the backyard.

He can only have lunch at home and has to go on his way, so he wants to leave everything and only reunite with his family.

Huang Zhong sent someone to invite Xie Jin, and then said the latest news.

"Is this going to speed up?"

Xie Jin was not surprised at Liu Guan\'s standing in line.

"Liu Guan\'s temperament is unstable. Even if your majesty wants to use him, he won\'t be used in key places, so his surrender is just a movement. Do whatever you should do."

After lunch, Fang woke up and hurried out. When he saw Xie Jin, he said, "Liu Guan, please go to check Hejian house."

He took his servant and ran away, leaving a Xie Jin messy in the wind.

"Liu Guan, he actually... Is it a ghost for me?"


Xie Jin didn\'t go to hell!

When Fang woke up at the gate, he saw that Liu Guan was already waiting, one man and two horses.

This is

Fang Xing pointed to the standby horse and said, "it\'s hard to keep going all the way."

He was worried that Liu Guan could not walk to the local road.

Liu Guan smiled on his horse\'s back and thought of the woman\'s crazy eyes when he passed by the immortal house. He couldn\'t help but say with pride and dry clouds: "in those years, I also went on a journey at the same time. Xinghe Bo can\'t be underestimated."

Fang woke up and nodded, thinking that this "quasi ally" might be good.

"Let\'s go!"

Just as Fang Xing and his party rushed out of the capital, they asked his younger brother not to think about tea and food in the immortal residence.

She squatted outside the door and stared blankly at the front.

Mo Chou had to comfort her when he saw her.

"Who do you like?"

Mo Chou is no stranger to this kind of lovesickness. She woke up in Jiaozhi and Jinling.

The younger brother shook his head. Don\'t worry. He said, "say who you like. I\'ll beg him when the master comes back."

Xing and Bo are matchmakers. As long as they don\'t hate to have younger brothers, the marriage basically doesn\'t run away.

When the younger brother remembered the man\'s identity and married status, he couldn\'t help rubbing his eyes with sadness and got up and said, "don\'t worry, girl, I forgot."


Liu Guan didn\'t brag. At least when he followed Fang Xing to the hejianfu camp, he could get off his horse, move and go to the city to preach.

"Has there been any change since I left?"

It was already the morning after his departure. In order to make do with Liu Guan, he had a rest in the evening.

Xin Laoqi got noodles. It\'s very simple. The topping is fried shredded meat with red pepper.

Fang woke up, stirred a few times, and then began to eat.

He ate fast and looked hearty, which made Wang He greedy.

"After taking those people, the gentry in Hejian prefecture were silent. Someone took the initiative to report the fields offered. Our family found it difficult, but we didn\'t dare to deal with it. We praised them and sent them back."

Fang Xing\'s chopsticks picked out noodles. He suddenly looked up and asked, "is someone dissatisfied with jumping off the beam?"

Wang heleng did not answer the question, but asked, "xinghebo, it\'s not good in the capital?"

He was worried that the voice of opposition in the capital would be heard all over the sky, so Fang xingcai had to take someone for surgery as soon as he came back.

Fang Xing shook his head. Wang he was relieved and said, "no one dares to make trouble. The main reason is that your reputation is too strong. In addition, those who killed you in Jinan last time died too miserably, so these people dare not make trouble."

Then he looked at the simple and honest Xin Laoqi and thought that as long as Xin Laoqi was there, who would dare to do it to you?

With the emperor\'s trust, the whole Hejian mansion can\'t find anyone to compete with you, so the mansion is silent.

Wang he is not envious of such power. He feels that this is walking upstream on the edge of the cliff. If he is not careful, he will end up in pieces.

"Xinghebo, hide your strength and bide your time."

Fang woke up a few times and finished the noodles. He got up and said, "what am I afraid of? That\'s my life. I\'m not afraid!"

He walked out of the tent and looked at the smoke rising from the farm not far away. He said happily, "anyway, the people can eat breakfast now. This is the greatest achievement."

Although he guessed that breakfast was mostly potatoes, he still felt full of pride.

Food is the most important thing for the people. At least he solved the problem of food!

"Into the city!"


In the government office, Chen Yang peed when he saw Liu Guan.

He really pissed!

Anyone who sees the leader of ducha hospital coming in person, unless he is selfless and fearless, who can be afraid?

So Chen Yang peed, and then his lower body wet took the will.

Cleaning up Hejian mansion did not surprise Chen Yang, but after seeing Liu Guan\'s cold eyes, he was still in a mess.

"Lord Liu, lower Officer..."

Chen Yang almost collapsed without hearing his intention to win himself.

Just look at him to see how crazy the collapse after relaxation is.

Tears ran down his face, his body was barely supporting, and he fell to the ground. His face was ruddy and extraordinarily ruddy.

This is the ruddy after narrowly escaping death!

Liu Guan frowned and looked at the wet marks on the ground. His nose was full of stink.

He was thinking about whether to take Chen Yang. In this case, he felt that Chen Yang didn\'t have the courage to resist himself, and the confession was readily available.

But the word "extraneous" immediately flashed in his mind.

At the moment, the most important thing is to clean up Hejian mansion, and Chen Yang, who is very familiar with Hejian mansion, is the biggest help.

What is maturity?

Can distinguish between the proportion of achieving goals and paying costs, and can make decisive choices!

Liu Guan was obviously mature, so he just smiled and said, "Xinghe Bo is outside the city. I came here to sit in Hejian mansion, see Yunshu Yunjuan, and see if there are any clowns who dare to challenge!"

This is the leader of the ducha court. He is the most important link in the three justice departments.

Even if his reputation is not good, how many people dare to despise him when facing him directly?

"Xing and Bo should be here soon. I didn\'t have breakfast. I went to get two cakes and another cup of hot tea."

It\'s nothing to eat cakes in the north, but at least there must be a bowl of hot soup?

But Liu Guan is a cup of tea with a few cloves of garlic.

If you add garlic to the big cake, you must take a bite of the cake and bite the garlic, otherwise you will feel dull and tasteless.

Garlic is naturally spicy. When Fang woke up, Liu Guan was already reddish and sweating on his forehead.

Fang Xing took a clove of garlic, peeled it off, took a bite, and then grinned, "it\'s so spicy, so garlic!"

Liu Guan took up the remnant tea and drank it all. He picked his eyebrows and said, "OK? I can\'t stop eating. I\'m afraid I can\'t walk today unless there are no noodles."

Fang Xing ate garlic and said, "if you check, Jubao mountain guard is just a deterrent."

Liu Guanxi said, "that\'s right. I\'ll go right away."

Fang Xing stood on the side, Liu Guangong arched his hands, then smiled and said to Chen Yang, "gather hands, spread out everywhere, go out right away."

Chen Yang nodded subconsciously and hurried out.

"All go! All go to all places to check their contributions. Who dares to shelter and exile!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Writing everywhere, start right away. Who dares to derelict his duty and exile the whole family!"

"Hurry, go now!"

Chen Yang roared outside. Liu Guan woke up and said, "what do you think of xinghebo?"

Fang woke up last night and didn\'t sleep much. He was a little tired and said, "Benbo doesn\'t care about these, Lord Liu, it\'s up to you."

This is the first battle of the alliance, and it is also the battle of casting names. Of course, Fang Xing will not interfere, but just supervise.

Liu Guan then used a series of means to prove that he was not a false name