Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2097

"Lord Liu, your majesty summoned!"

It\'s not far from Shenxianju to duzha hospital, but Liu Guan\'s speed is very slow. Behind him, he dismounts and walks, moving his body while walking.

He nodded slightly at the visitor and said calmly, "I\'ll go right away."

This is what he expected: Fang woke up and rushed to the city. There must be something urgent or important. Then the emperor will summon important officials today.

So he left calmly, natural and unrestrained.


Mo Chou pulled Huanhuan out with a sad face and said, "you can knock your head when you sit and nap in the morning. This child is really... Brother, what\'s the matter with you?"

Since last year, Mo Chou has found that Huanhuan has some bad luck trends and often encounters bad luck.

Huanhuan rubbed her blue forehead and shouted, "Mom, I\'m hungry."

Yaodi is squatting in the corner in a daze. He looks up at the sound and has a bag on his forehead.

Mo Chou was stunned and asked, "who did it?"

She was a little angry. Although she didn\'t like to use Fang Xing\'s name to pressure people, she wanted a younger brother differently. If she moved, it was almost like moving her.

Huanhuan was also stunned. He broke away Mochou\'s hand, went to his younger brother, frowned and said, "fight!"

In the past, when I saw the blue and purple on Huanhuan\'s forehead, my younger brother would have hugged him in his arms and felt distressed.

But today she was just dull, and the light smile in her mind could not be worn away any more.

So in the morning, she was a little distracted and glanced outside from time to time.

That man is Liu Guan.

Liu Guan\'s reputation is not good. In the past, his younger brother teased him himself.

But it\'s just a smile. The old house is going to heat up.


In the hall, the ministers saluted, and then glanced at Fang standing in the pile of Wu Xun from time to time.

It\'s not good for the goods to come back!

And most of it is related to Shandong!

This man took it as his duty to crack down on Confucianism. Last time, he broke down the wall of that family. What did he do this time?

For a moment, they were just wondering what big firecrackers Fang Xing had made there, but they didn\'t notice today\'s Liu Guan\'s extraordinary spirit and

Justice is awe inspiring!

After some etiquette, Fang woke up from work. Everyone\'s attention was immediately focused and even breathed a little lighter.

"Your Majesty, someone in Hejian government colluded with the gentry in Shandong and wanted to make a noise and contact, so that the clean-up in Shandong would be useless and even corrupt."

Fang Xing\'s attitude is more calm than Liu Guan. He slept well last night and was full of spirit. He was ready to deal with criticism.

"After the minister noticed it, he immediately asked for a confession, and then took people according to the list. Now those criminals are in Hejian Prefecture and will be sent to the capital later."

Fang Xing simply finished. He didn\'t talk much, but the amount of information was amazing.

Some people rejoice and shrink back.

Some people are sad, and there is more anger in Xiang Fang\'s eyes.

Some people are expressionless and don\'t know happiness or anger

Half a ring, no one came out to speak. Zhu Zhanji said, "Hejian house is close to the capital. Once it is shaken, it is Daming\'s shaking. His heart can be punished!"


Yang Rong went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, the capital..."

Needless to say, those present were not fools. Naturally, they knew what Yang Rong\'s worry was.

Once the storm sweeps through the capital, this is knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger. What will those dignitaries react?

Zhang Fu was also a little uneasy. The British government also had a lot of places in Shandong. He sent someone to see it this time and told him to cooperate fully.

But what about others?

And Shandong clean-up is not enough. Fang Xing actually extended his claws into the boundary of the capital. What is this?


Zhang Fu took a silent look, but the feedback was not optimistic.

People are never satisfied. No matter whether they are willing to cooperate with the court to clean up illegal contributions, they always want to take one more year when things don\'t come to their own head.

According to everyone\'s estimation, the capital clean-up should be put last.

But now Fang Xing inadvertently stabbed this to the front.

Biting pain!

Robbing people of money is like killing parents!

Now this man is going to kill his parents. What should I do?

This is also what Zhu Zhanji is worried about.

He worried that the counterattack of these dignitaries would make him lose his share.

So he stared at the reaction of the ministers, and the result was a little disappointed and unexpectedly cold.

No one refuted, no one commented.

But this is more chilling than loud refutation and disdain to put forward opinions.

Zhu Zhanji\'s heart was cold, but he refused to bow his head.

Are you going to have a soft fight?

Do you want to do it in private?

Then come on!

In a flash, Zhu Di\'s teachings echoed in his mind.


His face grew cold and grim.

He is ready to make a tough and thorough investigation of Hejian Prefecture, and then take this as a guide to compete with dignitaries in advance!

"Your Majesty..."

At this time, a man surprised Zhu Zhanji.

Liu Guan!

What can he say?

And mud?

Just when Zhu Zhanji and the ministers felt impatient, Liu Guan looked around at the ministers for a week, and then Lang said, "Your Majesty, I think the affairs of Hejian mansion can not be ignored. If you indulge, I dare to assert that the capital will not be quiet..."

The man drank too much?

Or was he drugged with ecstasy

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, Liu Guan seldom expressed his views. Most of them followed the crowd, just guarded the site of ducha hospital and stared at the outside world with vigilance.

No one wants to rob my place!

Now the \'guard dog\' is bubbling!

But also targeted the dignitaries and stood on the side of the emperor and Fang Xing.

This man is crazy!

"... the affairs of Shandong are already in full swing. At this time, the capital has to wait and see. What\'s more... Colluding in secret..."

Liu Guan spoke with awe inspiring righteousness and looked around from time to time with firm eyes.

"I think we should clean up the preferential treatment of the gentry in the Hejian house, otherwise the land of the house will be panic and the capital will be disturbed..."

This is the suggestion that the emperor should attack Hejian mansion immediately!

What a mad dog!

Several pairs of cold eyes stared at Liu Guan!

Liu Guan continued unconsciously: "since you want to move, I think you should hurry up, otherwise you will leave opportunities for those with ulterior motives..."

Lying trough NIMA Liu Guan!

The original cold eyes turned into murderous eyes!

The expected attack did not happen, and Liu Guan\'s attitude was quite different from that before, which made Fang curious.

He looked at the impassioned Liu Guan curiously and thought that this man was

He remembered what Li Er Mao said: the imperial historians in ducha hospital did not have much respect for Liu Guan.

Is this going to destroy the boat?

Do you want such an ally?

Can I have it?

Fang woke up and thought a lot, so he looked at Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji looked indifferent, but his face was softer.

"... the capital is big. We should pay more attention to it. If there are rebels... I am willing to take the sword to kill the thieves!"

Liu Guan bowed back to his class and ignored those concerns with different meanings.

"Your Majesty, what Lord Liu said is very true."

Yang Rong has been watching coldly. Seeing that Fang Xing was the first to jump out to agree with Liu Guan, he couldn\'t help sighing deeply, and then went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, Shandong is cleaning up, and the capital needs stability."

This reason is very strong: the capital needs stability!

Just when many people thought Zhu Zhanji would take the opportunity to expand, he praised: "Mr. Yang is really an old man who seeks the country."

Just when everyone thought the emperor was going to stop, he got up and said, "clean up Hejian mansion! Let\'s go!"

When Fang Xinggang turned around, Liu Guan came over and said with a smile, "does Xinghe Boke want to go back right away?"

Fang Xing also smiled and said, "Fang went home to see his wife and children first, and then rushed back to Hejian house to clean up..."

Can say the arrangement, this is the relationship of friends.

Liu Guan\'s eyes moved and said, "I want to ask for orders to go there. At least I can see the faces of those people, but... I don\'t know if Xinghe Bo needs help?"

With a statement close to chiguoguo, Fang Xing\'s smile became more prosperous. He smiled sideways and said, "Lord Liu, your majesty always likes ministers who are full of initiative."

Liu Guan arched his hand and said, "thank you for your advice."

He turned to find someone to see the emperor.

When the ministers saw the intimacy between them just now, all kinds of speculation came out.

"In collusion!"

Liu Guan suddenly stood in line with the emperor and Fang Xing, which was a big blow to the ministers.