Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2096

Fang woke up and went to Beijing!

In order to get on the road, Lien Chan\'s horses ran and died at the gate.

The news is always fast. Many people are talking about it in different tones and attitudes at dinner.

Fang woke up in Hejian prefecture to frighten Shandong. It\'s reasonable that he shouldn\'t leave without authorization.

When he comes, there must be something wrong.

In the current context, people can\'t help but wonder.

Fang woke up and entered the palace.

Zhu Zhanji was preparing for dinner. He was also surprised to hear the news of his request.

This is a kind of absence without leave.

When Fang woke up, his face was tired. Zhu Zhanji quickly asked someone to get a bowl of mutton soup.

The mutton soup was delicious. Fang woke up and drank it, then apologized.

"... there were people in series in Hejian Prefecture. I was worried that the influence would expand to the capital, so I ordered to take people according to the confession..."

Zhu Zhanji was also drinking soup. He didn\'t wake up so rude. He drank directly with a bowl, but enjoyed it slowly with a spoon.

"... most of those people... Have a lot of bad deeds and are more than exiled."

Zhu Zhanji stopped over the small bowl with a spoon in his hand, then slowly brought it to his mouth and drank the soup.


"No more."

Fang Xing is calm and rogue.

This is to create established facts, but Zhu Zhanji was passive.

Zhu Zhanji drank the soup, then got up and went out of the warm pavilion with Fang Xing.

It was dark, and the lights in the palace corresponded to the stars in the sky.

Zhu Zhanji went outside, stood on the steps, took a deep breath and said, "last time I said... It\'s not easy for the capital, and powerful people are merging. You... Are going to test after all."

Fang Xing stood on the side. Song Chengcheng was the only one around them.

Song honestly felt the oil paper bag in his arms, contentedly holding the broom, and continued to play the role of "the first bodyguard in the University".


Fang Xing did not deny: "the capital should be stabilized first after all, otherwise it will be constrained everywhere. Hejian Prefecture is between Shandong and the capital. Moving it will neither panic the capital nor be insignificant..."

Zhu Zhanji looked at the night sky with a complex complexion. "Are you going to carry the pot?"

In case of failure, without Zhu Zhanji as the master, Fang Xing will be a courtier and treacherous minister. The villains who can rank in the history will naturally be driven into the 18th floor of hell.

"Clearing concessions will have a far-reaching impact and take a lot of time. If they stagnate here, what about other innovations?"

Fang Xing murmured, "we are all young, but we can\'t resist the influence of time after all. If we don\'t find out now, who can do it in the future? Who dares to do it?"

"This is the last chance!"

Zhu Zhanji was shocked and turned to see the seriousness on Fang Xing\'s face.


"They can\'t do corn. Unless you lay the foundation, they can\'t do it."

The stars are gradually gorgeous. Fang woke up and breathed the fresh air. He said, "there are absolutely no innocent people who have been arrested. I will not affect your reputation. As for the reaction of the capital, it is estimated that few people dare to provoke me. After all, they are called magnanimous... Ha ha ha!"

Laughter seemed a little lonely in the night.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t laugh. Listening to Fang Xing\'s laughter, he suddenly felt very tired.

Physically and mentally tired!

"We should continue to work hard. Daming is still far away!"

Fang Xing\'s voice was a little excited. He regained his fighting spirit, which was good news for Zhu Zhanji.

"Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, plus dignitaries, have figured out these. Even if Daming is stable, he can live at least 300 more years."

Zhu Zhanji went down with a low voice: "Daming... How many years can you live?"

"Three hundred years?"

He turned back and asked Fang Xing, but he didn\'t want an answer.

"The former Han Dynasty stretches, the former Tang Dynasty... There are similarities between the Ming Dynasty and the former Tang Dynasty!"

Zhu Zhanji\'s brain was clear for a moment, just like connecting the vast galaxy, all of which were clear.

"Short prosperity, then fall into a long decline, and finally die... But will Daming be like this?"

Starlight sprinkled on the front of the hall, reflecting on Zhu Zhanji\'s face.


Fang Xing can\'t confirm how much influence he had on the Ming Dynasty. Even if Tatars and Wala have died out, the Japanese state has become Yingzhou and Jiaozhi has become the Chief Secretary

But times have changed. No matter ha lie or meat fans, including Tessie who is wary of Daming, God knows what scale of confrontation will be triggered in the future.

If the subsequent Daming killed himself, these enemies will launch an attack without hesitation. As in the late Ming Dynasty, first there is internal chaos and flames of war, and then foreign enemies spy and seek opportunities to invade.

"It\'s always necessary to make internal chaos first, and then foreign enemies have a chance, so... We still have to clean up the interior first."


After the night break, Fang woke up and walked in the streets of the capital. From time to time, the servants in front would negotiate with the people who came to see.

The voice of negotiation was very low, and the sergeant of the five cities army and Horse Department also knew that what could appear at this time was either rich or expensive.

Fang woke up and wanted to go home and miss his daughter.

I can\'t go home. I can only stay in the inn.

At this time, a large number of guests settled in. The innkeeper happily asked people to cook and get vegetables.

Fang Xing sits in the lobby, the door is open, the night wind is involved, and it is slightly cool.

It\'s not so hot at night. Countless people are taking a cool.

The poor condition is a pot of coarse tea. A good one is naturally much more exquisite.

Liu Guan is enjoying the cool under the big tree in the yard. On the side of a small table is a pot of wine and a few dishes.

"Fang woke up and went to Beijing."

He was talking to himself, his eyes confused.

Official career is like the journey of life. You don\'t want to stop. You have to keep going, higher and higher... Lonely!

It is not only the emperor who feels lonely, but also the important officials.

At this level, you can\'t trust a person completely, even if he saved your life.

Liu Guan felt that his official career would not move forward any more. He might not have it at all.

The emperor was a little impatient with him. Fortunately, he could understand the holy intention and control all the investigations in the hospital. Otherwise, the emperor wanted to replace him last year.

Wang Zhang, the imperial historian of Youdu, was staring at him. As long as the emperor showed his intention to change people, Liu Guan absolutely believed that there would be a wave of "overthrowing Liu" in the ducha court.

Some people say that he is not a gentleman, so he should not come to the Institute to work.

Check the courtyard, check the courtyard. That\'s a place to check the atmosphere, not a gentleman. Why are you coming in?

And it\'s still the imperial censor of Zuo Du. Who will obey your leadership?

So he had a hard time in duzha hospital. He exchanged and detoured many times, which gradually controlled his subordinates.

However, these are empty and will inevitably disappear due to some changes.


Liu Guan chuckled and drank.

He must break the game, or he will be obliterated and even stink.

So he needs to drink some wine and add a weight to his interests.

An important official of the current Dynasty actually needed wine to help make decisions. If he said it, he would probably be laughed at.

But Liu Guan drank like this until the moon gradually became cold and silent everywhere.

He returned to his bedroom and still didn\'t sleep, just thinking quietly.

At that time, he slowly ate a bowl of porridge and a small potstickers, and then put on his official clothes and went to the Yamen.

He was very slow, as if expecting something.

He saw that the immortal house had opened, and several guys were sweeping outside the door.

"Hurry up, you have to wash it inside, and then have breakfast. There are bones!"

A woman\'s rough voice came from inside, and then her brother came out.

She glanced at Liu Guan, but did not give a good face. She said, "no breakfast, come back for lunch!"

After reading the official clothes, you know that this is an important minister, but Mo Chou said that Shenxianju does not need to deal with officials. On the contrary, it should be taboo so as not to bring trouble to Fang Xing.

Liu Guan smiled and looked at it with a light taste, quite free and easy.

I felt my heart beat fast.

This emotion never appeared in her, which made her a little flustered.

Liu Guan knew that this was the place where Fang woke up his concubine, so he smiled and was ready to move on.


Just when he was about to turn his head, he saw Yaodi turn and rush in flustered, and then hit the unfinished door panel.


Liu Guan\'s face shrank into a ball, and his body shrank as if he had hit it. He thought how painful it was!

But Yaodi just shook his body and rushed in with his head covered.