Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2095

"This mad dog, Ji Gang second!"

"Shut up!"

Jian Yi looked gloomily at the East Hall party who began to go to the right, and turned back and said, "I\'ve been caught with a problem. What\'s the use of saying this? Nagging and complaining like a woman!"

The officials kept silent, and the officials of other departments who watched the excitement went back one after another, and then there was a sound of drinking and scolding everywhere.

"Don\'t do anything? Whose is the delay?"

"Look at the fart! The adult said, who will look again, let him go next time the west market beheads!"


This is the beating of the emperor, intentionally or unintentionally to the officials. If Jian Yi can\'t understand this meaning, he\'d better retire immediately and go home to have grandchildren, so as not to end up in a bad end.

The people in the East Hall turned right when they left the long street, but suddenly stopped.

People who saw this scene could not help but be surprised.

"Do you want to take people?"


"Father-in-law, is Xinghe Bo\'s carefree family."

A girl was escorted by a team of bodyguards to the imperial city. The girl saw a slip of people from the East Hall on the left and the eight officials who were beaten beyond recognition. She couldn\'t help shouting, "are you greedy for money?"

The people in the East Hall looked at each other, and mother Deng hurriedly advised, "Miss, this is the person from the east hall! The princess is still waiting. Let\'s go in."

Worry free saw his face beaten into a pig\'s head for the first time, and there were several at a time. He was curious, dragged in, but looked back from time to time.

Anlun just looked at it expressionless. Someone whispered, "father-in-law, worry free of Xinghe Bo\'s family is in the palace. Just be careful and make a......"

The man couldn\'t go on, because Anlun\'s eyes became cold and fierce and gradually red.

"Father in law, small... Small..."

The man was terrified, but he felt more at ease when he thought that Anlun dared to wake Fang up.

Anlun stared at him coldly and said, "our family has been in the East factory for many years, but it\'s rare to make progress like you..."

When the man was happy, Anlun turned around and said, "don\'t you want some supervisors in the mine in Japan? Our east factory should be unwilling to fall behind..."

Anlun took the man away, leaving the man in a daze. Then two people came over and sighed, "what did you say? I asked my father-in-law to clean you up... Let\'s go."

"Father in law, spare your life..."

Although Japan has long been included in Daming\'s pocket, the life of the mine is difficult, and it is far away from Daming\'s native land, which is almost the same as exile.

A eunuch who followed Anlun said in a low voice: "father-in-law, xinghebo is not easy to provoke! Ji Gang..."

Ji Gang was so powerful that important officials in the court taboo the commander of the royal guards.

But how did Ji Gang end up? In the struggle with Fang Xing, he was disheartened many times and finally cut thousands of cuts.

Anlun said expressionless, "those people asked immediately."

He avoided it?

Everyone couldn\'t see what was in Anlun\'s eyes.


"Take someone!"

Fang Xing stood in front of the government office with an expressionless face, and a team of sergeants were ready to go.

Lin Qun\'an promised loudly, turned back and commanded his command to divide into teams and set out.

Chen Yang stood behind Fang Xing\'s side with a white face. He knew he was in trouble.

It\'s big trouble!

The arrest took the lead in the city. The houses were broken in. When the gentry were surprised, the sergeants rushed in like wolves.

"Kneel down! Kneel down!"

The butt of the gun pounded heavily, and the scream gradually spread out. People in Hejian prefecture were in danger.

Fang woke up and sat in the government office. After the criminals were brought back in a steady stream, Wang he also came back.

"Xinghebo, how do you explain this?"

Wang he had thought about a series of changes that would be caused by this matter all the way. He complained that Fang woke up and refused to tell himself his plan in advance, so he didn\'t look good.

All the officials in the government are helping, and no one dares to be lazy.

The smarter ones are guessing the reaction of those people in Beijing after the news came to Beijing.

"Xing Hebo, this is to scare the snake. Your majesty should be surprised!"

Wang he advised painstakingly: "originally, the capital should be the last to come back, but now, those people in the capital must be in a panic. It will be hard for your majesty at that time."

There are many dignitaries in the capital. If the preferential treatment is cancelled, those dignitaries also receive a lot of land. According to the urine nature of the emperor, it is inevitable to take the opportunity to make trouble. What shall we do then?

"I\'ll go to Beijing right away!"

Fang Xing\'s calm attitude turned Wang he\'s speculation into reality. He said with a bitter smile: "this is not to clean up the investment, but to clean up Daming and xinghebo by cleaning up the investment. Those people are not fuel-efficient lights!"

Fang woke up and nodded. Xin Laoqi followed with his servants. He began to walk outside the government office.

Wang he followed closely and nagged all the way.

"This is my life!"

Fang Xing said this when he walked out of the government office, and then got on his horse and went away.


Of course Wang he can\'t go. He has to stay and stabilize.

He turned around and saw a group of suspects bound by a rope, wailing and escorted. He couldn\'t help muttering, "is this also life?"

But he didn\'t know that Fang Xing said less.

——Good luck!


Fate is a strange thing. It can make people poor for half a life, and then suddenly rich.

It can also make people rich for half their life and finally poor!

There is no cause and effect, but Fang Xing still believes in cause and effect.

He can\'t explain how he suddenly appeared in the world, black hole? He thinks maybe.

But what is a black hole?

All the way, he was thinking.

He wanted to live a leisurely life in this era, but he didn\'t want to become a guy who can influence the direction of Daming after several ups and downs.

So he changed and was changed. He naturally entered the center of power, and then naturally began to exert influence on this huge empire.

Today, Fang Xing feels that he has done a good job!

So he was convinced that he came here to change Daming.

With this belief, he dares to fight anyone!

With this belief, he changed horses all the way. When he rushed into the capital, the gate of the capital slowly closed behind him.

For another moment, he can only sleep outside the city tonight.

The men and horses were tired to death. Just entering the city, a war horse hissed, and then fell out.

The sergeant on the horse rolled on the ground. When he got up, he didn\'t care to check whether he was hurt. He limped over, knelt on one knee and watched the horse struggling.

The sergeant tried to help, but the horse barely stood up, but its hooves slipped, and finally fell heavily to the ground again.

Fang woke up and pulled his horse around. Xin Laoqi shouted, "he broke his front leg! Abandon the horse!"

The sergeant guarding the city also changed shifts. They persuaded the sergeant to abandon his horse.

The war horse is the soldier\'s most loyal comrade in arms. It carries its comrade in arms and rushes forward with a long gun in the rain of arrows.

It is the second life of a soldier!

Fang Xing understood this feeling, so he didn\'t make a sound when he saw the sergeant\'s sad tears.

The horse\'s leg is broken. Even if it can be well maintained, it can\'t undertake combat tasks. It\'s difficult to pull things.

After all, the sergeant couldn\'t. He held the horse\'s head and said something silently, and then got on another horse.

This is the soldier!

No matter how many feelings can only be put away. If he didn\'t die in battle, these will be extracted from his memory one by one in his long years and recalled slowly.

Fang xingce turned his horse\'s head and saw Anlun.

Anlun was looking at the fallen horse in the street. His eyes were dull and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Let\'s go!"

Fang Xing can\'t go home tonight. He can only spend the night in the city.

He rode away with people, and Anlun slowly came to the horse.

He didn\'t know the final destination of the war horse, but he knew it wouldn\'t be very good.

The war horse panted on the ground and struggled to get up again. Even if his left front leg was broken, he still wanted to get up.

Several sergeants preparing to deal with the war horse were surprised to see the flashing light in Anlun\'s eyes.

Anlun stretched out his hand, and the war horse miraculously stopped struggling, allowing Anlun\'s hand to touch his head.

Anlun\'s eyes are very simple, very simple sadness.

He got up and said, "get a car and take it to our house!"

People were stunned. This war horse was definitely scrapped. What does Anlun mean?

Then someone went to the cart and everyone started together to get the war horse up.

Anlun followed the cart on foot, and his eyes were always on the war horse