Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2092

"How\'s the family?"

"Fortunately, I didn\'t dare to move."

Fang Xing sighed, "I\'m very contradictory. I don\'t want his family to move. I also want them to tremble with fear. What can I do!"

Wang he said helplessly, "Xinghe Bo, you can\'t move, otherwise you will turn the sky from top to bottom."

Fang woke up, nodded, got up and said, "Chen Yang should have some eyebrows over there. Go to the city and see what the local gentry are thinking."

They took some guards out of the camp and went to Fucheng.

Since leaving Beijing, Fang Xing\'s guard strength has been strengthened. There are not only family servants, but also a team of elite sergeants.

After entering the government Town, he went all the way to the government office.

The street was very lively, especially after the news that Jubao mountain guard was stationed outside the city of Fu came in, the worry about chaos disappeared.

So drink wine and women play!

Fang Xing and his party had many horses, and immediately occupied most of the place. Those people could only lean on both sides, but they didn\'t dare to complain.

Just crowded around, but let the businesses on both sides complain loudly that someone is blocking the way of wealth.

Fang Xing walked in the middle and saw a commotion outside a small mutton shop. Then a man came out with a bone chopping knife and ran away after the three big men.

"Dare to steal again and chop to death!"

Fang woke up and looked interesting. He said to Xin Laoqi, who stood in front of him, "it\'s almost lunch. Go to his house."

So a group of people immediately filled the shop. The shopkeeper and chef who had just been fierce and peerless was very happy.

"The shop is mainly mutton and some beef, but there are few and they are not fresh."

Fang Xing glanced at the stove and said, "get some mutton and mutton and cook a bowl of noodles."

"Call yourself what you want to eat."

Fang Xing sat down at the innermost table. Most of the servants and sergeants asked for noodles, so the shopkeeper was busy. Finally, someone had to bring it by himself.

Xin Laoqi brought a bowl of noodles to Fang Xingxing.

There is a layer of chili noodles on the noodles, a layer of mutton and mutton offal below, and noodles at the bottom.

After stirring, Fang woke up and ate alone.

Mutton offal tastes a little bitter, especially the tender sheep liver, which makes Fang Xing forget his taboo on parasites and eat like a whirlwind.

When he finished eating, all his men just got noodles.

Seeing that the shopkeeper was free, Fang woke up and waved him over.

At this time, the shopkeeper also saw that Fang Xing was not an ordinary person, so he came over with a smile and asked whether the food was OK.

"Not bad. You can do your craft well in Beijing."

Fang Xing praised. Just when the shopkeeper was happy, he suddenly asked, "are there any fresh faces in the city recently?"


The shopkeeper blurted out and said angrily: "adult, little nonsense..."

"Tell me."

Fang Xing touched out Zhang Baochao, pointed to his men who were eating noodles in the store and said, "here are all my people. Tell me about these things."

Those who ate noodles all looked up at the shopkeeper. All kinds of eyes made his legs soft, so they trembled and said, "adult, small..."

Fang Xing put the treasure note on the table and said, "this is extra."

The shopkeeper looked at the treasure note, swallowed his saliva and said, "recently, some strangers mostly asked about the movement of the troops stationed outside the city, and others asked... Xinghebo..."

Gather all kinds of news, and those who open stores must have this ability. Otherwise, most of them have no business and will close sooner or later.

The shopkeeper glanced at Fang and woke up, but the guess in his heart was more and more certain. So he didn\'t wait for Fang Xing to continue asking, so he said, "those people didn\'t dare to go outside the city. They asked questions in the city. There were three groups of people here, and they gave them some..."

The merchant\'s instinct made the shopkeeper sell, but Fang woke up thinking about things and continued to ask, "what do the gentry and tenant farmers think of Shandong?"

Fang Xing asked casually. He didn\'t expect the shopkeeper to know much. He just wanted to know about the people.

But the shopkeeper basically confirmed his identity at this time, trembled all over, stood up with his hands tied, and said: "the gentry shouted and scolded, saying that they were fighting for profits with the people. The tenant farmers were also dissatisfied, but with that tax system, they thought they could have a look..."


It seems that the people are still skeptical about the tax system promised by the emperor!

But no wonder they think so.

Since ancient times, land tax has always been the foundation of the dynasty.

In the era of official administration and Tomb Sweeping Day, coupled with the surplus of fields, the pressure of the people is not too great.

But no matter when, the real test of the tax system was probably in the Northern Song Dynasty.

As a result, it was opposed everywhere and was abandoned naturally in the end.

A tax system

Out of the shop, Fang Xing and others went down the street.

He was thinking about the timing of a tax system, but he couldn\'t do it for the time being.

Everything can only be implemented after the preferential treatment of the gentry is cancelled. Otherwise, the so-called one tax system will inevitably become a mountain on the heads of the people.

When he saw the Governor Chen Yang, he was listening to the report.

After a salute, Fang woke up and looked at the little official who was complaining. Chen Yang, who was chatting up, quickly explained: "Xinghe Bo, people everywhere came to ask if they want to... Travel to Shandong. The people were uneasy. Several gentry wanted to see the lower officials, but..."

Fang Xing said casually, "let them come. Benbo is listening to them."

Before long, two people were attracted outside.

"I\'ve seen you in Xiatian Jingen."

"I\'ve met your excellency, Liu Yi."

A man with a red mole in the middle of his eyebrow claims to be Tian Jingen, but Fang Xing hasn\'t heard of it, but he is very satisfied with Chen Yang\'s knowledge.

Liu Yi\'s legal lines were very deep. He smiled. The wrinkles seemed to hold a piece of fat.

"My Lord, I\'m related to boss Liu. I didn\'t see the old man until last year. Now the old man is walking around the forest, which is enviable!"

Chen Yang said coldly, "boss Liu has resigned. What can I do for you?"

The county magistrate is not as good as now. The boss Liu who promoted Chen Yang is also a little unwilling to be lonely now, but unexpectedly, Fang woke up the great God. Chen Yang is not willing to buy his account.

Liu YILENG looked at Fang who was drinking tea. He woke up and saw that there were oil stains on the corners of his mouth and sweat stains on his face.

Who is this man? Dare to sit big.

He thought a little and said, "I heard that Wen Xing and Bo are stationed outside the city, but I\'m worried about the thin fields in the eldest brother\'s house... If they are taken away, the eldest brother is afraid to be miserable behind him!"

Chen Yang had scolded the old man into the grave in his heart, and then said with a straight face: "the old man is in Hejian house... He is also kind. As for the preferential treatment, Shandong has moved... It\'s useless to think about it. Go back and tell the old man that if there\'s something missing at home, just come to me and I can give some subsidies."

That\'s beautiful!

He first ordered that this is Hejian Prefecture, which means it is not within the scope of this cleaning up. Secondly, he said the inevitability of this matter with awe inspiring righteousness.

The last subsidy is just a joke!

We all know that this is polite, plus jokes!

Therefore, the faces of Liu Yi and Tian Jingen are not very good-looking.

Mutual care in officialdom has been a rule for many years. If you don\'t take care of others today, no one will take care of you tomorrow.

The two men tried with an official who was retiring, but they were pushed back by Chen Yang.

When they were angry and looked as usual, Fang Xing suddenly asked, "where are you two?"

Liu Yi was stunned, and then his heart tightened. He knew that he despised Fang Xing.

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and Liu Yi hurriedly said, "I\'m from Jinan. I\'ve seen adults."