Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2093

"Jinan people..."

Fang Xing\'s eyes looked leisurely outside and said calmly, "Jinan people... What\'s the matter here?"

Liu Yi felt something bad, so he glanced at Chen Yang and wanted to ask him to slow down his cheeks and introduce his identity.

Chen Yang got up and said, "this is Xinghe Bo of the current Dynasty."

Without waiting for the two to salute, Fang woke up and said impatiently, "come on, what\'s the matter here?"

Two servants came in outside the door. Chen Yang immediately shouted, "don\'t tell me!"

"I\'m here... To ask for the old man."

After that, they endured the tension and woke up to Fang.

This is a murderous God. If he takes the opportunity, they can look forward to a new life abroad.

"How about Jinan?"

Because Xu Jingchang and Zhu Yong were in Jinan, Fang Xing consciously called the people sent back.

Liu Yi said subconsciously, "Jinan is all right."

Tian Jingen\'s biggest regret at the moment is that he came to Hejian mansion with Liu Yi. He glanced at Chen Yang, only saw his indifference, and knew that Fang Xing had calmed him down.

And Fang Xing

Fang woke up drinking tea, very slowly, as if unwilling to wash the greasy mutton.

——He\'s a killer!

He will kill his enemies without hesitation, and then build a Jingguan with their heads.

From Jiaozhi to grassland, to overseas, everywhere


Tian Jingen woke up with another look at Fang. Her eyes were full of horror and gradually became crazy.

Fang Xing looked calm. He didn\'t go to the city today to ask Chen Yang about anything, but when he learned that some people wanted to connect, he came to have a look.

So he took a look at Tian Jingen.

This eye is very common, with a little exploration.


Tian Jingen was swept by this eye. He trembled all over. It seemed that he saw the flame rising in front of him, and countless souls moaned and howled in the flame

This is hell!

Infernal hell!

Liu Yi was also looked at, but what he saw was indifferent and disdainful.

He has the power to control my life and death!

The so-called how about Jinan? This question is whether someone is planning to oppose the clean-up.

Is this the question before torture?

Liu Yi was a little nervous. He licked his lips, thought about it, and then said, "I\'m going to..."

"Ghosts and gods... Demons and gods!"

Liu Yi heard Tian Jingen\'s voice coming from the side and rear. It was very fierce.

So he is very happy!

They are good friends, good friends for many years.

Tian Jingen is more famous than him. He is awe inspiring and powerful.

But he has more calculation and tact, so the external wind review can\'t compare with this good friend.

So he was very pleased that his old friend finally broke out the trait of fearing power.

He edged slowly, his face cold and solemn.

My old friend is coming to an end!

So he should be cold and quiet, and then he can think about the way to get out.

Yes, he knows he can\'t run away today.

From Jinan to hejianfu, no matter how high sounding the reasons are written on the road guide, as long as Fang Xing is willing, they will be characterized as series.

In order to oppose the cancellation of preferential treatment!

So he needs to reduce his responsibility, and Fang Xing\'s anger obviously won\'t allow him to find no place to pour, so his old friend

His old friend Tian Jingen is crazy now.

"Man eater! You\'re a man eater!"

Tian Jingen madly pointed to Fang Xing and scolded, and the white foam gradually overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "you two are gentry in Jinan. When you arrive at Hejian mansion, who are you going to connect with? Boss Chen?"

"Uncle, it\'s nothing. Boss Chen hasn\'t asked about the world for a long time..."


Fang woke up and glanced at the increasingly crazy Tian Jingen and said to Liu Yi, "is that boss Chen... Bad deeds?"

This means to handle a case and pull the storm from Shandong to Hejian Prefecture.

Liu Yi regretted. Since Fang Xing chose to camp in Hejian mansion, it is clear that he meant to spy here.

And their arrival just gave Fang Xing an excuse.

An excuse to do it!

An excuse to shock the capital!

Thinking of this, Liu Yi thought he was stupid enough.

Fang Xing clearly stared at the two of them, and then when they entered the mansion, they came to catch a turtle in a jar.

Hejian Prefecture is afraid to

"Dead! Many people are dead!"

He saw his crazy old friend!

No matter how righteous and contemptuous you are, you won\'t be so crazy.

Unless he\'s dying!

"He killed many people, blood! There\'s blood everywhere!"

Tian Jingen waved her hands and accidentally caught Liu Yi.

When Liu Yi retreated from the pain, he saw Tian Jingen suddenly turn around, look up to the sky and shout, "kill!"

He ran away and ran outside the government office.

Chen Yang sneered: "pretend to be crazy and fool! Get it back!"

In his opinion, pretending to be crazy is not telling yourself!

"Kill! Help!"

Tian Jingen screamed wildly. Fang woke up without instructions, so he just looked at it.

But those yamen servants couldn\'t stop him and were caught with a rotten face.

In the scream, someone pulled out a long knife.

"He\'s crazy!"

When the long knife entered the scabbard, several yamen soldiers rushed desperately and hugged Tian Jingen. They wrestled together, and the sound of breathing was clearly audible in the lobby.

"At this point, he can\'t escape the blame whether he is crazy or not, so he must be really crazy."

Fang Xing feels a little boring.

"They are too weak, but those who are determined probably disdain to run for such things."

I was scared crazy by my name!

Fang woke up, looked up and sighed. He felt very boring. He got up and said, "Benbo wants a confession right away!"


Torture is going on next door. Chen Yang is a little uneasy. Especially when Tian Jingen\'s scream is mixed with crazy words, it makes him feel on pins and needles.

Those rebellious words make people just want to block their ears!

Chen Yang said pale, "xinghebo, this is crazy talk."

Fang Xing sat on the head and said faintly, "drink and spit out the truth."

Chen Yang looked at Fang carefully and woke up. He felt that the man looked very ordinary, looked indifferent, and his facial features were also ordinary. He was not handsome, but he had some calm breath and calm meaning.

When all these characteristics are combined, especially after Fang woke up and looked at him, his eyes seem indifferent, but they make people palpitation.

Chen Yang got up and arched his hands and said, "lower officer, I\'ll explain now."

Fang Xing didn\'t let the servant do it, which gave him face, so he must appreciate it and repay it.

Chen Yang went to the next door. Xin Laoqi came in and said, "Sir, these two people don\'t belong to any force. They just came to inquire about the news. They also ran from Jinan..."

Fang woke up and looked at the sunshine outside the hall. He looked dull for a moment, and then said, "I just need an excuse, and neither of them is a good bird, so I don\'t feel guilty about it."

Both of them are good at mergers. Fang Xing suppressed them last time. Fortunately, they didn\'t dare to resist, so they were lucky not to be exiled.

Both of them had some shady things in private, but they were mainly cleaned up at that time. Fang woke up and didn\'t want to make trouble, so he let them go temporarily.

Then they entered the blacklist, so as soon as they arrived here, someone came and told Fang Xing.

Fang xingxuan\'s presence here naturally has his own considerations.

"Many people in the capital are staring at me, aren\'t they?"

The scream next door was more abrupt and bleak, and a voice was whispering, "say, who are you colluding with in Hejian mansion?"


"Come on, I said there was wine and food, but I didn\'t say... I took your entourage. What statement can\'t I get?"

Fang woke up with a smile and got up and said, "if it\'s really an official word, Yu Qian should have some official appearance now?"

Old Xin frowned and said, "master, Yu Qian won\'t. this man is still stubborn in his bones. Sometimes he can\'t help but want to smoke him."