Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2091

The door of the prison was opened from inside. Anlun frowned and said, "this man is too cunning. Our family missed it. Go and clean it up."

Needless to say, everyone understood the meaning.

"My father-in-law, Wang Shoudao is cunning and hard to talk back. If he can\'t endure the punishment, he will go."

A pile of stalls smiled and said what Anlun wanted.

Anlun said a little tired, "you went to clean up."

The stall head answered with joy, and then without calling anyone, he went into the prison alone.

Wang Shoudao on the pillar was covered with small holes, and the fatal wound appeared in his mouth.

Should be a knife from the mouth directly through the back of the brain, a knife to death!

It\'s not terrible!

The terrible thing is that the wounds on Wang Shoudao are dense, of all types and colors.

The stall head knows acupuncture. This is Dongchang\'s favorite technique. It is not easy to be fatal, and it has a great psychological impact on the tortured.

——Your skin is so big. How long will it take to prick it with a fine needle?

And those scars confused the stall head, especially in those places where there was less flesh and blood.

The first way to use punishment is shock and pain, that is, to give the offender the greatest pressure mentally and physically.

But flesh and blood confusion will not exist in East Hall and royal guards.

What an amateur!

A closer look at the stall showed that there were signs of tearing at the wound, just like the last time he saw a fresh corpse bitten by a wild dog at a random grave outside the city.

Surprised, he quickly pulled out his knife and shouted, "dare to resist and kill!"

When people outside heard this, they rushed inside. When they came in, they saw more than ten knife marks on Wang Shoudao\'s body, covered with blood

The stallhead was still chopping. He cut several knives on Wang Shoudao\'s shoulder, and then stepped back panting.

"Father-in-law, I\'m so guilty that I\'m careless..."

Anlun smiled and said, "our family didn\'t notice that this man is pretending to be dead. What\'s your crime? Just clean it up."

The stall head called his confidants to help, and they dragged Wang Shoudao\'s body out.


"My Lord, Wang Shoudao is dead."

In the royal guards yamen, Shenyang was looking at the case file. Hearing the speech, he looked up and asked, "torture?"

The visitor nodded and said, "my Lord, our people took a look and were full of knife wounds."

After Shenyang waved his hand and waited for him to leave, he put down the file and frowned: "Wang Shoudao... Can you escape in the East Hall? Even if you escape, you don\'t need to be so bloody. What\'s Anlun doing?"

Zheng Chengdu, the commander\'s Tongzhi, has completely turned to Shenyang. He glanced at Qianhu Miquan beside him and said: "Sir, Anlun suddenly took someone. Your majesty knew in advance. The evidence of Wang Shoudao\'s corruption is conclusive, and he heard that he had some contacts with officials in Shandong..."

"During this time?" Shenyang asked.

"Yes, my Lord."

Mi Quan has been promoted, but he is not satisfied. He hopes that he is the one sitting in Shenyang at the moment.

So he took the opportunity to grab a performance.

Zheng Chengdu glanced at him like a smile, but it was hard to scold.

At least Miquan is an old subordinate of Shenyang, and he is loyal.

Zheng Chengdu had stumbled over Shenyang. If it hadn\'t been for a short time and a weak foundation, he would have found a chance to kill him.

Therefore, he is very stable and calm. He absolutely cooperates with what he should cooperate, and he is never conservative in what he should suggest. Gradually, he has been valued by Shenyang. When he goes out, Zheng Chengdu is most likely to guard the nest.

Mi Quan smiled at him, but his eyes were provocative.

Zheng Chengdu smiled and said to Shenyang, "Sir, Anlun offended Xinghe Bo when he took office. At the moment, Xinghe Bo didn\'t want to make his majesty unhappy, so he didn\'t do it. Wait a few years and see. Anlun is definitely a place to die."

Mi Quan said reluctantly, "Sir, Anlun is a small man now. Under his leadership, the East Hall will be hated by his majesty sooner or later, and our royal guards will cheer up and defeat the east hall with you!"

Shenyang won\'t eat such flattery. He squinted at Mi Quan and said in a deep voice, "go and check."

This seems to believe in MI Quan and suppress Zheng Chengdu. But Zheng Chengdu looked as usual and didn\'t see a different color.

Mi Quan got up happily and promised, and then went out.

Shenyang\'s eyes turned to Zheng Chengdu\'s face, with the smell of examination, and said, "what do you think?"

Zheng Chengdu said, "Anlun... I think this man should not be a domineering person. After all, there is still a lesson from the past. If he doesn\'t want to die without a burial place in the future, he must be more cautious, at least this year. After killing Wang Shoudao, I think there must be some stories. Mi Qianhu is capable and must be able to get the news."

Shenyang nodded. Just when Zheng Chengdu was happy, he said, "you are... Sophisticated. You see people doing things calmly, but Mi Quan is not stable. You are all the people our officials rely on. You should... Be harmonious and don\'t fight too much!"

Zheng Chengdu felt a chill in his heart. Knowing that his last counterattack had not deceived Shenyang, he got up and arched his hands and said, "my lower officer knows his mistake."

Shenyang nodded and Zheng Chengdu retired.

Outside, Zheng Chengdu couldn\'t help smiling when he remembered what he had just said in Shenyang.

Don\'t fight too much!

In other words, within a limit, I don\'t care about the fight between you and Miquan!

This is an official who is gradually adapting to the command post of royal guards. Although his means are not as good as those important officials and have some smoke and anger, it is enough for places such as royal guards.

The great enemy of East Hall finally showed his sharp teeth after Anlun took the lead. Will they roar at the royal guards?

Zheng Chengdu went to the front and quietly ordered people to investigate the matter.

He has more contacts and skills in royal guards than Mi Quan, so it\'s hard to say who will find out first.


Fang Xing has returned to the farm camp in Hejian Prefecture.

The so-called king of Chu was led by a sword owl, and the accomplices were escorted to Beijing, and then the place of exile was determined according to the size of the crime.

Zhu Yong had a secret fight with him, defeated and declared to the emperor through him that he would do well in Shandong and do his best.

His days in Hejian prefecture were very carefree, but he just came here. It\'s not easy to ask for instructions to go home. He can only contact his family by letter.

So when he saw the dusty knife, he habitually waited for a letter.

"Sir, there is some movement between East Hall and royal guards. Shenyang probably wants to catch Anlun\'s hands and feet, and then press down east hall at one fell swoop!"

"What did Ann Lun do?"

Fang Xing asked faintly.

Anlun was fighting with him in the street at that time. Shenyang\'s actions probably meant to avenge Fang Xing.

But these are uncertain. After all, people are unpredictable!

"Sir, it\'s said that some officials died in the East Hall. They were black and blue. There were many knife marks."

"Knife marks?"

It\'s normal for the trial to have scars, but there are many knife marks, which is more like a way to vent anger.

As for the possibility of supposing that the criminal escaped and was cut down, Fang Xing felt that it was impossible at all, otherwise Zhu Zhanji would immediately clean up Anlun.

Why should Allan vent his anger?

Fang Xing linked the matter with Anlun\'s hatred of himself at that time, but he didn\'t get the point.

If it is said that Anlun\'s small people succeed, Fang Xing disagrees.

From Jinling to Beiping, Fang Xing was kind to him. There was no dirt between them

Fang Xing immediately left this doubt. He believed that Anlun would never dare to include the Fang family in the list, otherwise he would let Anlun know what real domineering is!