Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2090

"King of Chu?"

Zhu Zhanji felt that the world was too crazy. He looked stunned and confirmed it again.

Yang Rong also said in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, it is."

Zhu Zhanji covered his forehead and said, "what is this? The king of Chu is still a learned man. Is this the truth of a learned man?"

He leaned over and couldn\'t help laughing.

Yang Rong couldn\'t help laughing. He bowed his head and smiled for a while, then said: "Xinghe Bo happened to arrive at Yanzhou mansion. When he ordered more than a hundred horses to raid and collapse in the first war, no one dared to resist the heavenly soldiers. The leader was beheaded by Xinghe Bo in front of Yanzhou mansion... The minister thought... Maybe he should be escorted to Beijing, and then he should be punished according to the law."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head slightly and said, "this is the technique in the army. Shandong is the battlefield at the moment. I... Won\'t intervene. I\'ll be outside, okay?"

Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, there are a lot of news about East Hall and royal guards. Why don\'t you let them do it directly..."

Zhu Zhanji frowned slightly and said, "you have never wanted me to use east hall and royal guards. Today you are..."

Yang Rong was silent. Zhu Zhanji turned around and said faintly, "let\'s go, bachelor Yang."

Yang Rong bowed to leave. Zhu Zhanji turned around and looked at him out of the warm Pavilion. He asked, "what does Xinghe Bo say?"

Yu Jia, who has been on the side, said: "Your Majesty, xinghebo said he was just a deterrent. He mainly watched the means of the two princes... He just... Watched the play."

"Going to the theatre?"

Zhu Zhanji laughed and said, "both Duke Ding and Duke Cheng know about this. He suddenly went to Yanzhou house to scare them. Where is he now?"

Yu Jia looked strange and said, "Yanzhou house shook, and then Shandong shook. All places were frightened by Xinghe Bo. He was honest. Xinghe Bo has returned to Hejian house, and the memorial should arrive immediately."

Later, a memorial came. Zhu Zhanji read it carefully, and then ordered: "let the East factory monitor the connection between the Beijing official and Shandong. If there is anything wrong, take it!"

Yu Jia answered, and then sent someone to the east hall to give orders.


Sun Xiang left without any nostalgia to guard the mausoleum for emperor Ren.

After taking over the East Hall, Anlun was silent for a few days. Just when everyone thought he would make a low-key start, Anlun made a bold move and took two Beijing officials.

Naturally, the evidence was prepared long ago, but the torture was carried out simultaneously. Even the people in the East Hall felt frightened when they heard the scream.

In the torture room, Anlun, carrying a whip, panted and stared at the prisoner tied to the wooden post,

The prisoner\'s body is covered with all kinds of scars. The most numbing thing is the dense red dots. Each red dot means that he has suffered a suffering.

The man with intact face trembled in despair and shouted, "the sinner has been recruited! All have been recruited. If there is any deception or omission, I am willing to die late..."

Anlun stopped breathing, a touch of gloom floated on his simple and honest face and said, "Wang Shoudao, you have a good idea and explained your corruption, but do you think our family will take you only for corruption?"

The criminal shook his head, gasped, looked up and said, "father-in-law, the sinners have explained..."

Anlun shook his head, walked slowly over, looked down at the criminal and said, "you used to be an official in Fujian. Tell our family... Get out!"

Anlun glanced back, and several torture experts in the room bowed down and retired.

With a squeak, the door was closed, the room was dark, and the smell of blood and urine became stronger and stronger.

The criminal bit the tip of his tongue and boosted his spirit that he would faint at any time.

This is the last moment!

From yesterday, Anlun personally punished him, as if he were carving a treasure.

So when Anlun\'s eyes turned on him, the criminal begged: "father-in-law, sinners... What do you want? Sinners are willing..."

"Our family won\'t be forced into action. You think too much!"

"When Yan Dajian was still in Fujian, you were there, and you had a close relationship with him. Wang Shoudao, come on, the evidence of Yan Dajian\'s corruption... We want this and give it..."

Anlun stroked Wang Shoudao\'s cheek and said softly, "say it, our family will keep you safe..."

Wang Shoudao\'s body was trembling, but he didn\'t dare to avoid the white fat hand.

White fat hands stroked his face, and the sound was like temptation from hell.

"Go ahead and tell our family... You will be rewarded..."

Wang Shoudao slowly looked up and met the evil look in his eyes. He said in horror: "father-in-law, Yan Dajian is corrupt! Yes, he is corrupt and likes playing with women. He has played a lot..."

He felt the light hand on his cheek and left with joy.

Anlun stood up straight and sighed, "you\'re fine..."

"Father in law, sinners can still..."

Wang Shoudao recommended himself happily, almost incoherent


With a sigh, Wang Shoudao couldn\'t help raising his head, and then saw the madness in Anlun\'s eyes

"You bastard! You son of a bitch who deceived us!"

Anlun rushed over and grabbed Wang Shoudao.


The people outside the prison were far away. When the screams of those different people came out, they all muttered with admiration.

"My father-in-law\'s punishment is really unique!"

"Listen, listen! Who can make someone so painful when we use punishment?"

"Yes! It sounds like being thrown into endless hell, endless suffering..."


The scream stopped suddenly!

Anlun\'s face was flushed and he got up from Wang Shoudao, who was blue and purple and full of blood marks.

He was flushed and panting like a cow, but there was more despair in his eyes, which had never been before.

"Who? Who?"

Wang Shoudao looked at Anlun with crazy eyes. He thought he must have met a madman!

"... the East Hall governor... Is a madman!"

Anlun gasped, squatted slowly on the ground and murmured, "Yan Dajian can\'t play with women. I know, our family knows he doesn\'t like playing with women! My family..."

The hatred in Anlun\'s eyes frightened Wang Shoudao. The sharp pain from his body frightened him. He hissed: "father-in-law, sinners are willing to say anything..."

I\'ll tell you what confession you want. Don\'t say it\'s corruption and playing with women. Even if it\'s said that Yan Dajian\'s rebellion is no problem!

Anlun gradually laughed.

He stood upright and laughed.

Laughter is like a owl, with a shrill voice.

Wang Shoudao felt wrong. He struggled and shouted, "sinners are willing to obey the law! Sinners are willing to go overseas..."

"Ho ho ho..."

With a sharp smile, Anlun went to the edge of the torture tool shelf, reached out and picked up a small knife, and then turned around.

There was a smile on his face, simple and honest.

His steps were steady and came gradually.

The pace was like a devil, which made Wang Shoudao\'s heart jump wildly.

"Help! Help..."

"Help, Anlun killed!"

People outside looked at each other, and then someone said with a smile: "father-in-law, is this a means to suppress the bottom of the box? It scared the Wang Shoudao out of a woman\'s voice."

"Help... Ah..."

The sound inside was really like a woman\'s scream, and then it was like a chicken with its throat cut.

A brave man wanted to go and listen, but he was held by someone.

The man who pulled him whispered, "father-in-law, it\'s your turn to eavesdrop? You want to die!"

The man whispered, "my heart is itchy. I want to know what means my father-in-law used to make people so crazy."