Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2089

"Fang woke up to Yanzhou and Yanzhou was silent!"

"Yes, he was wandering outside, but he suddenly went to Yanzhou. I heard that Zhu Yong also went, which is not reassuring!"

"What does Yanzhou have?"

In the quiet room, two men sat opposite each other, with two cups of tea on the table.

The man with deep legal lines on the left said coldly: "he did so many killings in Jinan last time. Now what did Wang Changcao do to see the Ming Pao? He was so proud. Zhu Yong took those who went to make trouble. Tell me, what\'s in here?"

The man opposite him had a red mole between his eyebrows. The man closed his eyes as if he hadn\'t heard him.

They breathed quietly.

"Zhu Yong, including Zhang Fu, regard themselves as Confucian children..."

The man with red mole didn\'t open his eyes, but whispered: "they have great martial arts and amazing family background. Why should they condescend to Confucianism? They are just frightened by the huge and deep-rooted Confucianism. They are afraid of being suspected, so they take the initiative to turn to Confucianism..."

The man on the left sighed slightly and said, "but Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong began to stay away in recent years. Why? Fang Xing..."

The man with the red mole held his abdomen with both hands and said faintly: "it has nothing to do with Fang Xing. Fang Xing is just an introduction. The key is that starting from Emperor Wen, the royal family\'s attitude towards Confucianism is somewhat ambiguous, and the important officials in the court can\'t restrain it, so Zhang Fu will naturally abandon us. This is the grass of the wall and fall with the wind."

"The royal family, the emperor is the key, and Fang Xing is only the introduction."

"Fang Xing..."

The legal tattoo man sighed: "you underestimated his role. Emperor Wen looked coldly at him and influenced TAISUN at that time, and then gradually led him into the court. Gradually, he won the trust of Emperor Wen through expedition. So far... Science!!!"

The man\'s breath suddenly shortens, and the man with red mole sighs, "yes! Now there are scientific books everywhere. It is said that reading can be self-taught, which has led to the gradual prosperity of private schools and social studies."

The room was silent again. I don\'t know how long later, the red mole man said faintly: "that Wang Shang... How brave!"


The base of Jianming daily is in a yard in Jinan City, next door is the printing place.

Wang Chang is very busy. He not only has to review the manuscript, but also has to review the finished products. He is very busy.

Wang Zhi followed the helper and made special contact with the outside world. Seeing that his father was busy, he advised him to have more rest.

But Wang Chang flatly refused, and drank Wang Zhi with a pile of great principles.

He found that his body was full of strength. He got up early every day, had breakfast in a hurry, came here, and then began to patrol everywhere

He began to review the manuscript, read it word by word, and then deliberated paragraph by paragraph.

After reviewing the manuscript, he will drink a cup of hot tea and rest for a quarter of an hour.

Later, Wang Zhi will come in and tell him about the distribution of Di Bao and all kinds of feedback from the outside world.

"... the article on taxation in the last issue was refuted, saying that it misled the king and seduced the people. There would be no time for tax equalization in the world. If so, the world would be in chaos."

"The article on the origin of Confucianism caused a sensation. Scholars everywhere are arguing. There are all kinds of opinions. Some people say that this is to disturb the treachery within Confucianism. Some people say that the article has some truth, but it should be refuted..."

Wang Chang listened and said, "taxes... Should have been paid, otherwise everyone would have sought that privilege. No matter how innovative, it will be empty."

"As for the origin of Confucianism, there is nothing to debate. It is just that the article commented on the rise and fall and role of Confucianism in the past dynasties, which triggered a big debate. However, this is a good thing. There is only hope for innovation when there is debate."

Wang Zhi hesitated and said, "father, innovation... You mean..."

Wang Chang nodded and said, "yes."

Wang Zhi disagreed with this view. "Father, there is no great scholar who can call on scholars all over the world. Innovation... Impossible!"

Wang Chang Fuxu said, "you are still young."

Wang Zhi smiled bitterly and touched several white hairs hanging from his temples, but he dared not object.

"Science is pressing step by step. People with long-term vision see a terrible future. Science will spread spontaneously among the people. In the future..."

Wang Chang said faintly, "whose layout is this? After those Confucian children have learned science and have no preferential treatment, who wins and who loses?"

When Wang Zhi thought of this possibility, he couldn\'t help but say in horror: "plus those omnipresent scientific children, father, there are countless people who have taught themselves science now, and in the future..."

Wang Chang nodded and said, "you should know?"

Of course, Wang Zhi knew, so he was frightened and uneasy. Then he thought that his family was working under the hands of the founder of science, so he didn\'t know sadness or joy.


The development of science is shocking, but it has nothing to do with the palace.

Shandong thoroughly investigated the preferential treatment of gentry, which is only a corner of the huge country of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor is still dealing with political affairs, and the political assistants are still conscientiously assisting.

In the summer wind, there are more and more people patrolling everywhere to prevent fire.

The heat made Xiao Fang lose his vitality, so when the wind brought some cool, he got up from Wan Wan\'s feet and went outside the door.

The wind blew from the outside, blowing the branches and leaves, blowing the hair on Xiaofang. It shook its tail happily and ran back in.

By the window sat a girl with her cheeks in her hands, lying on the table, staring blankly at a bird combing its feathers outside the window.

Xiao Fang stopped. He looked at Wan Wan with his head tilted and sobbed.

Wan Wan slowly turned her face, glanced at Xiao Fang, and then asked, "where is it?"

Xiao Fang looked at Wan Wan puzzled and sobbed again.

The girl sighed, then turned back and continued to look out of the window.

"Princess, the Empress Dowager calls."

Someone came in outside the door. Wan Wan got up and went into the bedroom, stretching out her hands.

A palace maid came to untie her dress belt, and her clothes fell down


When the Empress Dowager arrived, Hu Shanxiang and his two children were there.

The Empress Dowager was teasing with corn in her arms. When Wan Wan came in, she saw that she was a little tired, so she said, "spring is sleepy and autumn is tired. You should move more to avoid dozing all day."

"Aunt Wan Wan is lazy," she shouted

Hu Shanxiang said angrily, "nonsense."

Wan Wan smiled, then sat on the edge of Duan Duan and asked, "can Duan Duan cook?"


End to end shook his head, and then said curiously, "aunt Wan Wan, can you do it?"

Wan Wan nodded, and the Empress Dowager said with a smile, "wasn\'t the garden where your aunt Wan Wan lived? The cooking smoke frightened many people and thought the palace was on fire!"

Wan Wan frowned and complained, "empress mother, don\'t let Duanduan know this, otherwise the emperor brother will have a headache in the future."

The queen couldn\'t help laughing happily. She was puzzled by Duan Duan, and then asked Hu Shanxiang.

Hu Shanxiang only heard about it. She glanced at Wan Wan and said, "your aunt Wan Wan was very good at cooking. If you want to learn, you often go to see your aunt Wan Wan."

These are the black history of Wan Wan in those years. She quit immediately and made a mess with Hu Shanxiang.

She went to the Empress Dowager and begged her to tell herself.

"You know when you often go. Your aunt Wan Wan will cook delicious food for you, greedy girl."

Wan Wan was so bored that she worried the Empress Dowager a little, so she asked Duanduan to often go with her, which was also a pastime.