Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2079

"Have you been promoted?"

Du Qian was looking at the carriage going away. When he heard the speech, he subconsciously said, "it\'s just the Secretary of Dali temple..."

"It stinks. I think it offends people. They specially made these pickled things to disgust him."

"Yes! It\'s just that those people of the five cities army and horses Department look as sad as dead parents?"

"Who knows! Maybe those two people are different."

"Don\'t step on it! Tut tut! It\'s full of dung and maggots. Stay away."


People come and go around, and voices float away.

"The officer is wrong."

Du Qian was prepared not to apologize, but his performance today was a little too much. Fang Xing didn\'t slap him to death, even if it was a face for Zhu Zhanji.

Those people who watched lost the excitement. When someone saw Fang awake, they began to whisper.

Instantly, in the hearts of these people, Fang Xing\'s suspicion rose to more than 90%.

Du Qian also thought so, so he looked at Fang Xing.

These are deep eyes.

His eyes are not big, even narrowed.

But when the eyes turned slightly and stared at Du Qian, there seemed to be light exploding at the bottom of the eyes.

This is killing!

Du Qian was surprised and subconsciously flashed to the side.

Fang Xing\'s eyes didn\'t catch up, but looked forward, and his killing intention became stronger and stronger.

Just ahead, a man trotted forward.

And Xin Laoqi just left near Fang Xing.

Du Qian was relaxed and was about to ask who the man was. Fang woke up but said coldly, "kill him!"

"Yes, sir."

Fang woke up and walked out of the knife and Fang Wu. They quietly touched the past.

Du Qian\'s face was slightly white, just like the white fish belly before dawn.


Talking about murder in front of the Dali Temple Secretary... Du Qian, who has not taken office yet, feels a little inappropriate, and

"The man and the three people who splashed dung passed by before, stayed for a moment and said a few words."

The knife had approached the man from the side. The man suddenly looked back and ran away.

At this time, the crowd is scattered, which is the time of mixing.

The man rushed into the crowd, only a few times, Fang woke up and lost his trace.

But the knife kept chasing, and Fang Wu circled around from the right.

What did the man say?

How did Fang Xing know?

"He said... Do it now!"

Fang woke up and followed him quickly. Du Qian stood in place and thought about it. Finally, he entered the palace.

He just thanked for leaving the palace, so when he arrived at the Qianqing palace, Zhu Zhanji asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, someone just now..."

At this time, the informant also arrived, and Du Qian gave way to the side.

"Your Majesty, those two people were attacked just now..."

"... fecal water and maggots, they were not injured, but rather pickled..."

Zhu Zhanji twitched at the corners of his mouth. The ministers below were a little uneasy, and there was a retch from time to time.

"... the soldiers of the five cities are chasing the three people, but Xing Hebo is present. His servants seem to be chasing someone."

Du Qian went to the middle and said, "Your Majesty, xinghebo\'s servants found a man with strange whereabouts and have chased him, but maybe that man... I\'m afraid he can\'t live."

Fang Xing\'s killing heart is so heavy!

Yang Rong felt that Fang Xing\'s means were dangerous. He ignored the law and was suspected of contempt for the king.

Zhu Zhanji sighed softly. His voice was very light, but it came a long way from the quiet hall.

Everyone was awe struck and knew that the emperor was afraid to be angry.

Zhu Zhanji patted the chair and said, "those uncles and nephews acted recklessly!"

This is from the nature of the emperor!

——Two people in your family suddenly came to the capital and ran around. What do you want to do?

Du Qian was so excited that he suddenly said, "Your Majesty, can you let someone scold you, or let people know the attitude of the court..."

Zhu Zhanji nodded admiringly and said, "the purpose is to be..."

In the past, it was a pointed job to draw up the will, which could show his level of writing and show the gullies in his chest.

But today everyone hesitated. Finally, under Zhu Zhanji\'s cold eyes, Yang Rong had to come out and take over the important task.


On the street, as the sun gradually rose, the crowd began to disperse on both sides and quickened their pace.

The pace of the knife is not big, and the range is very small, but the speed is very fast.

He just turned his eyes slightly and hurried to the left.

At the same time, Fang Wu came from the right side of the intersection in front. He stood in the middle of the cross, turned slowly, and then went straight ahead.

The knife saw him, but it didn\'t stop, but it was a little faster.

Fang Wu followed him closely, one in front of the other.

There is a dead end ahead. There are only three people in front

Fang Wu suddenly accelerated, came out from the side of the knife, then blocked in front of him, and blocked the sharp sight of the sudden turn.


The man who turned back said a few words in a hurry. The two companions around him immediately turned around and came over with a ferocious smile.

Fang Wu\'s eyes narrowed slightly and said hurriedly, "three people, about."

Then he pulled out his long knife.

The three big men on the opposite side did not move in the middle, but were observing the left and right walls.

The left and right big men came at a fast pace. What they held in their hands was an iron chain.

As the distance drew closer, the two chains began to dance.

The sound of sobbing was approaching, and Fang Wu\'s eyes twinkled. When the other party approached ten steps, he suddenly bowed his head.

He wants to run?

The two men were stunned, and then saw a figure jumping behind Fang Wu.

People in the air, the right hand of the knife waved.

As soon as the throwing knife was sent out, Fang Wu rushed up with a tiger roar.

The knife flashed, and the man on the left got a knife in his throat. The chain is still dancing according to inertia, then wrapped around his wrist, arm, and finally

The man on the left fell to the ground, and the man on the right was timid because another flying knife appeared in the right hand of the knife.

Fang Wu hurried forward. The man subconsciously waved his knife and raised his left hand to block the knife.

But the knife just raised his hand and rushed to the man who remained in place.

He rushed from the side of the man on the right, and Fang Wu\'s long knife waved at the same time.

Blood splashed behind him. The man in front changed his face and shouted, "little..."

The Throwing Knife flashed and the knife slowed down.

The man covered the flying knife inserted in his throat and staggered towards the knife.

There was no accident with the knife. He walked over. When the man loosened his right hand and was shakily ready to grab his neck, he quickly held the knife and pulled it out

Turning around, listening to the sound of the human body falling to the ground behind him, the knife said unhappily, "brother five, why don\'t you live?"


"This is orthodoxy and a struggle for interests."

Masu came and didn\'t look good.

"Did the officials give you a look?"

This is a teahouse. Shen Shitou has come, but he didn\'t find a chance to talk.

Masu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said frankly, "they said you did it again, but the disciple knew you wouldn\'t repeat a method."

Fang woke up and smiled until the chair beside him, "you sit too."

Shen Shitou sat down and said bitterly, "Xinghe Bo, you certainly didn\'t do this, but who did it? There\'s a lot of noise outside. Your majesty is not happy. You need to find out who\'s behind..."

"No need to check!"

Fang woke up and took a sip of tea and said, "it\'s not a state affair, it\'s just orthodoxy, or personal grievances. There\'s no need to bring it to your majesty... Your majesty doesn\'t need to care about these... Private affairs..."