Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2078

The atmosphere is gradually changing.

"It\'s a little strange!"

North of the city, in a room, three people.

"Don\'t those people know the taboo? Who dares to go swaggering to see the family? And still pay a visit!"

The man sitting in the chair sneered: "those uncles and nephews are stupid. They really think everyone is respectful to his family!"

The man in the left hand smiled and said, "many people are skeptical, but... Will it be their bitter meat trick?"

There was a cold breath in the room.

"Since the family said it would close its doors, what are the uncles and nephews doing in Beiping? Coming to Beiping at this time is... Vortex!"

"Will they not know?"

The man in the left hand sneered: "it\'s taboo to come to Peiping. Some people visit and dare to go to fangjiazhuang to see that person. What\'s this? This is Dala!"

The man on the right said in a deep voice, "well, I\'m still guessing whether they made the bitter meat trick. I originally wanted to annoy Fang Xing and annoy him. But who knows that Fang Xing\'s hand is black and almost killed them."

The man on the throne scoffed: "that is, Fang Xing saw through their purpose and simply pushed the boat along the river, but it still needs to be done. It\'s lively. Although cleaning up the fields has little to do with us, it\'s good to see the excitement."

The man in the left hand said blankly, "King Zhao is shrinking now. I wish no one would think of him. Tell me, why did we talk to such a... Loser at the beginning?"

The three were silent for a long time. The man in the throne said, "now our life is good. It\'s a good thing that he left us, otherwise..."

The man on the right whispered, "are we still wading in the muddy water?"

The man on the throne flashed hatred in his eyes and said, "in those years... Zhu gaosui escaped, but where is our family?"

The two men both showed hatred. The man on the left rubbed his eyes and said, "he got away, and our family was taken as a scapegoat..."


A group of cavalry stormed out of Peiping city.

This is to Shandong. In the middle is a eunuch

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building!

The uncles and nephews also came out.

A carriage, the coachman is still the man.

The sun was shining, but the man in royal clothes felt that Beiping city was covered with clouds at the moment.

The middle-aged man lay in the carriage. Whenever the carriage shook, his eyebrows frowned.

"Second uncle, there\'s something wrong outside!"

The pedestrians on the street are in a hurry and seldom smile.

The soldiers of the five cities have stepped up patrols. The plain clothes of the East Hall and the royal guards are asking for information everywhere

"Master, it\'s the carriage, followed by the three people. There are some problems."

Xin Laoqi stood in front of Fang Xing\'s side and stared around vigilantly.

Fang Xing sneered, "it\'s none of our business. Whether those people want to fish in troubled waters or have evil intentions, we don\'t care!"

"Xinghebo, you don\'t want to kill everything, do you?"

Somehow Du Qian came out and smiled.

Fang Xing looked at him slightly, nodded and said, "Lord Du, this is not worth it?"

The carriage came slowly. Du Qian smiled and said, "Du just came out of the palace to thank you."


Fang Xinggong arched his hand. At least Du Qian was Zhu Zhanji\'s confidant when he hid in the mansion. Even if he didn\'t mean to be close to this person, he couldn\'t be less polite.

Du Qian\'s face was filled with a hint of complacency and said, "xinghebo is out shopping?"

Fang woke up and nodded, staring at the carriage passing in front of him.

The coachman was trembling all over. He stared at Fang Xing\'s every move with the rest of his eyes, sweating all over.

Du Qian also stared at Fang Xing\'s every move. He was worried that Fang Xing would explode again, and the situation would get out of control.

But Fang woke up but didn\'t move.

He bluntly smashed the uncles and nephews yesterday, but he just took advantage of the trend.

If you move again today, it\'s really... There\'s no bottom line.

So he just watched.

Du Qian felt bored. In addition, he had just been promoted to Secretary of Dali temple. He was in a good mood, so he arched his hands and prepared to go back to the Yamen.

"Take them!"

Suddenly there was a loud cry from the rear, and then more than ten people ran after the carriage with knives.

The three people behind the carriage had approached quickly. Two of them were holding the water bag. The plug had been opened and the things in it rippled out. The familiar taste surprised Du Qian and said, "it\'s fecal water..."

When the coachman heard the cry, he didn\'t dare to turn back or accelerate. He just stared around nervously.

If Fang xingruo is a shot, he turns back and doesn\'t report it, plus he doesn\'t know how to protect his master.

So when the two men lifted the curtain, the coachman still knew nothing.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man reluctantly looked up and saw two water bags shaking and shaking vigorously, and smelled the vomit of the Chinese people

Fecal water spilled all over the carriage. Then a third man rushed over. He opened a cloth bag and threw everything in it.


The three big men fled, and the people of the five cities army and Horse Department caught up. They approached the carriage in a panic and prayed that the uncles and nephews would be killed.



The car curtain was torn from the inside. There were many stains on the man in royal clothes, and some things crawled around his hair and body

He jumped out of the carriage and jumped like a madman.


He screamed, jumped and smelled. The little things were shaken off. A sergeant retched and said, "Sir, it\'s a dung bug!"

The so-called dung worm refers to that kind of maggot!

After a few retching, the officer in charge knew that he had escaped today, so he shouted, "go and have a look! Go and have a look!"

"One is from his highness King Zhao!"

Someone shouted at the side. The officer looked at it with murderous eyes. The man had already got into the crowd and disappeared.

Fuck NIMA! Actually brought King Zhao in!

What\'s the matter?

After Zhu Di died, although Zhu gaosui was forgiven by his eldest brother and returned to the fief. But everyone knows that what he is afraid of is not Zhu gaochi, but his nephew, his current emperor.

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, he had great respect for his two uncles, and naturally there were many rewards.

When they settled down, other vassal kings naturally settled down.

Zhu gaosui was dragged in, and it would be troublesome!

The officer took a hard look, then turned around, his throat surging up and down.

The middle-aged man is lying in the car. At the moment, his body is full of fecal water, and in the fecal water, those maggots are winding

That face was very calm. Even if some maggots crawled on it, the middle-aged man was still very calm.

His eyes lost their magic color, like a corpse lying in a carriage.


It was only a few breaths before Du Qian became angry and calmed down.

He looked at Fang and said, "this is bound to cause a sensation, xinghebo..."

Fang Xing\'s eyes were slightly cold. Du Qian gradually received his words, and then remembered that he could not compare with the man in front of him, whether in official position or with the emperor.

"What\'s the matter with Ben Bo? Do you think Ben Bo needs to hide his head and show his tail if he wants to move them?"

Fang Xing said this to be leery, but Du Qian could only bow his hand and apologize.

The man in royal clothes has taken off his clothes and asked the coachman to find an inn to get the car in.

Then he inadvertently saw Fang Xing.

"Fang Xing, you..."

"Shut up!"

The middle-aged man made a noise for the first time. The man in royal clothes quickly paid two idle men to clean up his second uncle, and then went all the way to the inn.