Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2080

In the palace, Zhu Zhanji drove everyone away, and only Shen Shitou told him.

"... Xing Hebo said that we should make a clear distinction between the country and the world. The trick they played belongs to a private struggle. He will certainly use private means to make those people cry."

"Xing Hebo said that we can\'t casually involve personal grievances into state affairs, which will only make things more troublesome..."

"Personal grievances..."

Zhu Zhanji said with a gloomy face, "who is it?"

Shen Shitou said, "Your Majesty, even Xinghe Bo doesn\'t know about it. He said that no matter what these things are, as long as they are found, killed, or the whole family immigrates..."

Zhu Zhanji suddenly smiled and said, "he\'s playing tricks. Don\'t live. He just wants to make it clear to those people that whoever does this again will be killed!"

The white outside the hall was dazzling. Zhu Zhanji got up and went out.

"Those people..."

Zhu Zhanji held the door side with unpredictable eyes.

"Too much!"


"There are too many people. It\'s too cumbersome to trace the source..."

Fang Xing stood upstairs in the teahouse and watched Shenyang suddenly appear in the middle of the street.

The scar on his face was less ferocious in the sun.

But those eyes had no temperature.

He stood in the middle of the intersection and looked slowly to the left and right.


His eyes shrunk and saw the smiling Anlun under the eaves on the right.

Anlun smiled at him, then nodded, and a wave of fans poured out behind him.

"Kill all!"

Anlun didn\'t know why the above order was issued, but he didn\'t have time to think about it.

Shenyang nodded coldly, and dozens of people poured out of the long street behind him.

In front of him, there were two rows of royal guards standing on the left and right behind him. The momentum immediately pressed down the East Hall.

"Kill all!"

Shenyang has figured out something. The reason for killing all of them shows that there are many people, many of whom can make people numb.

More, then kill, whoever takes the lead will kill!

This is a sign of impatience!

The royal guards behind him rushed into the intersection in front from both sides. The people in the east hall were stunned. An Lun\'s right cheek trembled slightly and said in a sharp voice: "go find them and kill them all!"

The fans of the East Hall rushed in at a trot.

The intersection is empty, leaving only Shenyang and Anlun!

"No business, close the door!"

After a sound of door panels on both sides, the depression.

The sun shines on the body, so hot that people can\'t open their eyes.

"Let\'s go first."

"Yes, but you can\'t."


Anlun sneered: "Grandpa sun is leaving soon. Shenyang, are you sure that the royal guards will start with the East factory?"

Shenyang squinted at the front, pulled the scar on his face and said, "call him sun Buddha. What does killing have to do with Buddha?"

Anlun sneered and said, "whose man are you?"

"Surround! Get out of East Hall! Brothers, surround here!"

"Shameless royal guards! Get out!"

"Why, do you want one?"

"Come on! Who\'s afraid of your royal guards! Come on! Copy the guy!"

Angry shouts came, but there was no sound of hands.

People on both sides are cheering up for their senior officials.

"The discord between the factory and the guard is not a blessing for the country and the dynasty!"

There was a constant search inside. No one shouted and screamed.


Du Qian, who came back, felt a little ashamed.

If you find a problem, go to the palace and report it immediately. It\'s no problem. It\'s politically correct.

But Fang didn\'t move!

Why didn\'t he send someone to tell the emperor?

It\'s because this matter is difficult. I\'m afraid I\'ll encounter a lot in the future.

Now to report is to throw the problem to the emperor and make him difficult

What about my responsibilities?

Fang Xing privately asked people to kill those people. This is to control things at the private level. Those civil servants who understand this meaning can only endure it for a while.

Clean up the farmland, abolish the preferential treatment of gentry... And even dig a big pit called one tax system.

These are contradictions that ignite contradictions and can make Daming collapse.


Du Qian was surprised: Fang Xing is carrying the pot!

But what am I doing?

"Chang Wei... Is a good name."

Shenyang in the middle of the road below had raised his hand, so the shouts disappeared.

"The royal guards gave way. Shenyang is good. They know that the overall situation is important and are not confused by the sweetness of power. What about you?"

Fang woke up and looked at Du Qian, then left the window.


Du Qian felt frightened and empty in his heart.

Fang Xing shook his head and took people downstairs.

Is this disdain or what do you mean?

Du Qian sneered nervously.

Do you want to say that I am in the camp of flies and dogs, only see the sweetness of power, but don\'t know to share the worries for the emperor?

Du Qian gradually became gloomy in his heart, and then gradually regretted it.

He kept his demeanor and went downstairs. He saw Fang Xing standing outside the gate, staring at Shenyang and Anlun.

Someone on the left was shouting wildly. Du Qian squeezed out from the side and saw two men being chased and killed by a group of Fanzi from the East Hall.

Shenyang and Anlun came together, but when they saw Fang wake up, they all bowed their hands and said hello.

Fang Xing frowned at them and said coldly, "whether you are true or false, don\'t miss it!"

No matter how embarrassed they were, Fang woke up, turned around and watched the two people run over quickly.

The shops in this area are closed, and every opening is blocked.

So when the two saw Fang Xing and one of them holding their hands in front, the fear caused by the killing they had seen earlier erupted.

The people of East Hall and royal guards don\'t talk nonsense after they catch people. They are not the leader. They directly stab the owl head and count with their head.

And they are not leaders, so once caught, they will die.

Dead is dead. How about dragging a cushion?

And the one on the back is

"Yes, Fang Xing..."

Two men with kitchen knives and firewood knives don\'t know whether to be surprised or desperate.

But Shenyang and Anlun were right behind Fang Xing. They didn\'t dare to sit and watch Fang Xing attack. Shenyang was the first to react and drew a knife and rushed at the two people.

Anlun didn\'t wear a knife. He had no choice but to follow up. Pray that Shenyang will never buy a flaw, and then let someone chop him.

The servants were all behind. They happened to meet worry free, who was picked up to enter the palace.


Fang woke up early and saw worry free, but his excuse when he went out in the morning was to go to Tongzhou to see the workshop, but now he was met in the street. He was a little embarrassed.

"Dad, you\'re lying!"

Carefree, who worshipped his father, was sad, broke away from mother Deng\'s hand, and then ran over quickly.


When Fang woke up and heard the cry, he had no choice but to turn back, then squatted down and stretched out his hands.

Behind him, the two men went crazy. One of them was chopped over by Shenyang, while the other took the opportunity to kick Anlun, and then rushed to Fang Xing in despair.


Worry free rushed into Fang Xing\'s arms and said wrongfully, "Dad, you cheat!"

Fang Xing awkwardly hugged her and said, "Dad, this is something. Do something that children can\'t see."

Worry free lay on his shoulder. He just saw a pair of fierce eyes, and then he was sideways.

"Children are not allowed to be curious about such things."

Fang Xing went to the carriage with worry free in his arms.

The bodyguards did not move, nor did the servants.

On the second floor of the teahouse, all the spectators gave a cry of surprise.

"Dad, is he a bad man?"

Worry free curiously wants to escape Fang Xing\'s cover to see the man. Fang Xing blocks her eyes directly with his hand and says with a smile: "be good."

"Dad... You bully people!"

Mother Deng came in a hurry, and Fang woke up and passed by. When Fang Xing pressed her worry free head on her chest, she gave a low cry and her body jumped up.

Just as the body jumped, a thin sword soared into the air.